Chapter 6 - in her space

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*Samuel* He followed Francines parents back to their car. It was a Mercedes SUV, in shiny silver. Her mother opened the door and Samuel rolled his eyes. He hadn't been in a child's car seat for a couple of years, so to see Francines chair he shivered. He reluctantly climbed into the chair with Francines stubby legs and waited patiently as Francines mother strapped him in. She then went around and sat in the front passenger seat, Francines father grabbed her hand and held it as he started the car and drove off. The trip to Francines home was short, but once the car pulled up the driveway, Samuel leant towards the window and his eyes widened. The house and gardens on the property were huge. Francines mother turned to him and chuckled. "Yeah I thought it was alot to take in too when I first saw it." Once the car was parked, Francines mother let him out of the seat and his feet hit the pebbles of the driveway. Francines grandmother opened the front door and opened her arms. "How's my little Franky? How's your head?" Samuel looked up to Francines mother who subtly nodded her head. Samuel took some tentative steps towards the lady, who then engulfed him in a hug. The old lady had a kind smile on her face. "Aww sweety, you must still be tired and sore. Your not as energetic today." Samuel shook his head and the old lady shuffled them all inside. He didn't need werewolf hearing to hear her quietly ask Francines mother about what happened. The whispers of "bodyswap" and "oh" could be heard from behind him. He just wanted to retire to bed. He turned and asked Francines mother, "I just want to go" She nodded. "Upstairs, two doors down the corridor to the right." He was about to leave when Francines grandmother stopped him. "Ah...grandpa is here too after he heard what happened, you might want to go see him.." samuel froze. Another Alpha? He will definately see through the act. He sighed, "where is he?" Francines grandmother clapped her hands once. "He's in the office...which is down this way..." She gently pushed Samuel through a corridor until they were outside a pair of double doors. Francines grandmother knocked and a gruff voice from inside answered. "Come in." Francines grandmother sweetly replied. "Hey sweetheart, it's me, LeeAnn, ah...I have..Francine here to see you.." she opened the door and Samuel took tentative steps into the room. He waved his hand Infront of his face as cigar smoke was drifting around the room. The old man swiveled his chair around from facing the window to now set his cold eyes on him. Samuel gulped. The alpha Infront of him had a demanding presence, it was almost suffocating. After a few seconds, the old man stubbed out his cigar and crossed his right leg over his left. "So there was an accident at school?" Samuel didn't know what else to do, so he did what he was taught to do when in the presence of another Alpha. He bowed as he replied with a "Yes Sir." The sound of the chair and hurried steps were heard and then a shadow passed above him, he clenched his eyes shut. "Tut tut tut. Your not my grand daughter." Samuel cringed. "WHO ARE YOU?" Samuel finally looked up at him and straightened to attention, again lime he was taught to do in his own pack and he saluted. "Samuel Baxter, 10 years old, future Alpha to the Ballator pack, Sir." The old Alpha seemed surprised as his right eyebrow lifted slightly. He put his hands behind his back and walked around Samuel in curiosity. "At ease boy." Samuel stiffly removed his hand from his salute but remained in the straight posture. "Where is your pack, I need to get my granddaughter back." Samuel flinched. "Ah..Alpha...that's classified." The alpha stopped his walking, again surprised this time at the fact that such smart words were coming out of his five year old granddaughters mouth. He rubbed his chin. "Hmm I see. So Francine was mated by the moon goddess to you. Interesting." He turned his back on Samuel and waved him off. "That'll be all, but before you go, please start acting like my granddaughter, the pack might get suspicious otherwise, she is five after all." Samuel nodded, bowed and then quietly left. He whispered to himself as he climbed the stairs. "That Alpha is scary." Samuel put his hand on the wall and followed it until he came to the second door on the right. Her name in pink and purple sparkly letters hung on the door. Samuel took a deep breath in and closed his eyes as he opened the door. When he opened them he cringed. Francines room was neat and tidy. The walls at the top were white and then along the middle was a floral pattern and then a subtle green colour at the bottom. Her big bed had a step for her to climb up. Samuel noted that her bedspread was white and lacy. She had two pillows, Samuel always ever only had his one tiny one. He climbed up onto her bed and immediately sunk into its softness. He noticed she had a pink teddy sitting on her pillows. He moved it out of the way and sat facing the rest of her room. It wasn't as girly as he had imagined. Although she had a shelf full of dolls and a pink toyboy, which he was reluctant to open. She had a desk with papers of various colours and a pack of expensive art pencils. He spied two doors off her room and out of curiosity, he went to open the first one. It was an ensuite. Beside the bath tub was a container full of various bath toys. Samuel snickered. "She's such a baby, she still has a bath." He closed the ensuite door and went to the other door. As he opened it, his chin almost dropped to the floor. It was her wardrobe. He shivered as he looked at her clothes. Everything was typically...girly. there were dresses of every fabric and design. A ballarina jewellery box sat atop of a set of drawers. Next to that was a container full of ribbons, scrunchies and hair ties. He opened the top drawer and found t shirts in various colours. He quickly shut the drawer. And slid to the floor. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't know how much of her cutsie stuff he would be able to handle...
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