Chapter 17 - Alphas announcement

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*Francine* It was going on to being the evening and the sun was just starting to go down. The whole pack was getting excited for what was to come. They had gathered in a clearing and were talking very loudly. Samuels father whistled and everyone immediatly went quiet. "Members of the Ballator Pack, Our mission has been completed and as the usual reward, we will go on a pack hunt! let us find the biggest game, and tonight we shall feast!" There came loud howls in response and to Francines horror, everyone began to strip. Francine scrunched her eyes shut and Alaric chuckled. "Quit being a baby and undress, unless you want me to shred our clothes." Francine cracked one eye open and found the clearing was now filled with wolves of every colour. She stood staring untill, a big black wolf huffed at her and then she heard Samuels fathesr voice in her head. "Come on little girl, give in to Samuels wolf. He will do all the work tonight. You must remember that the pack still thinks you are Samuel, their future leader. You cannot show weakness." Francine gulped and closed her eyes again. "What do I have to do Alaric?" He gave a smug smile. "Nothing." Before she knew it, Alaric had taken over their mind and she could feel things happening to her body. Bones were moving and changing shape. she could feel the pores on her skin open and tingle as fur extended from all over the surface of her body. The whole transformation had now become familiar, seeings as this was the second time she had shifted in Samuels body. Alaric let out a howl and the pack joined in before Samuels father took off leading the charge. Alaric soon caught up to Samuels father and he nodded as they ran side by side. The pack was on their heels and some wolves were yipping in excitement. From her place in the back of thier collective mind, Francine yawned, but then the speed the pack was travelling, increased as Samuels father sniffed the air and began to hoan in on their prey. Then Samuels fathers voice linked to the pack came through her mind again. "Beta, take three trackers and surround the prey to the left. Luna, myself and Samuel will take the right." There came howls of aknowledgment. Alaric followed the black wolf and they slowly crept up on their prey. Frencine looked at what they were about to catch. It was a big deer. As Samuels father, mother and Alaric lept up to take down the deer, She clenched her eyes shut. She did not want to see the blood. There came sounds of muffled grunts and groans before there was complete silence. She opened her eyes to see the now dead dear at Samuels fathers feet and the Alpha and luna stood with three other wolves, proud over their prey. The Beta slung the deer over his shoulder and carried it back to the camp. A big fire was stoked in the center of the camp, set up to roast the catch for dinner. francine shivered. Alaric gave her back control and shifted back to their Samuels human form and she stood there butt naked. She tried to cover herself in embarassment but the pack paid her no mind. They were all busy either heading of to the showers to wash away the grime from the hunt, others were passing thier small prey to the chef to be cooked. The beta came up to her with a towel wrapped around his center and he was towel drying his hair. "Young Master, time for shower, then we'll see if some of tonights fair is cooked enough for you to have some then we will get you off to bed for school tomorrow." Francine had forgotten about that. and she mumbled "..School..hmm.." She knew she had to act like Samuel but it was going to be hard to do his school work. She shrugged it off and went to collect some pajamas and towel before she headed to the shower block. As she had packed Samuels Elmo poof and soap, she had to use the packs soap. She sighed as she cleaned her body and stood under the shower for a little while. A throat clearing from behind her made her jump before she shut off the shower bucket, and stepped out of the shower. The Beta was holding out a towel and she greatfully took it. She changed into Samuels pajamas and was guided to the mess tent. Samuels mother and father were sitting at the head of the table laughing and smiling at their pack members. Francine marvelled at them, that they could make such expressions, As she had only known them to be stern. Sameuls father gestured at him. "Son, come sit with us, eat. The deer isn't quite ready yet, but theres mashed potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Juyst as he had finished saying that, her stomach growled. She went and sat in the seat beside Samuels father. A plate with steaming food was placed in front of her and she picked up her fork. She began to eat but then Samuels father stood up, startling her. He cleared his voice. "Fellow pack members, I didnt want to take away the thrill of the hunt, but we also have something else to celebrate. Samuel here...." He gestured for Francine to stand up before he contiued. "He has found his mate and out future Luna." There came loud howls of approval before Samuels father quietened them all again. Then there came the qeustions. "when will we meet her?" "Where is she from?" Samuels father replied with "She is from the Moonlight Pack. She is an Alpha in her own right. Samuel will be joining her pack as of tommorow to learn about her. When he will return is uncertain, but please wish him well with this next adventure!"
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