Chapter 13 - Up to mischief

1070 Words
*Francine* She was asleep untill the sound of men on the march and chanting had her out of bed and rubbing her eyes at the opening of the tent. She watched the soldiers running along behind the Beta who was screeching. "I don't know, but Ive been told..." They replied "I don't know what ive been told..." They marched past her tent. The Beta saluted to her before he continued the cadence. "Our Alpha can be pretty bold." the soldiers replied. "Our Alpha can be pretty bold." The sound of boots crunching in the dirt made Francine more awake. "Our pack is Strong, our enemies weak." The chant continued. "Our pack is strong, our enemies weak..." Francine closed the tent flap but the chant was still ringing around camp. "Alpha is on the hunt as we speak..." Francine sighed. It was now sunday morning and ordinarily, she would be having breakfast with her grandfather about now. At that thought, her stomach growled. Alaric chuckled in her mind. "come little princess. get dressed and lets get some breakfast." Francine let out a big yawn. "I miss my mummy. She normally helps me in the mornings." She went to Samuels makeshift wardrobe and took out some mismatched clothes and odd socks before she put on shoes albiet on the wrong feet. She made her way to the mess tent and people were making a fuss over her again. She sat at the table and someone else served her breakfast because the Beta was still out on drills. She sighed at the toast with jam. It wasnt her favourite raisin toast but nevertheless she ate it. A glass of concentrated orange juice was plonked in front of her and she just stared at it. She was thirsty so she drank it just because it was there. It left a funny taste on her tongue and she again thought that it was not like the fresh juice she had at home. After breakfast she sat at the table swinging her legs and propped her head up with one arm, bored. "What does Samuel do on sundays?" She spoke it out loud but Alaric answered her. "He pulled pranks on the soldiers." Francine was now interested. Alarics tail swished and he yipped in her mind. "His favourite was to climb the tree that over looks the path that the soldiers take when doing drills. He would spit ball them." Francine giggled. Alaric scoffed. "Thats nothing. He once dumped a whole bottle of food colouring in the soldiers shampoo. There were a few who got around with green hair for a few days." Francine laughed out loud at that one but then she sighed. "How am i supposed to act like Samuel at school? I'm only five! His school work makes me cross eyed." he swished his tail again. "Its fine. I can do the whole school thing. I would tune in from time to time to the human teachers." Francine nodded. She slid off the chair and left the mess tent, making her way back to Samules tent. As they entered the tent, Alaric gave her a wicked grin; "You know...Samuel was going to put salt in the sugar pot...He planned to do that but then you guys switched." Francine looked confused. "You want me to pull a prank?" Alaric huffed. "Well..your mother said that you two had to act like each other." Francine stood with her arms crossed thinking on it. "Ok" she figured it would be better then being bored. Alaric told her to sneak around behind the mess tent to the kitchen. So she subtley walked around whistling; as she went soldiers were saluting her. "Nice." Alaric smugly said as they got to the kitchen. Francine ducked behind a stainless steel makeshift bench as a pair of cooks entered with pots of steaming water. As the chefs moved bout the kitchen, Alaric gave her directions and commands on when to move as they made their way to the pantry. When they got there, Francine looked about to make sure the chefs werent watching and she opened the door. Above her head was a sack of flour and the container for the salt. She reached for the salt and her fingers wrapped around it and she hugged it to herself as she snuck around to the sugar pot next to the urn. She quietly giggled as she had to admit this was a little fun. She grabbed the sugar pot and ducked down under the bench. She sprinkled some salt into the sugar pot and put it back next to the urn, she then snuck back to the pantry to put the salt container back. Again she opened the door to the pantry but this time as she reached up to put the salt container back she accidently knocked the sack of flour off the shelf; It covered her from top to toe in flour. She sneezed and scrunched her eyes up hoping that no one heard. After a few moments of nothingness, she peeked open one eye and luckily no one had seen her. She shook all the flour off and ducked back out of the tent. She laughed loudly but as soon as she got back to samuels tent, a very grumoy looking Beta was there. He stood and looked Francine up and down and shook his head. "I don't want to know do I?" Francine hung her head. The Beta clapped her on the shoulder but then wiped his hand as flour wafted in the air from her clothes. "Go and have a shower young master before your father sees you." Francine nodded but then as she headed to the shower block she giggled. "That was fun." 10 She stepped up to Samuels shower stall. The familiar site of Samuels elmo soap and loofer was a comfort to her. She showered and then after, wrapped a towel around herself and made her way back to Samuels tent. As she looked around however, there were soldiers running from the mess tent coughing and spluttering. Alaric swished his tail in triumph and howled. "Well done! that was great!" When she opened the tent flap, The Beta was stil there. he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Come young master, I think we will do pack duties as punishment." With that he handed Francine a pair of camo clorthes and boots.
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