Chapter 4 - Becoming Her

1007 Words
*Samuel* It was dark and quiet. He called out for Alaric but there came no reply. He could feel a warmth to his right and as he concentrated on it. That warmth then turned into subtle voices. "Ssssh...she has a concussion...she's resting now." That was a male voice which soon followed with that of a womens. "She has Alpha blood, so how the hell was she able to be knocked over and concussed?" What the males voice said next intrigued him. "It's ok. Remember we won't know if she is a full Werewolf untill she turns thirteen when her wolf will make her presence known." Who was this 'she' they were talking about? The male spoke again. "According to her school, she was playing with her friends when she collided with a bigger kid and they both fell backwards hitting the back of their heads. She should wake up shortly though." At this his fingers twitched. He knew what they were talking about now. They were talking about the pipsqueak that Alaric pointed out would be their mate. At the time, Samuel couldn't believe him. She was a tiny little thing. How was she supposed to rule a warrior pack with him? Samuel couldn't help his frustration and he groaned, and with that groan he opened his eyes being blinded by the bright light. He rubbed his eyes trying to adjust. All of a sudden his body was being hugged by a chubby lady and it freaked him out. No one has ever touched him so agressively before. He opened his mouth and a squeel came out. "Hey lady! Stop, don't come any closer, I dare you! I am Samuel, future Alpha to the Bellator pack...why is my voice so girly?!" He held his throat but then it dawned on him. His hands and body had shrunk. The two adults who were with him looked oddly at each other. The man quickly stood up and took out his phone. Samuel put his hand to his head and frowned. "Can someone please explain what is going on?" The women gently sat on the side of the bed. "Ah... that your name?" He nodded and she continued. "Funny thing...the ah...Moon goddess may have...switched your soul with our daughters." His eyes bulged. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" he yelled. The nurse came rushing in and the women waved her away. The women chuckled. "I know it's a shock. She did that to me too. I'm Ophelia Stanford. You are in Francines body." Samuel closed his eyes and whispered. "Why me?" The women called Ophelia patted him on the knee. "What we know is that, the Moon goddess would have done it on purpose. She wants you, and my daughter apparently to learn something from each other, only then will you swap back." Samuel frowned again. "What can you tell me about...her." Francines mother smiled at him. "Have a rest first. We'll take you home, and try to find your parents and pack. Samuel groaned. "Good luck. Our pack are warriors and soldiers. They are hidden from the world. My parents work is classified, even from me." A pained expression passed on her face but then she patted his knee again. "You'll have to get used to Francines things, and we will try to help you as best as we can. Just....don't do anything that will make the pack or her grandfather worry." Samuel closed his eyes again. And thought to himself, "how does she live with such suffocating people." He suddenly missed his father stoic Beta. After a while the room was quiet. He turned his head to look out the window. There was a tree next to the window and a little blue bird was preening itself. There came a knock at the door and a doctor came in. "Ok Miss Standford, I've been instructed to give you a once over before we can discharge you home with your parents. Samuel grunted in reply and the doctor did his checks. He shine a torch in his eyes and asked him various questions. The doctor scribbled some notes and then smiled. "Ok, your all good to go. I'll bring your parents back in. Luna has a change of clothes for you. Once you change, you are free to go." He bowed and left. Samuel hugged his knees and Francines mother came back in. She put some folded clothes on the bed for him. He picked them up and looked at her. "You have got to be kidding. I am not wearing these!" There was a pair of blue leggings and a tea shirt that had a unicorn on it. He pinched the bridge of his nose and then it dawned on him. "Wait...that doctor called you Luna...that makes Francine...." Ophelia nodded. "Francine is half werewolf but to the pack she will be their Alpha one day." Samuel groaned again as he returned to his thoughts about her being a weakling. So his future mate is half human, how was she supposed to match his Lycan? Things just keep getting better. He reluctantly took the clothes and went to the bathroom. Francine was definately tiny. She barely reached the tap for the sink without being on tiptoes. It would take quite alot of adjustment to get used to her tiny body. He looked at the toilet and rolled his eyes. Girls sit to pee. It felt wierd and he cringed as the toilet seat was cold. He finished his business and then stared at the clothes before he painfully put them on and threw the hospital gown in the corner linen basket. He walked out of the bathroom and found Francines mother had a hairbrush and hair tie in hand. She gestured for him to stand Infront of her. Samuel walked and did as he was told. He crossed his arms as she pulled the brush through Francines hair, and put it into a ponytail. All these girly things, he was not looking forward to seeing what Francines room looks like...
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