Chapter 16 - Getting ready for school

1025 Words
*Samuel* Tired from the lessons of the day, Samuel was dragging his tired little girl feet towards Francines room, wondering what will happen tommorrow as it was a school day. He shivered as the thought that he would have to socialise with the group of giggling little girls that were Francines friends. He could already feel the headache coming on. He sighed as he got to the top of the stairs he found Francines father standing there waiting. Samuel bowed his head out of reflex. "Alpha." Alpha Angelo plonked his big hand on the top of samuels head and ruffled his hair. "Its ok boy, you dont have to be so formal to me, after all it feels....weird." He looked up at Francines father with shock, but then it occured to him that the Alpha was still seeing his daughter physically in front of his eyes, only it wasnt so of course it must be staring to him. Samuel sighed again before he mumbled. "Sorry." Francines father chuckled before he cleared his throat. "Come with me to Francines room. We have a few things to discuss." Samuel nodded and with Francines stubby little feet he tried to keep pace with her father. The Alpha was first to get to Francines room. As he opened the door, he gestured for Samuel to enter before him. Samuel did as he was instructed and climbed up onto Francines bed. He kicked off Francines boots and was pulling his socks when the Alpha gently closed the door and sat on the bed beside him. "I spoke to your father earlier. He's finished his....mission." Samuel knew what that meant but he waited for Alpha Angelo to continue. "Your father and I are of agreement. Francine, in your body will stay here, untill Lunas test is completed for you two." Samuel hung his head. "So My pack moves on without me? My mum and dad?" Alpha Angelo looked at him with genuine concern. "They will call every Friday for an update, once your test is over...I don't'll probably go back to your pack." but once that sentance was finished Alpha Angelos eyes glowedand his wolf growled. "BUT DONT YOU DARE REJECT MY PUP! YOU WILL COME BACK FOR HER!" Angelo gulped. "Yes sir." Alpha Angelos eyes went back to their normal colour. "Sorry Samuel, Apollo is very protective of Francine." Samuel shrugged and wondered how Alaric would have reacted to the Alpha order. Francines father stood up as Luna Ophelia walked in with her arms crossed. "Are you terrorising the poor boy Apollo?" Francines father looked sheepish before he kissed his mate on the cheek. "I was worried about our pup, mate. Pain from rejection ends up killing us wolves." Ophelia nodded before she looked at Samuel, and smiled. "I dont think you have to worry about that dear. I have a good feeling that wont happen" Apollo growled again before Francines mother hunted him from the room. She turned around. "Lets get you into the bath. School tommorow." Samuel was once again reminded that he was to be surrounded by little girls and he sighed. He had to endure it. He sat obediantly as Francines mother washed his hair, and once he got out of the bath, he went through the now familiar ritual of Luna Ophelia brushing his hair before tucking him into bed. "Goodnight samuel. Try not to scare our daughter too much tommorrow, ok?" Samuel smirked. "Shes in my body, so I doubt theres much I can scare her with." He finished that sentence with the silent thought "Besides Alaric wont let anything happen to her" but he kept that to himself. He went to sleep and the night sky quickly turned to morning as the sun was shining in his eyes. Omegas were moving around his room, cleaning and getting things ready for the day. He opened one eye, and an omega stopped. " Hello young Miss, time to get ready for school. Samuel moaned and then sat up. He rubbed his eyes as clothes were brought to him and his eyes focused with horror at the cutsie clothes the omegas were putting on the bed. He bared it all and once he was dressed and hair was meticulously done in pigtails and bows, he went down to the kitchen for breakfast. His stomach growled at the delicious smells wafting from there. Francines mother, shuffled her to the table next to Francines father, Alpha Angelo, who was reading the stockprices in the newspaper. He lowered his voice, "Now remember Samuel, you have to act like Francine at school. You will be driven to school in my car as I and my secretary Alfonse, will be on our way to the office. Angelo nodded as a bowl of cereal and a plate of eggs was put in front of him. He began to eat, as Francines mother walked over shoving a rainbow lunchbox into Francines unicorn backpack and samuel hung his head. "Do I really have to use that?" Alpha Angelo, patted him on the shoulder. "Remember, today you are Francine, you must maintain this as you are out in the would with humans. Besides It is her favourite backpack." Samuel nodded, He would endure. He was half way finished his breakfast, when another guy in glasses and a suit walked in. He bowed to Francines father. "Sir, it is time to go, you have the weekly board meeting in an hour." Alpha Angelo looked to Samuel, who stood up and walked with his plate to the sink. He tugged on Luna Ophelias clothes and she turned around. "Yes, what would you like?" Samuel rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Umm....can I get another home made lunch for Francine. I suspect she will come to school with an Army rations pack for lunch." Luna Ophelia smiled. "Of course." She began to quickly make a sandwhich and pack it along with some fruit and a chocolate biscuit for Francine. she quickly packed it in the unicormn backpack and then she whispered. " thankyou for looking out for her." and then she gave Samuel a quick kiss on the cheek.
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