Chapter 5 - Her mistake

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*Francine* For the rest of the afternoon, Francine spent exploring. Most of the other warriors, she found them weird. Where ever she walked she would bump into them and they would salute to her. Alaric instructed her that every time someone did that she had had to mirror the action. The first time she did it, she felt so awkward and the salute was so sloppy but the soldier didn't seem to notice. He just bowed to her and went on his way. Francine peeked into every tent. One off to the side held her curiosity. Alaric went stiff. "That one is Alpha and Lunas. Everyone is forbidden to enter without them being present. Francine being only five don't understand the concept of 'forbidden' to her it was Samuels mummy and daddy tent so it shouldn't matter if she went in there. She figured no one would question her. She opened the flap and stepped in. There was a table in the centre with all sorts of papers and maps. Francine didn't understand what they were. She continued to look around. Thier tent was exactly like the rest of them. It had two camp beds side by side to one side, a camp light hung from the peak of the tent for night time. There was a rack of various clothes. Francine ran her finger along them with affection. With Samuels enhanced sense of smell, everything in this tent smelled like pine trees and lavender. Alaric confirmed that that was the scents of Samuels parents. A glint of silver covered with a green t-shirt shone in the corner of her eye. She pulled the crumpled t-shirt off the silver object only to find it was a photo frame. She gently reached out for it. It was a family photo of the three of them when Samuel was about her age. They looked so happy. Suddenly the tent flap was whipped open and the Beta was standing there huffing and puffing. "Young master! I've been looking for you. You mustn't be in here! You know the Alphas tent is forbidden! The information in here is classified!" She sadly put the photo back and looked at the Beta. "Ok...Im coming. I just miss mummy that's all." Which was true. She had never been apart from her parents for long, but the beta mistook what she meant. "Oh young master, you must have hit your head pretty hard. You haven't called Luna mummy is quite a few years...come. Take a break in your room and I'll...mindlink your mother." Francine looked up at the man. He had a kind face. She smiled at him. "Mister Beta, can I have some pencils and some paper to draw?" He nodded and rushed her back to Samuels' room. She sung as she sat at Samuels desk waiting for the drawing materials. His backpack was hanging on the back of the chair, so she got curious. "I wonder if he has maths homework like I do?" She poked her tongue out in disdain. She unzipped his backpack to find a pencil case, and books. He had no colourful lunchbox like she did. His was army green like everything else around. She took out his books and took a quick look through them. Some of the maths she knew, but then other longer equations and something with the 'x' made her so confused. She put his books back in his backpack and zipped it back up again. The beta came back with a handful of pens and some old paper that had wierd numbers and symbols on the back. Francine smiled at him. "Thankyou Beta." He saluted and bowed before making his exit. She looked at the pens and pouted. They wouldn't make for colourful pictures. She wanted to draw flowers so she could stick some up around the dull sides of the tent to brighten Samuels room. She opened Samuels pencil case to find texters of all colours. At home, Francine wasn't allowed texters because her mother said if she drew on the walls with the texters, her grandpa Standford would get grumpy at her. Her eyes shone with happiness. She gleefully spent the next hour drawing. The Beta came to check on her and she asked him for some sticky tape. He bowed and would then bring her what she needed. She stuck her pictures up around the tent and then was very pleased with herself. Samuels tent was no longer boring. The Beta came and told her it was dinner time and that Luna would be coming. Francine went to the shower tent and found a bowl of warm soapy water to wash her hands as her mother had taught her to do before every meal. The Beta followed along behind her without asking questions. Alaric guided her to the mess tent. As soon as she entered the Beta hollered. "Attention. Young master is in attendance." Francine was startled when they all stood at once to salute her. Alaric quickly told her what to say. "Ah...yes...that all." And again as she had done so many times already that day, she saluted to the other wolves. Once dismissed, they all say down again to eat. The Beta pulled the chair our for her and asked what she would like for dinner. She shrugged so the Beta went off to find her dinner. He came back with a steel plate with something mushed on it. The beta smiled at her. "Lasagne. Your favourite young master." Francine pouted. It did not look like the lasagne that she was given at home. She poked her fork at it and took a small mouthful. Suddenly everyone went stiff again. "Attention! Luna Rosa is present." Francine did what everyone else had done and stood up from her chair. She turned around to find the women from the photo greeting everyone. Francines face lit up. It was Samuels mother. She raced up to the women and hugged her legs. "Mummy!" The women and everyone else around was stunned...
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