Chapter 3

1270 Words
OLIVIA Wedding day I don't wish to attend Ely's wedding. I am deeply wounded, my heart in fragments. Within me, I hold the knowledge that Ely is destined to be my soulmate. Yet, he can never perceive me as such. To him, I am solely Olivia, his best friend. Ely's wedding day was meant to be a joyous occasion, but it transformed into utter chaos. I witnessed Ely standing at the altar, exuding elegance in his suit, eagerly awaiting Talia's entrance down the aisle. However, she never appeared. Hours passed, and still no sign of Talia. Bruce Watters, Talia's father, solemnly informed the gathering that his daughter would not be joining us. The guests were taken aback, and a sense of disappointment and tension permeated the atmosphere. I glanced at Ely, and his countenance crumbled. He appeared so wounded and crushed. As the attendees began departing from the ceremony, Ely succumbed to tears and fled. I endeavored to follow him, but he had already vanished. I felt helpless, unsure of how to alleviate his pain. All I could do was wait, hoping that he would return. For what felt like an eternity, I lingered outside the venue, consumed by concern for Ely and the tribulations he endured. At last, I caught sight of him slowly approaching, looking lost and shattered. I sprinted towards him, enfolding him in a tight embrace, endeavoring to provide solace. "Why did she hurt me like this, Olivia?" Ely wept, his voice echoing with agony. "I am bewildered. I believed she loved me." "I cannot give you an answer, Ely," I murmured gently, caressing his back. "However, you shall endure this hardship. You possess great strength, and there are individuals who cherish and stand by you." We stood there, finding solace in each other's embrace. The tenderness of his touch and the shared warmth between us conveyed a profound truth—I harbored love for him. However, revealing such sentiments remained out of reach, especially now, when he was fragile and wounded. Gradually, Ely disengaged from our embrace, wiping away his tears. "I dread facing this night alone," he uttered, his gaze fixed upon me. "Could you stay with me?" Without hesitation, I replied, "Of course." The thought of him grappling with his anguish in isolation was unbearable to contemplate. Together, we ventured towards Ely's penthouse—a haven amid the chaos that enveloped us. As I entered, I discovered him perched on the couch, clutching a bottle of whiskey. The toll of sleepless nights manifested in the shadows beneath his eyes and his disheveled appearance. "Ely, take a moment. I understand the pain..." I spoke with a soft voice, settling beside him. For a fleeting moment, he remained silent, opting instead to consume another swig of whiskey. "I am deeply hurt, Liv. She meant the world to me. I struggle to understand how she could abandon me so readily." "I understand, Ely. It is an arduous reality to confront. Nonetheless, bear in mind that she did not deserve you. You are deserving of someone who will genuinely cherish and love you, rather than exploit your vulnerability for self-serving ends." Ely's gaze met mine, his eyes brimming with tears. "Do you believe I will ever discover such love, Liv?" Placing my hand upon his, I offered a reassuring squeeze. "Certainly, Ely. You possess a remarkable spirit, and anyone would be fortunate to have you." A faint smile graced his lips, a glimmer of hope illuminating his eyes. We shared a moment of quietude, savoring each other's presence. I acknowledged the complexities of my emotions, recognizing the forbidden nature of my affection for him. Yet, I couldn't suppress my love—I yearned to bring him joy. "Liv, may I ask you something?" Ely's voice punctured the silence. "Of course, anything." "Do you believe we could transcend our friendship?" he asked, his words causing my heart to flutter. The heat rose to my cheeks, and my pulse quickened. "Ely, I am uncertain if that would be wise," I replied, grappling with the internal conflict. "You are in grief, and I refuse to take advantage your vulnerability." Leaning closer, his breath grazing my neck, he implored, "Liv, I need you. Just this once, please." I recognized the falsity of his words. They were born from the depths of his anguish, a temporary solace seeking release. Though aware of this, I was caught off guard as his lips fervently met mine in a searing kiss. Our connection ignited, intensified by the lingering taste of whiskey. Our hands entwined, exploring each other's contours, uniting us in a desperate embrace until the boundaries between us vanished. For a fleeting moment, he withdrew, his eyes ablaze with desire. "Liv, I want you. Now." His plea required no further persuasion as he guided me towards his bedroom. Inside the intimate sanctum, my thoughts raced, struggling to keep pace with the unfolding intensity. Ely gazed up at me, his eyes brimming with tears, and in that instant, he sealed his longing with a kiss. Initially startled, I resisted the urge to withdraw. It was as if an internal dam had ruptured, unleashing an overwhelming need for my presence. I reciprocated, entwining our desires, unleashing a torrent of pent-up passion that had long been suppressed. Breaking our fervent connection to savor the breath we had lost, I felt the warmth of his exhalation against my neck. The path ahead became apparent, its destination clear, and I desired it as fervently as he did. Another kiss sealed our intent, evoking a ravenous response, as his hands traversed the landscape of my body. I could sense the rapid pounding of my heart as our hands delicately explored each other's forms, a silent agreement forging between us. I gently disentangled myself, shedding my garments in a vulnerable act of surrender. His gaze fixed upon me, brimming with an almost overwhelming hunger—a mixture of excitement and trepidation. In our shared vulnerability, we sought solace in one another, a respite from the agony of betrayal. He drew me back into his embrace, capturing my lips in another fervent kiss. Every touch ignited a primal yearning within us. My hand instinctively sought his hardened length, eliciting a deep, guttural moan from his lips. Desperation consumed us, the need to transcend the pain and discover solace in physical connection. Guiding me gently onto my back, he positioned himself above me, and I willingly spread my legs, inviting him to fill the void that had consumed us both. Our bodies merged an intimate dance of raw desire. Time ceased to exist as we surrendered to the frenzy of passion, consumed by our own secluded universe. Sweat glistened upon our entwined bodies as we moved in synchrony, the tension building within me. I was on the precipice of release, teetering on the edge. In a voice laden with longing, I called out his name as ecstasy coursed through me. He followed suit, collapsing onto me, a symphony of shared pleasure. Lying there in the aftermath, our chests heaving, I became acutely aware that everything had irrevocably changed. We had crossed a line, an irreversible step into forbidden territory. Yet, at that moment, the consequences faded into insignificance. I was entwined with Ely, the man who held my heart, and nothing else mattered. The night swelled with untamed passion and desire, a rare moment when the world felt right. I was acutely aware of the moral transgressions, but in that fleeting instant, they paled in comparison. All that existed was my longing for Ely, reciprocated with fervor. No... His desire was for Talia.
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