Leap of faith

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"Do you accept the accusation of murdering Alpha Cian?" A stern voice asked her who was trying not to break down. Gina was sitting in the middle of the room while she was surrounded by twelve men. Those all were the alphas of the neighboring packs and they had a meeting to find out the truth. "I do not." She shook her head trying not to look at them. For the first time she felt so vulnerable even though her brother was there. For the first time, she felt like a weak woman in a group of hungry wolves. Slowly every memory was played in her mind. All those cases that ever brought in this room, the women were punished severely yet the men always walked away freely. Now she felt why she was chosen as the silver wolf. She looked up. "I am the next Silver wolf and I reject the accusations of murder of Alpha Cian on me. I did not kill him and neither I will accept the wrong." The room suddenly went silent and she thought she made a point but as Alpha Marcus laughed in her face, she knew she could never win from them. "A silver wolf? You said you are a silver wolf then why can't we feel your power. Or does the wolf lost it after being born in the body of a weak woman?" He sarcastically laughed and Gina made fists feeling humilated. The other men were not very different from Marcus. "If you are a silver wolf then why don't you show it to us." Marcus invited her and this time Gina looked at them with a murdering glare. She lost her mate and with that either her wolf would die or go in a coma. "What? You can't. Not only you murdered my son but now you are lying to us being a Silver wolf." The man stood up. "As the head of this council, I will decide the punishment for you. If you can't prove you are innocent, you will be a slave to my pack for ten years or you can have the chance of taking the leap of faith." The decision was made and now it was up to Gina what she wanted to take. Max looked at her in horror. He walked towards her and took her to the side to talk some sense into her while Gina was devastated. "Gina, why you mentioned the Silver wolf? I told you to hide the secret." Max tried not to yell at her while Gina could not hear what he was saying. All she could hear ere the people chatting outside. "A silver wolf? Do you really think she is a silver wolf?" "Even if she is one, she can't prove it now. After a mate's death, even a silver wolf will be asleep for years." "And choosing her as the slave of the pack, I wonder what you had in your mind." "Of course you know. She won't be just a slave but a bed warmer to my men but.... after I am done with her. Max had her under her protection or else I would have taken her before long." "Hahaha, you are evil. Why don't you let me taste her before giving to others? I want to know what a silver wolf will taste like." Gina pressed her lips together as her eye filled with water. She felt as if someone put thousand arrows in her body. But she wonder why she still could hear them when her wolf was gone. "No not worry. I will fight with them until I can." "Why can't you understand the fact that you will never be able to fight against them? Gina, what are you planning now? You should have died with our parents. Why you have to survive? Why?" Max nearly pulled his hair as his voice trembled with anger. He was not angry on her birth but on himself knowing he won't be able to protect her. Gina looked at her brother as her eyes filled with tears. His words were like an arrow to her heart. At least, he could not what what those men think about her. Those disgusting pigs who should be protectors but instead they were they most corrupted ones. If only her wolf could wake up, if only she had the power. And sitting there, Gina for the first time realized in this world power was everything. After the time was over, she was back in the room where all those men were sitting beside Marcus who had evil thoughts for her. There were few like Max who wanted to protect others yet they could do nothing. "So, what have you decided? Are you ready for your punishment?" Marcus questioned her and the muscle of Gina's eyes twitched. She was trying hard to control her emotions. She did not want to act weak in front of them not because of herself but because she was a silver wolf. She had greater responsibility than just being a little girl. "As you could not prove your innocence, I won't force the council to give you a death penalty but instead the punishment is only for ten years." Marcus spoke in an emotionless tone but Gina could feel the excitement in his voice. He did not look like a man who lost his son a day ago. "I will take the leap of faith." Her voice was cold and calm and the room fell silent. If she had to then she will choose an honorable death over a life of humilation and misery. ........
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