Chapter 4

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OLIVIA I woke up to Ely's voice resonating around me, sensing his presence nearby. Gently, my eyes opened, and an astounding revelation struck me to the core. We lay unclothed in his bed. It was unfathomable. Could the events of last night truly have unfolded as my mind suggests? "Olivia, what the hell?!" Ely's voice sliced through the air, infused with anger. "I... I don't know what to say," I whispered, my cheeks ablaze with embarrassment. "This is a mistake! You should never have allowed me to touch you," he stated sharply, rising from the bed and reaching for his pants. Pain and confusion engulfed me. "What do you mean, a mistake? Ely, we have been the closest of friends for years. We have always been on each other's backs. And now you claim that what happened was a mistake?" "It was a mistake, Olivia. You took advantage of my vulnerability. I was intoxicated and distressed, and you seized the opportunity to take me into bed," he asserted, slipping on his shirt. Disbelief washed over me. "That's not true, Ely. I did not coerce you into anything. We both desired it. We were both hurt, seeking solace in one another," I argued, tears welling up in my eyes. "I need time to think," he murmured, averting his gaze. "You should leave me alone." Inhaling deeply, I endeavored to compose myself before uttering a response. "I did not take advantage of you, Ely. We were both under the influence, and it was you who initiated the kiss. We were fully aware of our actions." Ely shook his head, his voice filled with sadness. "I was in a vulnerable state, Olivia. I had just experienced a profound heartbreak at my wedding, and my mind was clouded. Emotions overwhelmed me, and I made hasty choices. It's not easy to admit, but you were there when I needed someone." His words pierced my heart, a mix of pain and confusion washing over me. "Ely, I would never intentionally hurt you. You're my best friend, and your well-being means the world to me. I could never take advantage of your vulnerability." There was a flicker of softness in Ely's eyes, though traces of anger lingered. "I need time to sort through my thoughts, Olivia. I'm unsure of my desires or the depth of my emotions. Right now, I simply need time alone." Nodding, I fought back tears, threatening to escape. "Of course, Ely. Take all the time you require. I'll respect your need for space." Slipping into my clothes, I left his penthouse, a whirlwind of hurt and confusion enveloping me. How could he perceive our actions as a mistake? Did he regret what happened between us? But he marked me. He was the first man in my life. Silently, I exited his place, my heart shattered and my mind in disarray. I struggled to fathom how Ely could doubt my intentions. The love I held for him surpassed any notion of manipulation or harm. Navigating the desolate streets, tears blurred my vision as I attempted to make sense of recent events. Ely's accusatory words reverberated within me, intertwining with my own sense of anguish and indignation. How could he accuse me of exploiting him when my sole desire was to provide solace? As I reached the entrance of my condominium building, I wiped away the traces of tears, gathering the strength to regain composure before stepping inside. Finding solace within the confines of my room, I sank onto the bed, tears cascading anew. Thoughts of Ely consumed me, the intensity of my affection undeniable. Yet, I couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that our actions of the previous night were a grievous mistake. I comprehended that Ely did not share my sentiments, and it was a fool's hope to believe that could ever change. Hours stretched before me as I lay there, the torrent of thoughts and emotions overwhelming. Fatigue eventually claimed me, leading to an unsettled slumber. In the ensuing days, Ely deliberately kept his distance, evading my attempts at conversation. Each encounter left me disheartened. I yearned for his presence, unwilling to sacrifice our friendship. Determined, I resolved to visit his penthouse and confront him. Knocking on the door, I waited with bated breath until Ely appeared. His surprise at seeing me quickly transformed into an icy demeanor. "What do you need, Olivia?" he questioned, crossing his arms defensively. "I want to talk with you, Ely," I responded, striving to maintain a composed tone. "We need to talk. Losing you as a friend is an outcome I cannot bear." Ely exhaled audibly, his posture reflecting a hint of vulnerability. "I'm uncertain if that is feasible, Olivia. I'm not sure if I can find forgiveness within me for the events that transpired." I experienced a sinking sensation within me upon hearing his words. "Please, Ely. Grant me an opportunity to make amends. I am willing to do whatever it takes to prove that I did not take advantage of you." Ely paused, contemplating the proposition before nodding slowly. "Alright, Olivia. I shall grant you a chance. But everything will be changed. We cannot maintain the same level of closeness as before. I love Talia, and despite her abandonment, I could never betray her." Though I yearned to convey that he wasn't betraying Talia, as she had left without explanation, I acknowledged his decision. My sole desire was to restore our equilibrium. "I understand, Ely. I shall strive to rectify our relationship in any way I can." From that point onward, Ely and I embarked on the path of rebuilding our friendship. It commenced arduously, marked by uncomfortable moments and lingering tension. Nevertheless, gradual progress ensued. We resumed spending time together, engaging in movie nights and sharing dinners. We even embarked on a weekend getaway to the beach, a retreat for the two of us. Remnants of the past emerged, and I felt a surge of gratitude for his presence in my life. However, despite the gradual mending of our friendship, an undercurrent of longing persisted whenever we were in each other's company. My love for him endured, even in the face of his unreciprocated sentiments. I recognized that I needed to move forward, to seek reciprocated love elsewhere. Yet, extricating myself from the hold Ely had over me proved to be an intricate task, one for which I had no clear solution.
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