Chapter 18 - Attending school

1073 Words
*Samuel* As they got into the black shiney car, Samuel became nervous; To him it felt like the first day of school again, only this time, he had to attend as Francine. As they pulled up to the gates of the school, Francines father looked up from the work papers he was looking at to smile at him. "Have a good day at school honey..." Samuel inwardly cringed at the pet name, but as he looked at Francines fatehr, he seen that he was expecting response. So also in a cringey tone he replied with what he thought qoukd be a Francine thing to say; "You too Daddy." He nodded with approval and Samuel jumped out of the car. As the door shut, and the car drove off, Samuel gulped. Her tugged on the bag straps a little tighter as he went in the school gates. Francines friends came running up to him, all asking questions; He huffed and they stopped. One of her friends who had two cute pigtails bounded up next to him and in a curious tone asked "Hey Francine, Whats the matter?" She c****d her head to the side, and Samuel sighed. He had to act like Francine, So he smiled and replied. "I'm just tired. Grandpa had me studying alot yesterday. it seemed to have worked because the little girl went back to her other friends before she shouted "Go and put your bag away Francine, we want to play tiggy before the bell." Samuel rolled his eyes, but then was startled as he seen his body running up to him. In his voice, Francine happily spoke to him. "Good morning Samuel" He hissed at her. "Keep your voice down. and your seriously not going to lug that big bag around with you all day?! Comw with me to my locker." Francine giggled and it made him stop. "Please do not say or do anything cutsie whike in my body." He glared at her but she saluted. "Yes boss." He rolled his eyes again and they snuck into the main foyer and down to their classrooms to put their bags away. Samuel put her bag in her pigoen hole along that had her name on it, then pulled out a lunchbox for her. "If I know my fathers Beta, you would have an army ration for lunch. Here, I had your mother make you a lunch." As he shoved a pink lunchbox at her, she gave him a hug. "Thankyou. No offence but your pack is so....stiff." Samuel shrugged, before he cleared his throat. "Come this way. Ill unlock my locker for you." They went futher down the corridor to the junior lockers. Samuel faced his locker and found he couldnt reach it. he had to stand on tip toes to undo the number lock. As he got down of tip toes, Francine shoved his army bag into the locker. "Ah thats better." Samuel nodded at her and they went out to the playground. Francines friends came running up to them, and Samuel could see the questions in thier eyes. Before one could even ask, Samuel came up with a quick excuse. "Our parents are friends." this didnt seem to explain much so Samuel remembered that he had to sound and act like her. "His mummy wanted him to be friends with me." and he closed his eyes as he let out a forced giggle. The other girls giggled and they started to pull him away from her and as he looked back, she was pouting, Samuel sighed. "Come on you dummy, our parents want us to be friends, so come on." As he looked back he also gave her a look but he didnt think she got his sutble hint, So as she skipped up to him to his dismay, he pulled her arm and half whispered/ half hissed to her. "Your supposed to be acting like me! I do not skip!" Francine stopped and coughed. "Sorry, im supposed to act all gloomy" Samuel whispred back, "I am not gloomy." Francines friends looked back and giggled. One of her friends looked at her. "Is he your boyfriend?" Samuel scoffed snd put on a cutsy voice and retorted back "Eww no! Boy germs..." He wore a smug look because he knew his wolf wouldnt have liked being challenged in that matter and by little girls at that. Samuel had to admit it was fun being in a little kids body again. They all began to play tag then the bell rang. Francine looked at Samuel and sighed. He mouthed to her "you'll be fine." He knew that his wolf would be able to help her with his school work. Samuel followed Francines friends into their classroom and they all sat at their desks. The treacher clapped her hands. "Ok class, roll call." The teacher marked Francines name off along with everyone else, and class began. First they read a story then they did maths. Samuel wizzed through Francines math, but as he squinted, it was hard writing because Francines pencil grip wasnt that great and her workbook was a mess. The teacher came around and patted Samuel on the shoulder. "Good job Francine, youve been working hard to improve your writing." Samuel was flabergasted but nevertheless he went with it. After writing tasks, they went and played with playdough. Samuel made a wolf shape with then playdough and again the teacher smiled at him. "Thats so cute Francine, does your dog have a name?" Samuel blinked. "Ah...its a wolf." The teacher looked at him and smiled. "Ah...I see it now. Very clever." Samuel shrugged. Then the teacher clapped her hands again. "Ok class, time to pack up the play dough, it's almost recess time." Samuel helped clean up then the bell rang. He again followed Francines friends out to the playground and they began to swing on the monkey bars. With her short arms and legs, Samuel found it difficult to haul Francines small body up onto the bars but with some effort he finally managed to climb up and sit watching her friends, after which it made him miss his werewolf strength. From his perch ontop of the monkey bars, he seen Francine emerge from the main building and made her way to them. She used his werewolf strength to haul herself up next to him. She sulked as she whispered to him "Your classwork is hard...."
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