Chapter 1

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-Anastasia- Crash! Clink! "Argh…" I tried not to sound too loud as I stumbled, one leg finding its way in between mine while I was carrying plates, mugs, and utensils from the dining room to the kitchen. The laughter that followed made the fall much worse, but I fought back tears as I pushed up from the ground. It never worked anyway. All I could hope for was that once I was legal, I might escape this horrible place and find my freedom elsewhere. I examined my hand and noticed it was bleeding, a small piece of glass having cut into it. My healing abilities weren't great, so I knew removing the shard would just cause me to bleed even worse. However, it hurt to move my hand, so I sat on my knees, picking up every shard with one hand. I didn't mind the hard labor; I had to endure it to keep earning my place here. It was the bullying, the taunts, the obstacles that were always thrown at me. And why me? I didn't betray the pack. I wasn't my father, and yet somehow his crimes had become mine. "You're hurt," a deep voice spoke from behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Quinn staring intently at me with his dark eyes. His presence always made me shiver, but I couldn't decide if it was a pleasant shiver or a bad one. "I'm fine," I lied, trying to shield my hand. Whenever he found me like this, he always seemed to look at me with such an accusing gaze, as if all of this were my fault. I didn't need his lecturing gaze. I just needed to be left alone. However, I wasn't so lucky. I listened to his heavy footsteps as he approached me, crouching by my side. He had grown even more, turning broader, fitting his beta size. When we were younger, he seemed so small. I remembered a time when he wasn't so intimidating, but that had changed after his beta training and growing up. Quinn reached out, trying to grab my wounded hand, but I shielded it against my body. "I said I was fine," I snapped, immediately feeling bad, as this wasn't Quinn's fault, but I felt ashamed that he once again saw me like this. I just wanted to be alone. Quinn grasped my chin instead, turning my head, but I turned away the moment our gazes locked. I didn't want him to see that I was on the verge of crying either. No one deserved my tears. "Fine, you say?" he taunted. "Yes, perfectly fine." "Then why are you crying?" "I'm NOT crying!" I declared, turning to look at him, but I fell right into his trap, as he reached out, stroking his thumb over a tear that escaped my eye. I sniffled, pushing away his hand. "I… got something in my eye… eyes," I lied poorly. "At the same time?" "Yes," I retorted. Quinn let out a disappointed sigh and shook his head. "Who was it this time?" "No one. I tripped over myself." "You're such a horrible liar, Ana." "Anastasia," I corrected him. "Only close friends get to call me Ana." Or they would have, if I had any, I finished inside myself. Quinn continued to shake his head, once again making me feel like a fool. "Names," he ordered. "I have no names. I told you that I tripped over my own feet. I'm clumsy." "That's the story you want to stick with?" he questioned, trying to lock my eyes with his, but I kept avoiding that sweet brown. "Y-Yes…" "Goddess give me strength not to do something I may regret," he mumbled lowly. However, I heard him clearly, and when I finally looked at him, it seemed he had something planned for me. There seemed to be an unspoken warning in his eyes or maybe even a threat. But what had I done? So, I wouldn't give him names, so what? That was up to me. "I can handle it myself," I told him. "Oh, so you do admit someone did something to you?" "N-No," I stammered. "I tripped." My words seemed to upset him, and he reached out, grasping my chin again, this time bringing his face closer to mine. The entire world seemed to disappear as he remained so close to me. I could feel his warm breath hit my lips, making them tingle, and for a brief moment, my eyes shot to his own lips, wondering what they felt like. Sh*t, I thought, I shouldn't think such thoughts. They wouldn't come true anyway. I quickly looked down, showing him submission, his status far above mine. "Seriously, if you were mine, you would find it very hard to sit down for lying to me," he growled darkly, yet his voice, even the threat, did strange things to me, my body tightening at the response of his dominance. D*mn omega instincts, I cursed at myself, and just kept looking down, hoping he might go away. "Good thing I'm not yours then," I retorted, unable to help my wicked tongue. When I glanced at him, I expected to see anger, but instead, he smiled and leaned in, scenting my omega scent that I tried to keep hidden under thick layers of clothes. Ever since my first heat, it had become tantalizing, and it was best I didn't stay in the same room with another male. Not that anyone really wanted to be tempted by me, but for some reason, Quinn didn't fight the urge. He leaned in, his nose suddenly against my neck. "What the hell are you doing?" I questioned, pushing him back with my good hand. He had never done that before, and when I could see his eyes again, they were glowing slightly. “How long until you turn 18 again?” “W-Why does that matter?” “Just curious.” He was acting increasingly weirder. What was up with him today? “A week.” “Sh*t, that long?” he murmured, confusing me even further, before he seemed to regain his senses and shook his head. “Up,” he commanded as he stood on his feet. “I need to pick all of this up.” “No, you’re hurt. We are taking care of that first.” “But the glass!” “I will get someone else to do it. Now get up,” he said, gesturing with his hand, and my submissive instincts compelled me to listen. “But... hey!” I protested as Quinn grabbed my arm, pulling me from the floor. “You’re acting very weird today.” “No, you’re the one refusing to listen. I thought Omegas knew to be submissive.” “Not to controlling Betas,” I murmured. “What did you just say?” Quinn questioned, stopping as we made our way through the pack house. He turned me to him, his eyes warning me to be careful with my words. “Um, I said I am a different Omega,” I quickly lied. “You must know I already heard you.” “Then why did you ask?” I retorted. “Goddess, it is going to be interesting to tame your wild mouth,” he whispered. “What does that mean?” “Nothing.” I didn’t like the way he evaded my question, nor what he was implying with that strange sentence. Taming my mouth? How? I wondered as he brought me to a bathroom, then pushed me inside and closed the door behind us. I was shocked he closed us in together. The room was tiny, just an extra bathroom for anyone who needed it. I knew it wasn’t a good idea for me to be in this place with him, but Quinn didn’t seem bothered. He went for the drawers in the counter, checking for any bandages. “Um, I can do that,” I told him. “Now I’m doing it.” “I’m sure you have much more important duties than bandaging my hand.” “Not right now.” “That makes no sense,” I told him. Quinn met my eyes in the mirror, telling me to be quiet without saying a word. My Omega side reacted, making me whimper before gazing at the floor. I listened to him roaming around before he turned to, waving me closer. I took a small step closer, but it wasn’t what he meant, and so he reached out, bringing me to him. Then he grasped me and put me on the counter. “Okay…” I said, stretching the word as I did not understand why he would put me there. But then he reached for the cleaning supplies and the bandaging he had found. He grabbed my hand, but I tried to pull free. “Stop that!” he ordered, and I grew lax right away, unable to not listen to his beta powers.
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