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Seraf's Pov I lost track of time but I am very sure it must have been over an hour since Hayven had left me. I can still feel her warmth, the softness of her lips, and her beautiful blue eyes. She had stared at me with those eyes filled with love, and I couldn't have wished for more things in life. Hayven completes me. I want nothing more, nothing at all except her. However, I am worried. I am antsy too. Kauis is nowhere to be found after I have sent him to go inform my dad about my situation. I wonder why my dad is taking forever to bail me out. He only needs to say one word, and I'd be a free young man again. While I was pacing about, wondering what was going on outside the correction center walls, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. At once, I gaze up to see two silhouettes. One of an elderly man and the other of a young man. As they drew nearer, I was able to make out who they were. My Best friend, Kauis, and a security guard. " Seraf! " Kauis suddenly called as he rushed down to me. He took my hand and made an apologetic face. " Seraf I'm sorry for taking so long. The Alpha King wouldn't come so easily " " Come? " I repeated in surprise. " How do you mean? My Dad is here? " " Yes. He is waiting outside the correction center. He wanted to have a word with you " Upon hearing this, I swallowed the mysterious bile that had formed in my throat. My dad is here. I wonder why he had come to Shapeshifter College. The security guard bowed before me and informed me I could leave now, but I didn't pay him any attention. The fact that the Alpha King is out there held my tongue captivated. Kauis and I walked out together, and truth to his word, I saw the luxurious car already waiting. I recognize the figure in the backseat already before I go closer to it. My dad. " You should go. I will wait here," I heard Kauis say to me, and I nodded, almost reluctantly. I approach the car and open the backseat door. Even though I was aware of the students all gathering up to see what was going on, I took my time before entering the car. " Father," I greeted quietly, and he replied by turning towards me. His gaze was so intense that I felt my skin melting at it. " Get ready. You are going to your uncle's place in the human region on Sunday without fail. You will be his model and reflect on your attitude before returning. You got that? " My heart dropped at his order but I was helpless. I couldn't even make excuses. " Yes, Father," I mutter quietly while telling myself I'd find a way to inform the love of my life about my new schedule. " Get out of the car now. You nonserious excuse for a son " I bowed my head at his bitter words and alighted. Till the car drove out of sight, my head was bowed in respect. He is the Alpha King. He is my father. Okay! He is gone, finally and I am free. I straighten up to look ahead. The students of Shapeshifters College must have been setting eyes on me for the first time. Each who walked past would wait and gaze at me for a while before continuing on the way. " Where is Hayven? She visited me some hours ago. " I asked my best friend at last, and he rushed to my side. " You are right. She is currently in her room according to what Siren told me. She said Hayven isn't feeling too good after her return from the hospital... " Kauis was still speaking but I wasn't listening anymore. What has happened to her? Oh s**t! I should have stopped her by all means when she said she wanted to go. I rushed down to the female residents' hall that late afternoon and burst right into the building. " Seraf it's room 0028. Not there anymore," I heard Kauis yell out behind me, and I obeyed his words at once. I rush up towards the top floor and finally stop to regain my breath before room 0028. There is no one in the hall, but I can overhear the laughter and discussion from other rooms. I held up my hand and gave the door 0028 a knock. The seconds ticked by with no answer, so I decided to try again. When my knuckle was about to knock on the door again, Siren opened up and stood at the entrance. Her beautiful eyes stared back at me. " You are out," She said as a way of greeting, and I shrugged. " My freedom comes with a price. Move aside. I need to see my Mate," I told her, but she didn't budge, which made me raise my eyebrows in question. " She won't see you Seraf. I'm sorry " " How do you mean she won't see me? Move aside. We had a conversation earlier today " " And she returned from the hospital heartbroken. What did you do to her? " I nearly lash out at the mermaid before me. Who is she to stop me from setting eyes on Hayven? " Move aside, Siren. I won't repeat myself anymore " I warned. She must have been scared of my wrath because she stepped aside and gave me a room to pass by. Kauis was standing outside while I stepped in to see Hayven on her new small bed. She pretended to be reading but I knew her too well. That's only a facade. She must have heard Siren and I arguing a moment ago. " Babe, are you okay? " I asked softly just as I went to take her hand. She let me but the expression on her face makes me curious. I felt bad when the tears welled up in her eyes and then trailed out sorrowfully. Her face was laced with guilt and regrets. She must have known I was innocent after all, and yes, she couldn't find a way to forgive herself for it. For being cruel to me. I sighed in relief and frustration too. Relieved that she finally knows the truth and frustrated that it will take a while to calm her down. I take my seat just beside her bed and reach out to her face with my thumb which I use in dabbing her tears away. " I would do the same if I were in your shoes, Hayven. No, I will do more than what you did " I told her. " You are mine. If you dare undress before any other man I'd go more berserk than you. I will break up with you right that moment without even looking back. You know I will, right? " She didn't reply. She only continues to cry silently. Her pitiful sight broke my heart and shattered it into millions of pieces. " Come on, babe. I hate to see you cry. Hayven? Hayven? " I called her softly but she won't respond. Then I inserted my forefinger to her chin and exerted just enough pressure to force eye contact. " Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I understand your plight. I know why you did all those things, and I'm ready to forgive you, so please, please stop crying, hmm? " This time, she pulled away from me and bowed her head. When I make another attempt to touch her, she takes another step back. I sighed in misery now and then nodded. " I will wait for you Hayven. You know I will " After these soft words, I get up to my feet, take a gentle glance at her one more time, and walk out of the room.
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