chapter 9 - Alpha finds out

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After getting bored of playing with Samiels toy soldiers, Francine prepares for bed, she gathered some of Samuels pj's and then went out of Samuels tent. She looked for the Beta and tapped him on the soldier. He was playing ahead with another warrior, when he turned around he stood straight up and saluted, nearly knocking the chess board over. "Ah....young master. What can I do for you?" Francine chuckled. "Mr Beta, sir. It's my bath time." Alaric was jumping around silly. "You doofus, Samuel has a shower in the shower area. The omegas warm the water and refill the buckets." Francine was horrified. "But....mummy always makes a bubble bath for me." She went back to Samuels' tent and plonked back on his bed. "Samuel has an Elmo shower poof and Elmo body soap." Alaric said, trying to cheer her up. Francine perked up. "Ok then. Let's go." She took the pj's and followed Alarics directions to the shower area. Warriors salutes to her along the way, she would just nod and kept walking. When she got to the showers, omegas where scattering to collect things for her. They freshly filled the shower bucket for her and gave her Samuels soap and sponge. She got into the cubicle and shyly stripped. She pulled a rope and the shower started to sprinkle water on her head. She soaped herself up with the soap and washed. She then washed Samuels short hair and signalled the omegas that she was finished. They passed her a towel and she dried herself. She then put on Samuels jocks and it was wired to her that she has to make sure Samuels private parts were tucked in. Having that extra appendage was still wierd to her. The first time she had to pee, she stood up close to the toilet as Alaric instructed her and she felt weird peeing standing up. The cold air blowing after the shower made everything downstairs shrink and Francine giggled. "Boys have wierd parts." She then put on pajamas and walked back to Samuels' tent. As Francine was putting Samuels washing in the wash basket, she noticed a well loved plushie underneath a pile of clothes. She plucked it out and looked at it. She gave it a cuddle. "This reminds me of my Wolfie at home." She peeked out of the tent, the beta was standing guard. "Excuse me Mr Beta, can you tell me a bedtime story?" She climbed onto Samuels bed and snuggled in under his blankets waiting. The beta awkwardly shuffled into the tent. "Ah...let me think of a story..." Francine closed her eyes in anticipation. The Beta spoke in a baritone voice; "There once was a little orphan boy who no one wanted..." Francine perked an eye open. "That's a sad beginning. I want a happy story..." The beta sighed. "Young master, your acting weird, but anyways, my story has a happy ending.." Francine nodded and closed her eyes again. The beta began again. "The orphan boy was cowering in a corner from the big bad wolf. This big bad wolf had been abusing this little orphan for a while. He would have alot of bruises on him.he was only a little omega at the time so no one really cared about him. Then one day, two people came to save him. These people were strong wolves; they beat the big bad wolf in a fair duel. The big bad wolf, who was injured was taken prisoner. No one saw him after that day. The orphan boy was freed. He chose to stay with the two strong wolves and live the rest of his life in peace." Francine cracked an eye open again. "Thankyou for the story Mr Beta. He smiled down at her and ruffled her hair. "Your welcome young master, but may I ask. Is there anything wrong? It's've been acting not like your usual self." Francine whispered to Alaric "should we tell him?" Alaric chuckled. "you don't have to whisper in your own mind you know, and I think we can trust him. He is my humans second in command after all." Francine nodded. "Ah Mr Beta, the truth is....I'm not Samuel.." the beta immediately stood to attention. "But you are! I see you with my own eyes!" Francine sat up and hung her head. "My name is Francine Standford. I'm five years old. My pack is the moonlight pack..." The beta was shocked. "Ah young master, this joke is not funny..." Francine looked up at him. "It's not a joke. Please, my mum and daddy are Angelo and Ophelia Stanford." The Beta still looked confused but he bowed and quietly left the tent. Alaric sighed. "Well that went well." Francine threw herself backwards into the pillow. "Yeah....hey Alaric, do you think the story he told us was about him? I'd never heard a story like that before..." Alaric agreed with her. "Yes I also think that. Let's go play, I don't want to sleep!" He tipped and Francine put her hands on her hips and huffed. "No, it's not playtime. I need to sleep." She rolled over and hugged Samuels teddy and drifted off to sleep even with a whiny wolf in her head. When she woke up again, it was Saturday morning; she went to the mess tent for breakfast. They have scrambled eggs and bacon this time. They have orange juice but it's the concentrated type not fresh like at home. When Francine was halfway through her breakfast, the tent flap flings open and a very mad Alpha steps in. the soldiers around her immediately stand to attention and salute. "Attention! Alpha Baxter is now present!" Francine gulped as Samuels father came to stand Infront of her. He is taller then her father, with a scar over his right cheek. He seemed scary. He threw her letter onto the table. "What is the meaning of this son?" Francine cowered, gulped and replied in a timid voice. "Ah...I'm not your son, Alpha. I am actually Francine Standford..." Samuels' father sighed. "Yes, yes. I heard from my beta. Come with me...we need to sort this out...." The soldiers all looked at her as she followed along behind the Alpha, unsure of what was to happen now...
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