Chapter 12 - Learning Francines schedule

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*Samuel* It was now Saturday night and Samuel found himself again having dinner with Francines parents and pack. The dining room was loud as always. Samuel climbed up onto Francines chair next to Luna Ophelia, who was scooping fresh vegetables onto his plate, followed by some roast potatoes, chunks of lamb roast and finally gravy. She was cutting up the meat into bite size pieces, when she stopped herself. " Ah...sorry. I'm so used to doing that for Francine." Samuel shrugged. "Its ok. I'm used to army rations, so fresh food is nice." He glanced above his head to see the Alpha and Luna in a mindlink, and he didn't have to guess what they were discussing. Thankfully, Samuel didnt have to suffer under the gaze of Francines grandfather. He was not present at the dinner table. So he was able to enjoy his dinner. When he does return to his own pack, he would miss the fresh meals. Once dinner was finished and ther omegas were cleaning up, Luna Ophelia smiled down at him. "Come young man, lets put you to bed. You have to be up early tommorrow. Francines usual routine on a Sunday is to spend time with her grandfather learning about pack matters, as she is our packs future and all." Samuel hung his head. "I still dont think he likes me." Fancines mothert shrugged. "he'll forever be a grumpy old man. I wouldnt worry too much about it. He's hard on everyone. Thats why his son had a stick up his bum when I met him." she had a far off dreamy look on her face but then she returned to the present. Samuel slid off the dining chair and landed on his feet. They walked back to Francines room slowly as Francines mother was being stopped by various wolves asking her questions. They finally got to Francines room and Luna Ophelia opened the door. They both walked through and Samuel sighed. "Do i need to have a bath again tonight?" Francines mother chuckled. "No she has one tomorrow night though before school." Samuel breathed a sigh of relief, but then as he turned around he groaned. Luna Ophelia was holding a white lacey nighty for him. He rolled his eyes and began to undress. He chuckedmhis clothes on the floor and Francines mother picked them up and put them in the wash basket in Francines bathroom. He squinted in disgust at the nighty but nevertheless put it on and then climbed into bed. Luna ophelia came to him with a hairbrush and he moved to the edge of the bed. As Luna Ophelia began to brush his hair, he asked her a question that has been weighing on his mind. "Luna, How should I get my mother to pay me attention? Shes always busy wiuth helping Father with their covert missions that we dont spend time together." There was a pause in the hair brushing before Luna Ophelia began again. "Well, I guess you could start by doing something nice for them, maybe a drawing, or piece of art? I always like Francines pictures." Samuel thought about it, but then Luna Ophelia bdgan to talk again. "You could also make them something? cooking or something at school. Deep down, I think your parents still love you, but they get so wrapped up in their work and pack duties, that they forget whats important, and that is not your fault, ok? never think that." Samuel pursed his lips and accepted her advice. Francines mother finished brushiong his hair and tucked him in bed. "Francines grandmother will come and wake you up in the morning, then you will have breakfast at their cottage, and then...well...I dont know what the old man has planned for you." Samuel nodded and snuggled in under the covers, and Francines mother left. As he drifted off to sleep he had an image of his mother and his father hugging him beeming with pride, and he vowed that he would make his parents see him. He must have had a decent nights sleep because the next thing he knew he was beeing awoken by a door knocking. He sat up and drearily blinked, realising that it was now Sunday morning and he was to spend the day with Francines grandfather, filled him with dread. He slipped out of bed and went to open the door. There stood Francines grandmother wearing a bright smile. "Morning dear. Come, lets get you dressed and then we will go to meet Francines Grandfather. He doesnt like waiting much. Bless his grumpy arse." Samuel blinked at the women but followed her every whim. Much to Samuels disgust, he was now dressed in a barbie t shirt and a pink skirt. Francines grandmother put his hair into a ponytail and to top it all off, he was wearing girls cowboy boots. They made their way outside all the while people were nodding to him. These gestures were nothing to new to him as his own pack recognised him as well. They made it to the porch steps of the cottage, and Francines grandmother opened the door. The cottage was brightly lit, and Samuel followed along behind untill they reached the kitchen. In the corner was a table at which Francines grandfather was sitting with glasses on, reading the newspaper. As he felt them approach he folded the paper and placed it on the table. "Its still weird seeing my grand daughter but knowing its not really her. Sit." Samuel did as he was told and climbed up onto the chair beside him to his right. (10) Plates with steaming eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, and tomatoes were ppaced on the table. A plate with two pieces of raisin toast were placed in front of him. Francines Grandmother smiled at him. "Sorry, its a habit. raisin toast is Francines favourite. I make her two pieces whenever she comes over." Samuel shrugged. "Its ok. I...I've never had it before." Samuel took a tentative bite into it and the warm butter and the sweetness were a delight. He finished off the toast and then he looked to Francines grandmother again. The women began to put some more food on his plate and he thanked her. Francines grandfather cleared his throat. "Today, we are doing lessons on diplomacy. Francine was learning about the packs that we are in alliances with. I will teach you this too, since..." and he stared hard at Samuel. "you are..apparently...her mate." He ground his teeth at the last part and Samuel was trying not to look at him, instead he just nodded, today was going to be a long day...
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