Chapter 3 - Body Swap

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*Francine* She opened her eyes to blackness. She began sniffling. "M...mummy...." No response. She began to full on wail. "Mummy, where are you?" There was a gentle light and warmth, followed the feeling of something soft on her cheek. A silvery ball appeared Infront of her. "Hello. Yip. Yip." The silvery ball turned into fur. She reached out and touched it. It was as soft as her teddy bear at home. The soft sensation on her cheek was there again, except this time it was a wet tongue. The ball of fur turned into a puppy Infront of her. She giggled. "Puppy!" The pup huffed. "I'm not just any pup. I'm a Lycan pup!" He proudly strutted In front of her. She giggled again. "Ok mister wolfy" He sat down and looked at her straight. "You need to wake up now, you are my human now, and his family is waiting for you." Francine put her head to the side confused, but then another bright light shine in the darkness and Francine opened her eyes. There was a man she had never seen before in front of her shining a torch in her eyes. "Ah young master, your awake. I'm Dr Charles. Your parents received a call from the school to say you were in an....incident with a human..." Francine looked around. Her mother and father weren't there, she began to sniffle again. This wasn't like her parents not to come when she's been sick or injured. She began to sniffle. "Where's my mummy and daddy, mister?" The Doctor was coughed. "Ah...young master, I already explained it to you. They were worried but you know that they are on assignment and can't leave." This made her sniffle even more. The doctor coughed. " know you are back on packlands. You are safe. Your father's Beta is just outside that door. Call if you need anything. Your parents already asked for homework to be sent home for you for the rest of the week, but for now have some rest." The doctor left and she was all alone. Francine curled up in a ball on the uncomfortable camp bed. The puppy's voice came from inside her head. "Hey, mate, can we do something fun? I want to run around the camp and annoy the warriors." When she stretched out her body, it was then that Francine noticed that the body she was in was much taller and stronger then her own. She looked at her hands and feet. She wiggled her toes and then ran to the mirror that she spotted on the other side of the tent. She squeeled but it wasn't her usual high pitch squeel. A man in an army uniform came barging into the tent. "What's the matter young master?!" Francine looked back at the mirror. "I'm a boy! I'm in this....creepy boys body!" The soldier looked startled. "Ah...young master...that's how you always look...?" Francine ran from the tent. There were army officers everywhere and as she ran they all stood up and saluted, only scaring her even more. She saw a space that led off to a woods and ran in that direction. After no one followed her, she slowed down. She found a big tree with a hollowed out trunk. She curled up inside and began to cry. "Wolfy, who is he?" There was a silence but the the reply came in her head again. "He is my human. His name is Samuel, and I'm Alaric, future Alpha to the Ballator Pack." He began to jump up and down excited. "Thankyou for asking about our names. It makes me happy that you want to know about us." Francine held her head and stopped sniffling. "Are you always so excited?" The yipping and jumping stopped. Alaric again sat down, but this time he hung his head and whimpered. "is mate mad? I'm sorry. I'm just happy I get to talk to you. Our human is normally very grumpy and refused for me to talk to you." Francine giggled and wiped her eyes. "Yeah. He kept staring at me. I always felt his eyes trying to put a hole in the back of my head." Alaric started to wag his tail. "I'm glad you feel better." Francine hugged her legs. "What else can you tell me about him?" Alaric began to get excited again and Francine held her head but Alaric stopped himself. "Sorry. Bad habit. Yip. So our human is ten years old..." He stood still, wagging his tail again. Francine sighed. "So he's older then me, that's why he's not in my class..." Alaric nodded. "Yeah. Human school is fun. I've learnt alot about humans I never knew before. You see in my past lives..." Francine began to yawn. Alaric stopped. "Oh sorry. As I said human school is fun." Francine scoffed. "No it's not it's boring. The only fun part is recess and lunch. I get to play with my friends." She turned sad again. "Wolfy, do you think I'll ever be able to go back to my body again? I miss my mummy and daddy already. How does... Samuel do this every day, not seeing his own mummy and daddy? Is he...lonely?" Now it was Alarics turn to get sad. His tail hung limp and he put his head down. "Yeah, he does. He's learnt to live with it though. He thinks of his father's Beta as his closest friend." Francine put her head up. "Is that the bald guy who came running into the tent when I screamed?" Alaric again nodded. "Yeah it was." Francine stood up. "I suppose we had better get back now, so he doesn't worry." Alaric wagged his tail again. "Yeah, I hope our little chat helped. Also...I'm going to have to teach you how things work around here or else it'll be suspicious..."
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