Chapter 2

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-Anastasia- I waited patiently as Quinn tended to my injured hand. It struck me as odd that, despite his usual dominance, he was surprisingly gentle as he cleaned the wound, causing me to barely hiss or feel any pain. He worked with precision and efficiency. However, I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to take his time when he began wrapping my hand, slowly winding the bandage around my wrist and working his way up. We remained silent, creating a tense atmosphere in the room, as he continued with his deliberate movements. My eyes were fixated on his hands and the way they moved, leaving me captivated. He shouldn’t be doing this for me, yet he was, and it was making me a bit lightheaded. I was aware that Quinn had little tolerance for misconduct within the pack. As Bruce’s Beta, it was his responsibility, just as much as Bruce’s, to maintain order. But I was essentially a nobody in the pack, so it felt like a waste of their time to care for me. Yet, Quinn seemed impervious to my protests. When he finally secured the bandage with a small clip, his eyes shifted to me, their darkness almost glowing, as if his wolf was trying to assert itself. His eyes had always been a weakness of mine, though I hated to admit it. Whenever I gazed into them, it felt like I was being drawn into those deep pools of darkness. They were an unfair magnet, and I knew they had an effect on other girls in the pack. I didn’t want to be just another girl, so I broke eye contact and looked away. “Th-thank you,” I stammered awkwardly, lifting my bandaged hand to show my gratitude. However, Quinn didn’t move, and the tension in the room grew even thicker. I turned my head, only to find his face inches from mine. “Um, could you move to the side?” I asked nervously. “No,” he replied tersely. “Why not?” He offered no response, maintaining his position. His hands rested on either side of me, his body positioned between my legs, occupying all the space. It shouldn’t have felt so right, but it did, and I struggled even to swallow. “Beta Quinn, please step back,” I whispered, my voice lacking authority. “No,” he repeated firmly. “Why?” I insisted. “Perhaps you’re injured elsewhere. I should check.” I stared at him in shock, but Quinn wore his usual impassive expression, leaving me uncertain if he was serious or not. “No need,” I stammered. “I’m fine.” “How can I believe that when you claimed your hand was fine while it was bleeding?” he countered. “Um…” His hands slid closer, moving up the sides of my legs, and it felt like a heavenly touch. I was fully clothed, yet it seemed as if he was scalding me through my pants. This was not good. I couldn’t comprehend why Quinn appeared so different today, almost wild and playful. However, I had no interest in being just another number, nor did I want to be discarded later. I placed my hands on Quinn’s chest, eliciting a deep growl from him as if he relished my touch. It made me freeze because I hadn’t expected that sound to escape him. Our eyes locked, and it felt as if he was drawing closer, as if he wanted to kiss me. It was a ludicrous idea, right? Yet, the distance between us seemed to vanish. Suddenly, the door swung open, and we both turned our heads to see Bruce standing in the doorway. “Quinn, we have work,” Bruce said, his voice sounding strained. Quinn groaned, lowered his head briefly, and then nodded, stepping out of the bathroom, leaving me with a racing heart and a multitude of unanswered questions. -Quinn- I barely entered the office, the place where Bruce and I spent most of our days preparing for the eventual takeover, when Bruce smacked the back of my head. He walked over and sat behind the desk, clearly annoyed with me. “I’m sorry,” I sighed. “She isn’t even 18 yet.” “I know…” “And yet you tried to take her too soon.” “Yes...” “And remember who is the Alpha?” Bruce warned, his voice carrying a clear threat. “Yes.” “Then tell me what went through your tiny mind,” he snarled, and I groaned, crossing my arms. “One thing...” “Soon, Quinn, but not yet,” Bruce reminded me, his voice softening slightly. I understood his anger, so I wasn’t offended by his words. I had truly lost control of my desires, but it was hard to focus when she smelled so enticing, and her blood made the entire bathroom even more fragrant with her presence. I could see that Ana desired my kiss as much as I longed to give it to her. She might have reservations, not fully comprehending what drew us together, but Bruce and I had known since we returned home from our training. Every little detail about Ana drew us in, and we couldn’t resist ourselves. We had debated numerous times about taking her earlier, with one of us playing the voice of reason while the other acted as the tempting devil. But we knew we had to wait. No one would believe we were mates until she turned 18, leaving no room for doubt about our connection. While it wasn’t uncommon for an Omega to have multiple mates, Ana was different. Her status had been twisted against her, making her a lower-status Omega instead of the adored figure she should have been. However, we were going to change that soon, if I could just keep my impulses in check. “I know,” I repeated. Bruce nodded, acknowledging my remorse for my actions. If he hadn’t noticed my absence, I might have succumbed to my desires and taken Ana too early. “What happened this time?” he inquired. “Someone tripped her, and she cut herself,” I replied. “Did you see whom?” “No, and Ana denied everything, insisting that she was fine,” I groaned. “f*****g bullies,” Bruce snarled. “But we’ve dealt with them the best we could. Things will change once they realize what she means to us.” “Maybe we should have done more.” “Are we having this discussion again?” he asked, a faint smile playing on his lips. “It’s just a week. Why not claim her a little earlier?” “I just explained why.” “It’s only a week.” “I know, and as much as I ache to finally have her after waiting this long, we must exercise patience. People will question us until she’s 18, and Ana already has enough to battle with. She needs to hear her own wolf acknowledge us before she’ll truly believe it,” Bruce reminded me. I growled softly and began pacing, my energy levels high after being with Ana. “It’s not fair. We should have had her sooner.” “Her circumstances are different,” Bruce pointed out. “I know, but that doesn’t make it fair.” “Even if she had a higher status, we’d still be told to wait. You know that.” “I hate it.” “I’m not exactly thrilled about it either, but our patience demonstrates our commitment to who truly belongs to us,” Bruce reassured me. “What if she resists our connection?” I questioned, focusing on Bruce. “She won’t resist for long. The moment she turns 18, we’ll claim her,” he assured me. “That doesn’t mean she won’t fight it. She barely lets us touch her now.” “I know. She’s still shy, but that will change.” “You sound so sure,” I sighed. “Because I can’t imagine a world where she isn’t ours. Can you?” I shook my head. “Of course not.” “Then let’s not dwell on how she keeps evading us. It won’t last much longer,” Bruce promised me. “I hope you’re right.” “I am, because if we aren’t her mates, then I have no understanding of the Goddess’s ways. Our attachment to her couldn’t be this strong if we weren’t meant to be mates, and once she turns 18, I’m confident it will all have been worth it.”
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