Chapter 19 -Home time

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*Francine* The Beta woke her up and gave her clean clothes. "Young master, Here. We will miss you." He then stood upright and marched out of Samuels tent. It dawned on Francine that she was going home. She excitedly dressed and went out to the mess tent. Everyone was still buzzing about the news that they will meet thier new Luna soon. Francine rolled her eyes. "Alaric, its kinda funny, if they only knew it was me..." He chuckled and swished his tail. Francine wolfed down her breakfast quickly grabbed her bags. She was still fascinated with her new found strength as she slung the bags over her shoulder. The Beta came and escorted her to school. She waved him off and as she turned around She seen her body but it had a moody look. She giigled and went running up to him. "Good morning Samuel" He hissed at her and Alaric whined in her mind. "Keep your voice down! and your seriously not going to lug that big bag around with you all day?! Come with me to my locker." Francine giggled and it made him stop. "Please do not say or do anything cutsie while in my body." He glared at her but she saluted. "Yes boss." It was weird seeing such an angry look coming from her face. She was begining to think that she was annoying him when she seen the look on his face. He rolled his eyes again and they snuck into the main foyer and down to their classrooms to put their bags away. Samuel put her bag in her pigoen hole that had her name on it, then pulled out a lunchbox for her. "If I know my fathers Beta, you would have an army ration for lunch. Here, I had your mother make you a lunch." As he shoved a pink lunchbox at her, she gave him a hug. "Thankyou. No offence but your pack is so....stiff." Samuel shrugged, before he cleared his throat. "Come this way. I'll unlock my locker for you." Francine followed him to his locker and she looked sideways as she realised her small body was to short for him. He had to stand on tiptoes but he got it unlocked. As she shoved the bag in the locker she sighed. "Ah thats better." Samuel nodded at her and they went out to the playground. Her friends came running up to them but before she could talk to them Samuel spoke first. "Our parents are friends." Francine was about to correct him but he cleared his throat "His mummy wanted him to be friends with me." Francine couldnt believe her ears. Samuel let out a strangled giggle. Francines friends didnt notice and giggled, pulling him away to play. Francine crossed her arms and pouted. How could her friends leave her behind? Samuel looked back at her and sighed. "Come on you dummy, our parents want us to be friends, so come on." Francine looked at him sideways, shrugged and skipped up to him. Her friends were distracted so he pulled her up by the arm and hissed at her. "Your supposed to be acting like me! I do not skip!" Francine held back a sob at his harshness and coughed. "Sorry, i'm supposed to act all gloomy" Samuel whispered back, "I am not gloomy." A bunch of giggles halted their exchange. "Is he your boyfriend?" Francine screwed up her nose and Samuel scoffed. "Eww no! Boy germs..." Francine held her head as Alaric growled. The girls then all ran off taking Samuel with them to play tag. The bell rang and she watched as her friends disappeared with Samuel. She pouted and was not looking forward to Samuels classes. She followed the other kids from Samuels class and with some prompting from Alaric, she sat down in Samuels seat. The boy who was opposite him at the table was glaring at her. She whispered to Alaric. "Why is that boy glaring at me?" The boy then put his hand up and yelled out to the teacher. "Sir, Samuel is talking to himslef again!" the class laughed. Alaric hmmphed and told Francine to ignore him because he was always looking to get Samuel in trouble. The teacher marked the class role and they began thier learning for the day. Franciene found out that Samuels teacher was called Mr McCain. When they had to answer questions, Francine tried her best to keep up. Alaric was helping her with maths. but when it came to history, Francine ws all alone. Alaric hffed. "I dont know much about human history. Why would i involve myself with that stuff?" Francine missed Mr McCain calling Samuels name, until a book was slammed next to her and it made her jump. "Samuel, I asked you what year World War one started?" She shrugged and took a stab in the dark. "ah...ninteen...hundred?" The class began to laugh again. Mr McCain wasnt amused. "Samuel, the class is doing an assignement on the war. Have you not done your homework?" Francine gulped. "Ah no...sir.." He made a note and told her that she had three days left. Francine sighed in relief that Samuels teac ger didn't punish her. They finshed history and packed up for recess. She hugged herself as she left the classroom and made her wayb out to the playground. She found Samuel sitting ontop of the monkey bars, she reached for the bars and with ease lifted herself up and whispered to him. "Your classwork is hard...." Samuel was swinging his legs, as she said "Alaric shouls have helped." Francine crossed her arms and huffed again. "Yeah untill i was embarrased because i wa asked about some war thingy?" Samuel paled. "Ah about that...." Francine unconsciously growled and Samuel had to clamp his hands over her mouth. "ok...ok. I get it. I'll help you with my homework when we....get home." Francine nodded and then Samuel took his hands away from her mouth. After recess, Francine returned to Samuels class and with Alarics help finished the school day. When she cme out of his classroom, Samuel rolled his eyes at her as she was to happy. She shrugged and pulled him along to the place she gets picked up from by her father. The familiar car pulled up to the curb, and Francine was quick to jump in and throw Samuals bags onto the floor. She forgot that her fathers secretary was present as she jumped on her father and gave him a bear hug. "Daddy, oh i missed you!" Alfonse, from the front seat cleared his throat, and Francine cam back to herself realsing the situation. She pulled herself away and sat down as Samuel climbed in next to her. "Sorry...Sir. I mistook you for my own father..." Her father smiled softly at her. "Its ok. I forgive you." As in a familair way he ruffled her hair. She sighed in happiness as she was going home.
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