Chapter 15 - Punishment and Hunt preparations

1089 Words
*Francine* The rest of her Sunday was spent following the Beta around. He had her running light army drills, push ups and running laps of the camp. Finally he stood watch as she scrubbed the pots in the kitchen for the chefs. She wondered what the pots get used for if they have army rations for food most of the time. When she finally finished she let out a big yawn. The Beta clapped her on the shoulder, and gently steered her out of the kitchen. As they were leaving she noticed an omega sitting on a stool peeling potatoes. The Beta smiled at her. "Tonight we hunt! Alpha and Luna will be finished their mission and we will be moving on." Francine became Alarmed. "Alaric what does he mean by 'move on?' " Alaric huffed. "It means alpha and Luna won't need to stay here. They move to their next destination, to a new mission. This is the life of mercenaries." Francine hung her head. "So what does that mean for me and Sam?" Alarics features softened at the name she called his human. "I dont know little one. Alpha will be doing a speech tonight at the hunt." She felt the Beta nudge her and she blinked. "Ah sorry Mr Beta, I was talking to Alaric." They stopped short and the Beta saluted, making Francine look up. Samuels father was standing with his back towards them, facing his mission board as omegas were taking out the pins and pulling paper down into a pile on the desk. The Alpha spoke startling her. "Beta, you may leave us." His arm stiffly lowered and he turned around and marched out of the alphas tent. Samuels father also shooed the omegasout and they scurried away, leaving the tent in silence. "Girl, as you are in my sons body, you will participate in the hunt this evening to keep with pack morale." He then turned and sat at his desk and sighed. He steeples his fingers as he leaned with his elbows on his desk. This gesture reminded Francine of her grandfather and she almost laughed but the Alpha speaking stopped her. "I do love my son, but I wanted him to learn from an early age that the world can be a cruel place for a pack such as ours." He invited Francine to sit in the fold up chair opposite him. Francine walked forwards and duly sat, then he continued. "I dont know what the moon goddess has in store for you two, but until my son is restored to his own body, you cannot continue to stay with the pack." Francine became startled. "Wh...what does that mean...Alp..Alpha?" He held up his hand. "It means that, I've come to the decision that until things will remain with your own pack, so that my son will be protected. I need to discuss the finalities with your father of course, but myself and Samuels mother believe this to be the best course of action, given that we already have our next mission and cannot stay here." Francine had a fleeting sense of happiness because she would be going home, but then that faded as she realised that Samuel wouldn't get to see his parents for a while. Samuels father stood up again. "So as of tomorrow, You will go to school and act like my son, you will then proceed home to your own pack untill the time comes for Samuel to return to his own. Do I make myself clear?dismissed." Francine nodded, but then she quietly said "Samuel would miss his mummy and daddy." She was about to turn around and walk out of the tent, until a solid hand was plopped on her head and her hair was ruffled. She looked up at the alpha and he gave her a brief smile before he cleared his throat and went back behind his desk. Francine walked out with her hand on her head trying to figure out what just happened but then came to th realisation that Samuels father wasn't as scarey as she first thought, and then Alaric cleared her doubts. "I believe so. Alpha may act tough on the outside but thats to shelter his pack, He has to deal with all sorts of bad guys, so him being cold to Samuel is his way of protecting him, in his own way." Francine shrugged. "Yeah, but its still kinda sad." The Beta caught up to her and he strood with his big legs matching her small paces. "Young master, I don't know why, but Alpha has ordered me to help you pack some clothes in an extra backpack. He says you will be doing a diplomatic mission of your own? Does this have anything to do with your....story...about your mate...being in you body?" francine laughed at the Beta. He still hasn't come to the truth that she wasnt Samuel. She gently put her hand on his arm. "Its ok Mr Beta. Yes, I'm going home to my pack, the Moonlight Pack. I will look after the young master." She winked at him before she got Samuals backpack out from under the bed. The Beta quickly came forward. "Ah young master perhaps you'd best leave yourt backpack for school and instead take your rucksack?" He pulled a big bag with alot of pockets on its sides, and wondered how she was going to carry that at school. Alaric smirked in her mind. "Ah little human, that is nothing for us with our werewolf strength, plus we are a LYCAN!" he proudly growled the last part and she smiled. "Ok Mr Beta, lets do this!" She was grabbing random clothes and the Beta would shake his head. "Ah young master, maybe we should start with day clothes then some Pajamas?" The Beta helped choose options for clothes before he would neatly fold them into the rucksack. Francine ran to the shower stall and took out Samuels Elmo poof and soap, as she thought he might like something from home other then his clothes. Once everything was packed, she looked at the Beta excitedly. "Is it nearly bedtime Mr Beta?" He looked at his watch. "Well, we have to wait for the Alphas speech then we all let our wolves out to hunt, then dinner, then bed." Francine gulped. She had forgotten that the hunt was on, but Alaric reassured her that he would take care of it, and that it was in his nature to run with his pack.
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