Chapter 11 - Francine Shifts

1062 Words
*Francine* As she sat in ther chair on the opposite side of ther table to Samuels dad, she squirmed in awkwardness. Alpha Baxter was sitting cross legged reading the file that his Beta prepared for him. Every now and again he would glance up at her and she would sit up in attention. He sighed and threw the file on top of all the other papers that were over the tabletop. His uniform protested as he leant forward on towards the table and put his elbows on it, with his hands in a praying position in front of his mouth. There was a silence before he finally spoke, which made Francine flinch. "So you are Francine Standford, of the Moonlight pack?" She hung her head and nodded. His voice was crisp and clear above her head. "I expect you to look at me when I am speaking to you." She gulped and looked up. "Y...Yes Sir." He nodded. He picked up his Sat phone and opened the file, placing his finger below a phone number. he dialled it and after a few rings the phone was picked up. It was her fathers Beta. "Moonlight Pack, how may I help you?" Francine was excited for a familiar voice. Samuels father barked at him. "I am Alpha Baxter, I wish to speak to Alpha Standford." The Betas footsteps could be heard before an answer came. "Just give me a few minutes; I'll be with you shortly." Samuels father frowned and Francine again squirmed. they could near silent voices from the phone then after a few more minutes Francine heard her father loud and clear. "Hello Alpha Baxter. This is indeed Alpha Stanford. I have present with me my mate and Luna, Ophelia and...I guess your son. Samuel?" Alpha Baxter again looked at her, "Greetings to you both. My Beta informs me that our children had switched bodies. I thought he was on something but I guess it's true?" The monotone voice of her father made her close her eyes because she missed him. "Yes, I believe so. Moving forwards, the two kids should continue with school and their normal activities..." Samuels father immediatly jumped up ans startled her. "That's impossible. Your daughter might compromise our current mission." He thumped the table making her jump, but then her father growled through the phone. "I don't like what you are insinuating." Francine instanly calmed down as her mothers soothing voice cmae through the phone. "Excuse me Alpha Baxter, I believe that this is a test given to the kids by the moon goddess, and only they can solve it. In the mean time, we can only support them." Samuels father must have come to the conclusion that it was out of his control because he then sighed before muttering a "Fine." and he hung up. "As of Monday, You will speak and act as Samuel does. His wolf Alaric should be able to assist you in this manner. You will not do anything as reckless as summoning Samuels mother again, Do I make myself clear?" francine was on the verge of tears but she looked him square in the eyes as she said "Yes sir." He waved her off. "Very well, you are free to go. you'll be under the careful watch of my Beta." Francine left the Alphas tent to go back to Samuels. She heard footsteps behind her and she didnt need to turn arouns as Alaric announced in her mind that it was the Beta. She sighed and began to once again feel sorry for Samuel. She flipped the tent flap open and began to contemplate running away, but she had no idea were the pack was in relation to her own pack. Alaric yipped in her mind. "Shall we go for a run?" Francine stopped what she was doing. "C...Can we do that? I....I've never done that before..." Alaric swished his tail. "Its easy. Let me show you." He told her to reove her clothes and she giggled. Just as she was taking off her underpants the Beta waled in. "Young master what are you doing?" Alaric told her to ignore him and to concentrate on his voice. She closed her eyes and did as she was told. "Good, now let me havew control." it was a weird feeling for her. Alaric came forward and she became an observer to waht happened next. Her control over Samuels body was also taken away. Alaric poked his tongue out at the Beta and then the next thing Francine witnessed was fur blooming along Samuels skin. She heard the sound of pops and short pain that made her cry out in their mind. Alaric whined but then as they fell on all fours the transformation was complete. Alaric licked his chops then pranced infront of the Beta before he ran off at full speed. Francine closed her eyes as the wind whiped passed them. Alaric howled to no one in particular before he spoke to her. "Open your eyes, lets play!" He ran passed startled soldiers who saluted. They made it out passed the forest to a vacant block. Francine still had no idea where they were but Alaric was jumping about in the long grass enjoying his playtime. He crouched down when he heard a sound behind him. He got into a hunting stance, and jumped. Francine felt their body collide with another body and a grunt was heard in their mindlink. The body that they had collided with was that of the Beta. His grey wolf stood up and shook itself out before a foreign smooth voice echoed in their head. "Young pup, why are you venturing out without permission?" Alaric playfully shoved the Beta wolf, who didnt budge. He simply sat and with his paw he gently held their head to the ground and huffed. Alaric squirmed as he made his reply. "We were bored, i wanted to play and our mate wanted to get away from the stuick in the mud Alpha." The grey wolf let them up and sighed. "Fine. I will supervise. Continue." Francine smiled. "I like Mister Beta wolfie." Alaric continued to prance around scattering beetles in the grass and chasing his shadow. The Beta stood up and the familar voice of the human Beta rang in thier head. "Time to go young master, before Alpha finds out."
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