Chapter 2 - The accident part 2

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*Samuels POV* Today Samuel woke up in the familiar green army tent on his usual camp bed. His parents moved around alot since their small pack of warrior wolves were mercenaries that worked for the humans. Being a leader of the warrior pack also meant having a strong wolf, and Samuels was the strongest of them all. He was a Lycan. When Samuel was born, his parents were so clinical. To them he was just thier successor, a necessary part of running the pack for the future. He rubbed his eyes and his Lycan stirred and began to dance around and yap. Samuel held his head, it was too early in the morning for his antics. "Alaric, not now." But he continued to be the excited pup that he was. Samuel stood up and stretched. He changed his clothes and grabbed his backpack. He made his way to the mess tent and the warrior wolves that were around or running drills saluted to him and he would nod back. He opened the tent flap and all within the mess tent went silent. Samuels' fathers' Beta stood up to attention and yelled "ATTENTION!" All in the mess tent immediately stood up and saluted to him. Samuel rolled his eyes and sloppily saluted back before he mumbled "At ease." All the warrior wolves began to go back to eating thier breakfast and having idle chatter. His father's Beta began to fluff around. "Young master, would you like some breakfast, here sit in my chair." Samuel plonked his backpack down on the table. "Yes, yes that would be good. I have to get" Samuel stressed the last word. Since his parents move around alot, he has never been able to make friends at each school they enroll him in. He's been lucky this time around because his parents have been able to stay for a long assignment. They couldn't tell him much, but they were on security detail for some important person. When he was old enough, he insisted to his parents that he attends human school, he couldn't stand the thought of being homeschooled by one of his father's subordinates. He felt it wouldn't be a proper education. At such a young age, he also already figured out that his parents were disciplined in military tactics and it often rolled over to their parenting. He knew his life wouldn't be normal. He rather enjoyed his time away from the military camp. However, a week ago, Alaric complicated things. There was a cute little girl with pigtails. She had a small group of friends. Since his wolf was a Lycan he already picked up her scent. She smelled of starwberrys. Alaric was calling her his mate. This made Samuel confused but also curious. Every day in this past week he would look at her without her knowing. He watched how she would act in the playground. He wasn't in her class because she was in the younger grades and had obviously just started school that year. With his advanced hearing he picked up her friends calling her 'Francine' his Lycan pup cooed at the name. "She's so cute her name is so sweet to me, let's go say hi." Samuel faught his wolf for control. "No, I don't know who she is, and I don't want to know!" But whenever they had finished classes he would always unconciously look for her in the playground. This particular day was no different. His fathers Beta dressed in civilian clothes dropped him off at school. In the car, he saluted but Samuel immediately pulled his hand away. "Don't do that around the humans!" His father's Beta coughed. "Sorry young master. Habit." Samuel rolled his eyes and climbed out of the car slinging his backpack over his left shoulder. He waved to his fathers Beta and went inside the school grounds. His nose immediately picked up her scent and it strangely calmed him. He walked into the classroom and his morning in class commenced. He would answer questions from his textbook whenever his teacher prompted him to, and he completed his math tasks. His teacher patted him on the shoulder which made him flinch slightly but the teacher didn't notice and kept on walking around the classroom talking. They were going to go on a class excursion next month and Samuel sighed. He wasn't sure weather his parents would permit him to go. As the bell rang for lunch, he took his lunchbox out with him to his usual spot in the shade by the basketball court. Other kids would be running around but he would only observe them, he wouldn't participate in their activities. He was eating his sandwhich quietly. The other things in his lunchbox were embarrassing. Army rations in silver packets. He sighed again. He would eat those when no one else was looking. As he looked up, a soccer ball rolled over and touched his feet. There was a boy waving from across the playground for the ball. Samuel put his lunchbox down and stood up. He brushed off the grass from his pants before he picked the ball up. The little kids were running around him but with his werewolf reflexes he was able to avoid them all running into him. He stopped short of the soccer field and threw the ball back. The boy waved his thanks as he turned around however, a little body collided with him. He briefly felt static electricity before the little body fell backwards. Samuel didn't know what to do, but before he knew it a ball came flying at his head and he fell backwards blacking out.
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