Death of a mate

1182 Words
"Mate." Gina heard a voice in her head as she looked up finding the most handsome man she knew. The son of the Alpha Marcus who owned the biggest pack in the world after the alpha king. The man also looked at her and smiled indicating he knew who she was to him. He excused himself and walked towards her while Gina could feel her blood rushing to her cheeks. "My ring? Where is it?" She looked around as she find her third finger empty. She forgot about her mate and was worried about the ring. Today was her eighteenth birthday and she shifted few hours ago. She was a rare Silver Alpha wolf but only one person knew about it. "I did not know I was going to find my mate here." He smiled as he reached near her while Gina was panicking. "Is everything alright?" "My ring ....I am sorry, I need to find it first." Gina was fast to run out of the party to where she shifted earlier while Cian Marcus saw her leaving. He put his hand in his pocket and took out the ring that had a blue gem covered by two tiny flowers on each side. "I found your ring. Meet me near the old palm tree." He mind linked to his mate as his eyes were on her. Gina stopped and turned to look at him but Cian walked out of the party. He had a mysterious smile on his lips and after five minutes he reached to the palm tree that was covered by many other trees and was well hidden. It took a minute when he heard footsteps behinds. "Are you here for me or the ring?" He turned and froze at his place seeing the unknown person behind. Those sharp phoenix shaped eyes were glowing in dark. "What about both?" The next second a sword was pierced in his chest and he vomited mouthful of blood. The attack was so fast that even an alpha like him could not protect himself. He fell down and watched the person who leaned and took the ring from his palm. "This one is mine." The shadow disappeared in the darkness and this was when Gina walked from behind the bushes. The first thing that hit her was the scent of blood and then she saw her mate in the pool of blood. "Cian .." She could not breathe as a sharp pain made her dizzy indicating her mate was no more and the bond between them was breaking slowly. She sat near him as she hugged his lifeless body. They just met few minutes ago but it felt as if she knew him for years. The piercing pain in her chest made her clutch onto her chest. She was dyed red with the blood of her mate. "Alpha Cian..." She heard a scream and then she felt people gathering around her. "She killed him." There were whispering around her and then she was pulled away from the dead body. The next second, her mind went blank and she passed out in someone's arms. She did not know how long she was unconscious but when she woke up she was in her bed. Gina felt like she had a bad dream or was it really a dream. She could not feel anything and as she looked at her finger, the ring was gone. Suddenly she panicked feeling empty. There was no voice inside her head. She could not feel her wolf. But she had a wolf. A rare Silver wolf. No body saw a silver wolf in five hundred years and there was only one other female Silver alpha in history. She was so happy when she shifted. She felt the power surging from every pore of her body. But now she could not feel it anymore. In panic, she got off the bed and fell down. Her legs could not hold her weight anymore. In a day, she lost everything. She lost her wolf, her mate and the ring. It was the curse of the ring. Eighteen years ago when she was born, she held a ring in the palm of her hand. It had a blue gem in the middle half of a pea size. On either side were two flowers with five petals smaller in size of the gem. It was impossible for a child to carry a ring in their palm when they just born and the more astonishing thing that gem was so precious that even the alpha king could not buy it. It was said that Gina had the blessings of gods with her and the ring was a gift from them. She had a very comfortable life until her parents died when she was twelve. After it, her brother became the alpha of the pack. He raised her not like his sister but like a daughter. And when she shifted, he was with her. He saw that Silver wolf. Only he knew the existence of a silver wolf. But in few seconds, everything was taken from her. The ring was gone and her mate was dead. Most importantly, she could not communicate with her wolf. She stood up with great effort and dragged herself to the door. As she opened the door, she felt eyes of everyone on her. "Where is brother?" She questioned the wolf who was guarding the door. "Please stay in your room. The alpha is coming to see you." The voice was free of any emotions and Gina walked out of the room. She felt like a prisoner in her own house. As she tried to climb down he stairs, she could not hold her weight and rolled down the stairs. Her head hit the ground and everything became dizzy to her. She finally held the wall and sat up but nobody came to help her. She felt like an outcast seeing all the pack members who were looking at her as if she had some kind of disease. "She killed her mate. Alpha Max was raising a monster all this time. I am sure she was the reason her parents died so suddenly." She heard whisperings and wanted to cry. Those words were full of poison that injured her heart. "What is going on here?" She heard a stern voice and then footsteps approached her. She did not want to look up. Even if the whole world turned against her, she could bear it but not her brother. "Gina child, why are you outside?" She was taken in a warm embrace and Gina could not hold onto herself. She started crying while Max held her against his chest. People started gathering around them and one of them was Alpha Marcus. He looked devastated over the death of his young son. "Alpha Max, don't forget the decision. You have to give her to me. She killed my son and I will decide her punishment." Gina looked at his brother in horror. How can they decide her punishment without even asking her the truth? ........
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