Chapter 1 - The accident

1004 Words
*Francine POV* She woke up because her toes were cold. She grabbed her teddy and headed to her parents room. She climbed into bed and snuggled up to her father, He was the warmest because of his wolf. He rolled over and moaned half asleep. "Hello my little pup." Francine quietly giggled so as not to wake her mother and greeted her father's wolf. "Hello Apollo." He playfully growled and hugged her into himself. Enveloped in his warmth she quickly went back to sleep. Her mother's alarm went off and woke all three of them. Francine rubbed her eyes and her mother kissed her on the top of her head. "Morning princess. Mummy has to go to court today." Francine pouted and her mother laughed. "It's ok little one. Daddy can take you to school." She nodded and looked down at her teddy. Her father ruffled her hair. "Go and get dressed while daddy gets ready for work too then mummy will do your hair before we leave." Francine slid off the bed and ran back to her room. They live in the alpha suites in the packs manor. Former Alpha Standford and former Luna LeeAnn now live in a separate house still on packlands. Alpha Standford now spends his time building his own boat. Francine often found him to be grumpy with the occasional soft spot. Whenever he came for a visit he would mumble to himself about 'mummy being human and leading a wolf pack was preposterous,' but Francine knew deep down that her mother was a strong women. Her mother didn't need a wolf, because her father really loved her mother and would protect them both in a heartbeat. Alpha Standford would always find a way to remind her that she is only half werewolf, so her possibility of receiving her own wolf when she was older was a low possibility. Of course, Francine still loved her grandpa even if he was grumpy and would always have a smile and a hug for him, and this would always melt his cold exterior, and he would ruffle her hair and sigh. Now back in her room, Francine took out a pink floral dress, and her ballet flats. She quickly got dressed and turned around at a knock on her door. Her mother was standing there with a gentle smile and her hairbrush in hand. Francine sat on her bed as her mother brushed her hair and put it into two pigtails. Francine hugged her mother. "Thankyou mummy. Have a good day at work." Her mother pulled away from the hug. "And you have a good day at school." She bopped Francine on the nose with her index finger and walked out of the room. As Francine went downstairs, pack members greeted her and she did what her father always did and nodded to them. She made her way to the kitchen for breakfast and found her father sitting at the table with the newspaper, sipping his coffee. "Hello princess, the chef made you some scrambled eggs." She sat down next to him and he slid her favourite frozen themed plate over to her. She picked up the fork and began to eat. As she chewed only the sound of the newspaper rustling could be heard. She finished her eggs, and her father father folded the newspaper up and stood up. He pushed his chair in and held out his hand. Let's get your lunchbox and and get to school, shall we?" As she held his hand she slipped along next to him. He picked up her unicorn lunchbox and they walked out to the car. Her father's secretary was there she politely smiled at him and greeted him. "Hello Mr Alfonse." Thean pushed his glasses up his nose. He bowed to her in reply. "Hello little lady." They got in the car and drove the shirt distance to the school she attended along with other human children. Her father kissed her on the forehead and she got out of the car. Carrying her lunchbox in one hand, she waved woth her other hand as the car drove off. Francine turned and walked into school. She played a little with her friends after putting her bag and lunchbox away. The bell rang and they went into class. The teacher did roll call and they began class. There was a boy in her class that would always glare at her. She would try to avoid him as much as she could. The bell rang for recess. Francine grabbed her lunchbox and was walking with her friends. They were giggling about things they had seen on TV. "I was watching Scooby-Doo with my mum yesterday afternoon." The girls looked at her but she could feel someone staring at the back of her head. She turned around and no one was there. She shrugged and went back to their conversation. "So yeah in this episode, Fred got stuck in one of his own traps..." The girls continued to gossip as they walked to their favourite seat in the playground. they opened their lunchboxes and each scrutinised what the others had. They swapped snacks and began to eat. the tree they were sitting under provided shade for them. They finished eating their recess snacks and put their lunchboxes together and began to play chase. Francine was the tagged person first. She ran after her friends who remained out of reach. She ran a little faster and finally she was able to tag one of them. She quickly yelled out "Tag, your it!" Before running in the opposite direction. She ran around other kids who were kicking their legs as they went up and down on the swings. She wasnt watching where she was going and next thing she knew she collided with what felt like a wall, but it was the boy who kept staring at her, his face was the last thing she seen before her head collided with the concrete and it all went black....
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