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Hayven's Pov Bastiano. The name keeps echoing in my head. I wouldn't believe it without evidence. So I thought but the sincerity in Seraf's eyes couldn't be ignored. He is holding onto me very tenderly, possessively, protectively, and at once, I felt a pang of guilt. It was as though I had been punched in my gut. In a swift moment, I moved away from him, my vision going blurry with tears. My inner thought tells me it's too early to start shedding tears of regret and guilt. If Seraf turns out to be innocent in all that is happening I wouldn't be able to look at him straight in the eyes ever. I moved quickly away from him, trying to find solace in myself and to steady my heart which is now swaying. " Bastiano isn't capable of doing all this, Seraf. You shouldn't suspect your twin brother " All these words were said with me hiding, almost fleeing from him, and he kept quiet. He didn't move an inch from where he stood for a while, not until I turned to him to see he was staring at me as though I was some sort of goddess. " I'm sorry, honey " He apologized unexpectedly. " I'm sorry you have to go through all this. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you and make you happy " His soft words, his loving gaze, and his gentle act almost make me go mad. I wanted to believe his words so badly, but if that was the case, then I would have to live with regret and guilt for the rest of my life. I take a step back from him, my eyes unable to look at him anymore. " I have to visit Estelle in the hospital. I need to meet her " " No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. My Dad will send his words soon and I will be released from here. Till then Hayven please stay in your room " " No! " I firmly disagree. He shouldn't worry about me. I am not someone he was supposed to worry about. " Hayven I can't let you go to her alone. She's... I think she's poisoned. When I saw her last night it was ... " He shut his eyes as though to block the unpleasant memories. Seconds later, he took a step before me, his hands extending, but I moved away from him, and he stopped. " Whoever did that to her is horrible. I don't want you to go there at all, not to mention going alone " " That's the more reasons I have to go. If anything happens to her, I will never forgive myself, and somehow, I felt each second that ticked by means a lot to Estelle. I am her roommate. I have the right to show up at her hospital room " " Hayven ... " He wanted to protest again but stopped midway when he saw I couldn't be persuaded. His head bowed seconds later. " I ... I will be careful, " I assured him, and he looked up slowly after hearing my words. His eyes were laced with so many emotions. He loves me, and it's intense. I can tell just by gazing at him. This makes me scared. I don't know why but I feel scared at how much he loves me. When he took a step forward to me, I couldn't find the strength to walk away. His eyes seem to have kept me captivated. When he closed in on me with his hands circling my waist, I couldn't resist. He is, After all, my mate. " Estelle is in my father's hospital. WH. I will come to you once I get out of here, so be careful, okay? " He whispers into my hair before placing a kiss on it. I didn't bother to reply. The words have clogged up in my throat, making me unable to part my lips for words. I walked out of the dim room immediately, bursting outside while exhaling heavily. For some moments there, I couldn't breathe. Seraf seems to be the innocent one. What if he turns out to be? What if ... What if I had been cruel to him when, in fact,t, he wasn't at fault? I shake my head in the negative. No, I won't believe any words of any parties until I set my eyes on the real truth. I rushed out of the college and hailed a taxi. When I settled in the backseat, I told the driver. " WH " " Sure " The journey wasn't too far, but to me, it seems longer than it appears. When the taxi finally stopped before the hospital, I rushed out after paying the driver. At the entrance of the hospital, I stopped to suck on my breath. Estelle. I have to meet her. With renewed strength, I walked into the large building and approached the receptionist's desk. They were friendly and professional. When I asked about Estelle's room, they gave me an entry and an easy direction immediately. " Thank you, " I appreciated as I left their desk. I headed towards my former best friend's hospital room, and the more I got closer to it, the more scared I was. At long last I stop before her door. There is no one around which came to me by surprise. I was expecting her parent to be there but they were not. They are not. I gently pushed the door open and walked in. There, on the bed, I saw Estelle again. She is lying on the bed, but she isn't as I have remembered her to be. Estelle's head was covered all in bandage and her lips were pale. Her face lifeless. The low beeping of the monitor beside her was what told me she was still alive. The words of Seraf echo in my head at that moment and I suddenly felt weak. Yes, she is poisoned. I can feel it.
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