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Seraf's Pov I can't believe she never called. Not even once. I sat silently in my large bedroom, checking my call logs. The ones I have missed are many. Kauis called me the most. My coach, my sponsor, who I modeled for, and some other few friends. Estelle called me twice, too, but none was from Hayven. I tossed the cell phone on my large bed as I buried my face into the hollow of my palm. It seems she is done with me after all. Sadness overwhelmed my soul and I felt like shedding tears. How could she? How could she not be worried about me not showing up to school for three days? Did she hate me that much now? Is this the end of the love we have once shared? The vow we have taken? The delirious night and days of passion we have shared? I met and loved her at first sight, even before knowing she was my mate. I felt she was my missing rib, so I cut off my wayward lifestyle to suit her. I am so ready to do anything for her but... In the end, she couldn't give me a chance, let me explain. I was deep in sorrow that evening when a call came through. I quickly answered, thinking it might be Hayven but it wasn't. " Hi? Seraf? " The melodious voice called, and I frowned. " Who is this? " " Oh, I am Your new Partner in Mr Train's assignment. If you are free enough, can we meet at the library tonight to discuss it? " " Okay " " Alright. Thank you " She said other words but I have already disconnected. I set down the cell phone now to stare at it. The feeling of being abandoned wrenched my heart apart. Is this the end of me and Hayven? I was deep in this thought when I heard my door open and close. I couldn't perceive the scent, but I knew who had entered. I turned my head slowly to see the elegant lady who had appeared. My mother, the Luna Queen. Outside the castle, she is the beloved, cheerful wife of the Alpha King, but inside, within the wall of the castle, she is bitter and quiet. Her words do not count, so she has learned to keep quiet. Sometimes, I pity her for falling for a man like my father, but then I dare not hate my father. He is, after all, the one who had brought me to the world. " Here, make sure you take your dinner and use the drugs," She said, extending me a pillbox. I looked down at it for some seconds and then nodded. " Thank you " She smiled warmly and then headed out without any words. When her fingers were wrapped around the doorknob, I stopped her to ask. " Mother ? " " Yes? " " Do you... Do you know how to win back a lady's heart? She thought I cheated on her " I saw my mother smile. This time very sincere. For a moment there she appears much alive than I have ever thought her to be. " The best way to win her back is by giving her the reason she is wrong to think you cheated her in the first place. Be remorseful, continue to care for her, and lastly, give her the evidence of which she'd believe your claim. That way I am sure she will love you more than ever " Yes. Wait a second, why didn't I think about this before? I look up at my mother with my face lit up in so much glee. " Oh, thank you so much, Mother." I rush into her arms and kiss her on the cheek. " I love you " Without wasting more time, I rush out of my room, ready to return to school. I am so energetic now, filled with hope that I didn't notice my Dad was standing at the foot of the stairs. I race down and almost bump into him but my legs came freezing up in shock. Immediately I bow my head, paying my respects. " I am off to school Father" " Was that why you have forgotten your status? Was that why you are bouncing around like a nobody? " I closed my eyes, holding onto the last patient in me. The law my father had issues for both Bastiano and me was that we must carry ourselves with elegance and respect. The royalty in us must show in every way. " I apologize father. I lost myself seconds ago " I heard him grunt impatiently before he added. " Your uncle in the Human World has asked about you. He said he needed a Model for his new Medical products so he has ordered you to come over " At once I snapped up my head. Did I just hear him loud and clear? " Father you know I can't go to the Human region now. Venturing into that mysterious domain came at a steep cost. It renders me powerless. Have you forgotten my journey to the human region made me lose my ability to perceive scent? " Silence fell, and I realized when it was too late that I had made a grave mistake. I just question my father when I shouldn't. " Prepare Serafino. You are leaving on Sunday without fail " " Father ... " I wanted to beg, but he turned and left me standing. I felt like lashing out. Very slowly I look up to see my mother standing still, not daring to object. She has been like that. She has always been like that. I wonder why. Without more words, I turned and headed towards the exit. If I am to leave on Sunday then fine. But I have to try my best to win Hayven's heart before then. How will I do it? I don't know yet. I settled in my car and rode out of the large castle. A home of wealth but not joy. A palace of splendor, but a kingdom of sorrow. That's how it has been. That's the life I also live. A life of Luxury, yet a soul of Poverty.
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