Chapter 14 - Study day with the old Alpha

1091 Words
*Samuel* Francines grandfather had sat him at a desk in the pack library. He sprawled a map out in front of Samuel. In the center of the map was the Moonlight pack with their unique crest of a shield on which a silhouette of pine trees was in the center of with a wolf and crescent moon back to back at the top. Francines grandfather suprised him by slamming his hand onto the table on the center of the map. "Take note boy; Our pack has a centuries of history. It was established by the werewolf council as a gift, to the very first Lycan in our kinds history." This had Samuel interested as his wolf was a lycan. "Ah sir...I have a.." Francines grandfather didnt let him finish his sentence. "We are a proud pack. We uphold all the councils values. This was also the first thing Francine learnt as soon as she could read and write I was giving her lessons." he turned his back on Samuel before he muttered low enough so he could still hear. "I dont suppose a ruffian pack like yours would understand the basic principles of a cultured pack such as ours." Samuel was going to growl in defence of his pack but then thought better of it because he would guarantee he would get a negative response. So instead he sat there tapping his pencil on the notepad in front of him waiting for the old alpha to continue. "What is the name of your pack, boy?" Samuel flinched at his tone." The Ballator Pack sir." he sat upright like he would at hone when answering to his alpha soldier father. Francines grandfather smirked. "See not even a blip on the councils radar." Samuel wanted to retort with his packs motto of 'We the Ballator Pack, answer to no one' but he bit his tongue. Francines grandfather turned around. "I dont know why the council allows two bit packs like yours to exist" Samuel rolled his eyes and Francines grandfather raised his voice. "Finally have something to say, boy?" Samuel wiggled in his chair before he grumbled "No sir." He wanted to say that his pack does the dirty work that other packs wouldn't even touch but again he bit his tongue. Francines grandfather nodded. "Good. Lets continue. Francine was leaning about these packs here." He pointed to two areas on the map. Each also had an elaborate emblem on it. "This one here, is our closest neighbour; They earn thier keep by ways of trading in lumber, and this pack trades in farmed goods. We trade in horses" Samuel looked with concentration at the map, there was a gap between Francines pack and the pack to the south, it was labelled human land. The pack to the south had an emblem with a salmon and a wolf head. They were close to the sea so samuel came to the conclusion that they must be fishermen. Then Francines grandfather again slammed his hand onto the table interupting his thoughts. "I'm teaching Francine all this because my useless son went and created his own company, became his 'own his man' didnt want to take over the packs buisness even though he is their alpha now." He stood up making Samuel also look up. "Now come. We should go to the stables." Samuel got up and they left the house. As they walked people would stop and nod to Francines grandfather and smile at him. He still was getting used to the not having to salute everyone they passed, it was refreshing. Samuel was taking a good look around, the pack house was situated proudly infront of a massive garden. Francines grandmother was kneeling in front of some rose bushes trimming off some rosehips. She looked up, smiled and waved. Samuel waved back, He wasn't watching were he was going and almost tripped over. Samuel cursed Francines small clumsy feet. They reached the stables and francines boots clacked against the concrete flooring. Francines grandfather was pointing out the different horses. "....and this one is a world champion. He has his own team that come to look after him. He's here on agistment." He stopped and Samuel nearly ran into his legs. The old Alpha was discussing something with an omega stable hand. Samuel took a few steps backwards away from the shadow of Francines grandfather. As he did so however, he nearly fell into a pile of manure. The stable hand that was talking to Francines grandfather quickly manoeuvred and caught him before he fell on his bottom. Samuel went red with embarrassment. The stable hand smiled politely, but then his Scottish accent made Samuel look at him funny. "You ought to be more careful there little lassy." Samuel nodded and then was helped back onto his feet. Francines father scowled but then he walked off and bellowed over his shoulder. "Keep up..Francine..." Samuel straightened his clothes and ran after the old man. As he ran, it was a weird feeling; because Francine was smaller then him, her legs were shorter and she was closer to the ground then his older body. Once he caught up to the old Alpha, he was huffing and puffing, and again Francines grandfather scowled. "Those horrible human genes Francine gets from her mother are to blame for her...condition..." Samuel was now getting used to the grumpy old man's put downs and he wondered how Francine ever put up with them. They got to some work yard and there were different horses being hosed down, brushed and groomed. Francines grandfather leaned against a shoulder height fence post. "This here, is the round yards. Horses are usually brought here for various reasons. Sometimes they are penned in here during foaling season." He stepped away from the round yards and put his hands in his pockets. He once again walked off and Samuel traiked along behind him. This time they walked up a hill, to a tall tree. Once up the hill, Francines grandfather turned to him. "This..." he gestured towards the view below them. "Is what I show Francine attention end of each lesson. It's a reminder for all that she will one day be responsible for..." Samuel looked down in awe. Below them were beautiful green pastures, people coming and going and horses each also doing thier own thing. This much land before them, made Samuel feel small and he vowed that being Francines future mate, wasn't going to be easy, but he would try his best to help her.
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