Temple of Moon goddess

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Just outside the mountainous area was a temple that was surrounded by a lake and high walls. There was an entrance and no gate. Anyone can enter it if they have pure hearts. In past, people who could not prove their innocence were sentenced to pass through it. Either they could reach to the other side unharmed or they were burned and turned into ashes in a matter of seconds. It was known as the leap of faith. With time, people started avoiding it and now no one wants to prove their innocence as in hundred years there were only two people who took that step and even though they were innocent of the crime they were accused of, they died horribly. Now everyone was scared that it was a forbidden area and entering there only meant death. Gina stood confidently in front of the entrance. She looked at the majestic Temple and wondered if the moon goddess could actually see her. There was only a tiny chance she could survive but she ignored it. She was ready for her death today and with her was going to die any hope for women to get equal rights in the world of these cruel alphas. "Do you think she can survive?" "I am not sure but you go to Alpha Max and convince him to not let her take the leap. Instead, he can beg me to decrease the punishment." Gina heard voices at some distance. She was not sure why her hearing was this strong when her wolf was sleeping. But now she knew their true faces. And in ten minutes, Max was standing near her asking her to not take the leap of faith instead the punishment was going to decrease. She only had to serve an year in the pack or until her wolf wakes up. But Gina wanted to laugh. Alpha Marcus was going to make sure her wolf never wakes up. He wanted to put his hands on her and once he succeeded he was going to use any other method to keep her in his pack. "I am going to take the step." "Why are you acting like this? Why?" The voice of Alpha Max trembled. "Because you are weak. I am not going to let them humilate any other woman like this. If Moon goddess wanted me to die then I will die happily but I will ask her why she divided the world like this. Why men are made powerful yet so greedy? Why women has to suffer...?" Alpha Max stared at her in disbelief. He was too stunned to speak while Gina took a step and then another step. She heard gasps from behind and whispering. She heard Alpha Marcus going crazy. "Stop her..." She heard in the distance but it was too late. She put her foot on the entrance and was ready to be burned in an unseen fire but nothing happened. She took another step and was not standing a foot inside the temple. Gina was confused. She was alright. She felt nothing just as she would walk around in a park. She turned her head and found others staring at her. "She is innocent?" "Nothing happened to her." "Was she telling the truth?" She heard whisperings and then her eyes met with Alpha Marcus who was throwing daggers on her with his eyes. "The case is not closed. What if the leap of faith was just a story? Bring her here." He ordered a man who nodded and walked towards her. Gina stood at her place dumbfounded but as the man tried to grab her while only his finger passed the entrance, he screamed and fell back. His hand turned black and he kept screaming like a dying pig. The whole area went silent seeing the body of the man turning black as if he was being burnt by a fire. The area spelled like burnt meat and soon there was only ash left in place of the man. Everyone stared at the place in horror and so does Gina. She looked at her hands. Her hands looked the same. Pinkish and soft. Alpha Max turned towards others. "She proved her innocence. If anyone has something to say then say it now because from now on all the accusations from her will be removed." Alpha Marcus glared at him but could not say anything. He had nothing to say now when the heavens already helped Gina. But he was not going to leave like this. He was going to come back to get her even if he had to destroy the whole pack. "Gina, come outside." Alpha Max ordered her who lootup from her hands. She stared at the group of men and women. The people who were calling her murderer and names now believed her. She was in deep thoughts. She needed answers and there was only one way to get them. She looked behind her where a huge building was standing. It seemed like Alpha Max was able to read her expressions. "Gina, I order you to come outside. Let's go home." He told her in a stern tone while Gina turned to leave in the distance. If she could enter in this temple without getting hurt then there was someone who wanted her to be inside the temple. She was going inside to find all the answers but specifically why she had a ring. Who gave her that ring and why her mate was killed. Because the murderer came for the ring. ......
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