1380 Words
Hayven's Pov " Hayven! Hayven!! " Last night has been hell for me. I have been down with a small fever and cold. Now that I was supposed to be having a peaceful morning time since it's Thursday, My new crazy roommate won't let me be. I forced my eyes open but still lay on the bed, feeling tired, when Siren burst into the room. Her eyes wide open in terror. " You need to come out now, Hayven. It's Seraf " I flinched. Yes, I know I am done with him and all but wait. What are these vulnerable feelings I am now experiencing? Oh no. My mate. " What happened to me? Where is he? Speak up, siren. What is going on with him? " I didn't notice I was already in a panic. I break up with Seraf doesn't mean I wouldn't worry about him. What in the hell has he gotten himself into now? " Before you go to Seraf I think you should see Bastiano first. It's all over the college. You should go to the school infirmary. Go " I took Siren's words without any hesitation. I didn't bother to tidy up my hair. I only put on my shoes and jacket and then ran out, heading towards the school infirmary. On my way, I came across only a few students. This is odd. Shape Shifters is known for its numerous students. Where are they now? It's already morning. They ought to be heading to class. My curiosity, my confusion, and suspicions were satisfied when I emerged at the School Infirmary. There I saw the endless crowd. The students all stood before the building that The Alpha King had donated. I pushed through the crowd for some seconds but they parted the way for me when I was noticed. I am the college princess. The heartthrob of Serafino Stero after all. " Bastiano. I need to see him. " When I got to the entrance, I said to the nurse, and she led me at once into a room. There, on the bed was Bastiano. His face was covered in bruises. My heart dropped this time, and I wondered what was going on. He was staring into the blank space. His expression sad and dejected. I emerge further into the room, and he looks up to me. Then he smiled, softly at me. " Hayven, you are here," He said, but I could only barely nod. I looked around, searching for him. The one I hated but also still love. " What happened, Bastiano? Where is ... Seraf? " I asked, unable to help myself. " Really? " He questioned and I swallowed hard. His eyes angry for some moments. " You wouldn't worry about me but that murderer? " " Murderer? Wait what? " I scoffed, almost laughing out loud. " Oh come on. Who died? Who is a murderer? " I saw Bastiano's lips give way to a Sinister smile just as he started speaking. " Seraf was caught last night having in his mini house which turns out to be his hideout with Estelle " " What are you talking about? How do you mean caught? " " After the brawl at the library last night, I have the feeling Seraf will be up to something, so I decided to follow him from behind. That was how I made it to his mini house without him knowing " " How do you mean? He is a werewolf. He would have picked up your scent " " No, Seraf can't perceive any scent. He has the ability a while back. I followed him to his mini house and ... " " And you tried to save Estelle from him but she died during you guys brawl. That is how you sustain your injuries, right? " I finished for him, and he nodded hesitantly. " Yeah... You got the whole story. How come? " I didn't bother to answer. How I know the whole story without being told is how I know Bastiano is aware of Seraf's inability to perceive scent, and he couldn't tell me. He had just slipped and I caught him red-handed. The thought of breaking up with Seraf when he is innocent makes me feel nauseous and I staggered on my feet. Bastiano rushes to hold me, but I pull away from his hands. Estelle. Estelle. " Where is Estelle? " I suddenly asked. " She is rushed to the hospital. We haven't heard anything about her health since then " " And Seraf? " " Hayven why are you asking about him when ... " " He is still my Mate! " I snapped at him. " Where is he? " My vision has already gone blurry. My own life, the whole words I have thought to be true might not be After all. This made me scared, and I felt miserable. When I looked up to Bastiano, he had a frown on his face, and I felt the dark aura from him. I might be mistaken though. I might be. " He is held in the correction center " I didn't waste any more moment. I took a step forward towards the exit, but Bastiano's voice came, stopping me. " He is a murderer, Hayven. Believe me " " He is not a murderer " I responded, my voice firm. " He might have been a cheater but I know Seraf. He would never have killed Estelle. Besides Estelle isn't dead yet. It's early to brand your twin brother as a murderer, Don't you think? " I rushed out before he could say any more hurtful words about my mate. The correction center isn't far from the School Infirmary. When I emerged outside of the building, The crowd all rushed down to me, wishing to have answers to their questions and taunts, but I left them all behind. The only one I wish to meet now is Seraf. His words count, and this time, I plan on believing anything he says. " Can I meet with Seraf, please? I won't take long " I said to the guard there. He took a long glance at me and then nodded. I was escorted into a small dim room where I was asked to sit on a wooden chair. Minutes pass by, and at last, He emerges. Serafino Stero. I swiftly get up to my feet. My eyes teary at his state. I felt the slight changes in him when he walked ahead to stand before me. Silence fell between us when we were alone and I wonder what he'd do. What he'd say. Will he make excuses? " Seraf... " " I did " He cut me off. " I kill her " " What? " " I did. I murdered her after using her. You obviously wouldn't believe any words I said now. Would you? You never trust me. Ever! " I took a step backward in fear and sorrow. The truth slamming me in the face. I wonder what exactly is going on. Why have we come down to this? For what purpose and for who? " I know you are innocent, Seraf. I might not trust you when you claim you never cheated me, but this time, I trust you. I know you didn't kill Estelle. I know you do not " I saw his expression fall. He was taken aback. I can tell he never expected those words from me. For some moments, I wondered what he'd do, and my curiosity was answered when he closed in on me and kissed me. That familiar valor that comes with possession and hunger overwhelmed me. He is a dangerous young man. I know, but I have put a leash on him, which is called love. I have tamed him, but I know he'd let himself loose at any time. Seraf held me so close to himself. His body warming up to me. When he pulled away at last, he stared deep into my eyes and muttered those words I never thought I'd heard. " It's Bastiano, Hayven. It's him behind all this. I know he hated me but ... But why to this extent? Why? "
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