Chapter 10 - Bonding with Ophelia

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Luna Ophelia was getting Samuel ready for the day, when Francines dad, Alpha Angelo, came into the room. He was on his phone but when he seen his mate with Samuel he growled. "Both of you, my office. Now." Samuel shied away from Francines father but her mother smiled at him. "come on sweetheart." He watched as Francines mother smacked the Alpha behind the head. "You i***t, your scaring the boy." Francines father sighed. "Fine. Either way, he has to come with us. His father is on the phone." Samuel flinched at the mention of his father, but nevertheless he had the follow. Once they got to the office, Francines father transferred the phone call to his office phone and put it on speaker phone. "Hello Alpha Baxter. This is indeed Alpha Stanford. I have present with me my mate and Luna, Ophelia and...I guess your son. Samuel?" There was a pause. "Greetings to you both. My Beta informs me that our children had switched bodies. I thought he was on something but I guess it's true?" Samuel hung his head, as Francines father put his hands on his hips. "Yes, I believe so. Moving forwards, the two kids should continue with school and their normal activities..." Samuels father interrupted him. "That's impossible. Your daughter might compromise our current mission." Francines father growled. "I don't like what you are insinuating." Francines mother stepped in. "Excuse me Alpha Baxter, I believe that this is a test given to the kids by the moon goddess, and only they can solve it. In the mean time, we can only support them." There came a sigh from the other side of the phone. "Fine." He hung up after that. Francines father growled again and Samuel flinched. "How dare he hang up on me!" Francines mother looked towards Samuel. "Ah Samuel, why don't you go play?" He bowed and quickly scurried off back to Francines room. he flung himself face forwards on her bed. He immediatly sat up because he had hair in his face, and he cursed Francine for having long hair. After fixing his hair, He contemplated on his fathers words and actions, and sighed. His father obviously was not impressed but what can be done. If Francines mother was correct is saying that this was a test from the moon goddess, and it was only something him and Francine could solve, he began to think; he crossed his legs as he sat on the bed. "Hmm, what is the lesson in all this? our situations are different. I never knew Francine untill now and I had only just learnt that she was my mate." He was asking these questions out loud and he couldn't figure out what the problem was that they were supposed to solve. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear Francines mother come in. She poked Samuel between the eyes. "Don't frown it'll give you wrinkles." Samuel rubbed the area she poked as Ophelia sat beside him on the bed. "Is your father always like that?" Samuel shrugged. " I wouldnt know. I hardly see him." Francines mother sighed. "He's a prickly one. I hope my little Francine is ok." Again Samuel shrugged. "Dads Beta is probably babysitting her." Ophelia looked at him with concern but that soon passed and she pinched the bridge of her nose. " From my past experience, something is about to happen to both you and Francine that will test you." She put her hand on Samuels shoulder as he looked at her quizzically. "You see, when I met Francinces father, I was an ordinary human who didnt know werewolves were real. Our test was to get to know each other and to prove that a human and a wolf can work togther." Samuel nodded. " I see." Ophelia smiled at him. "I can only guide you to help my daughter, how you guys handle things is entirely up to you." she stood up and held out her hand. " Come, we will cook some scones for the pack. Francine was always in the kitchen helping me." Samuel sighed again and slid off the bed. He supposed that he should learn as much as he can about Francine while he can. As they walked the corridor to the kitchen he quietly asked Ophelia to tell him about Francine and she smiled. "Her favourite colour is Purple. Her favourite animal is her grandfathers horse, Charlie. she sneaks him apples all the time." Samuel had a stoic look on his face as he listened. "She is always happy despite her grandfather looking down on her because hes convinced that she is more human then werewolf." She sighed as she entered the kitchen. The omegas that were there, all bowed. Francines mother waved them all off and they scurried away to tend to their chores. The Chef looked up from the dough he was kneading. "Hey Luna, is there something I can do for you?" Samuel stood behind Francines mother as she asked for some room so that she could make scones with Francine. He nodded and lef the dough to make some room for them. He placed a bowl, flour, milk and butter on the counter. Ophelia smiked and thanked him before she turned to Samuel. " Francine, your step stool is behind the door." She gestured with her head, and Samuel looked doewn at his feet. He had forgotten that Francine was short. He went and got her stool and stood obediantly next to Francines mother. She measured out the Ingredients and she gave the spoon to mix it all to Samuel, who had to admitt that it was fun doing things with Francines mother and then he soon turned sad because his own mother never paid him attention. Francines mother must have sensed his sadness because she patted him on the shoulder. "Ok the dough is done. Lets turn it out and cut out the scones. Then the chef can put them in with the sour dough bread." Doing this activity with Francines mother made him contemplate what he could do to improve the relationship with his own mother.
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