Chapter 8 - Fulfilling Dinner

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Samuel didn't know how long he lay there looking at the ceiling, but he sat up again and stared at the small wall mounted TV. Next to it was a shelf full of DVDs. He jumped off the bed and ran to the shelf. However because Francines body was still little he couldn't completely reach them. He remembered that in the ensuite there was a little step stool so Francine could reach the sink. He quickly went and fetched it. Once he was on the top step he was able to be in arms reach of the DVDs. He rolled his eyes as he looked through the titles. "Tch...figures they are all girly ones." He stopped himself, however as his fingers found the movie for bumblebee from transformers. His face lit up. He hadn't seen that one yet. Movies were a privilege for him because he only had access to his mother's laptop to watch anything. They didn't have a TV because they moved around alot. His fingers closed on the bumblebee case and he took the DVD out. He pushed the eject button to check if there was anything in the machine before he stood on tiptoes to put the DVD in. The machine pulled the disc in and whirred to life. Samuel found the TV remote to the right of the DVDs in the shelf and he pushed, the button labelled on. The screen lit up and the DVD played. Samuel quickly stepped down the stool and ran back to Francines bed. He lay on his stomach to watch the movie. He was enjoying it so much that he didn't hear the knock or the chuckle from behind him. Francines dad, the current Alpha of the Standford pack came and sat down on Francines bed. Samuel felt the bed dip and turned around. Surprised, he nearly fell off the bed as he got up and bowed. "Alpha." Francines dad had a kind smile on his face. "it's strange, when I see you I see my daughter, but the attitude or personality that comes from her small body isn't hers." Alpha Angelo crossed his left leg over his right one and continued. "Relax son, I'm not here to growl at you. I just want to know some things. The Ballator pack.... Any idea where they are stationed at the moment? My beta could only find out the most basic information on your pack so I came to see what you know." Samuel slowly got back up onto Francines bed next to Francines father. He began to think if there was anything useful he could tell him. "Well...I get told everything is classified." Francines father sighed but then Samuel continued because he didn't want to disappoint the Alpha in front of him. "I can say that we are currently camped close to school near a reserve. Since I requested to go to a human school, my parents only agreed because they believed it was good for me to get a sense of the world of humans to help shape me for the future leader of our warrior pack, seeings how most of thier work involves important humans protection detail." Francines father nodded politely and ruffled his hair. Samuel was still not used to the amount of affection that was regularly showered on Francine but it did make him realise what he was missing. Alpha Angelo stood up. "Thankyou, we will endeavour to meet with your parents to discuss what to do with you kids." He turned around and put his hands behind his back and began to walk out. However at the door he turned around. "Samuel...was it? Anyways, dinner is nearly ready, and after that we have apple pie." Samuels stomach growled and Alpha Angelo chuckled on his way out. Samuel coughed before he went and watched the ending of the movie. He switched the TV off and gingerly made his way out of Francines room. As he made his way down the stairs he watched as wolves sporadically walked in one direction down the hall. Most stopped thier conversations and bowed to him before going on thier way. This was a far cry from having to painfully salute each one and Samuel breathed a sigh of relief. He slowly opened the door to the dinning room. It was very loud. Wolves were on thier own small tables eating. The large table in the middle was only half full. He looked at each one at that table and found that it was only Francines family that sat there. Alpha Angelo, Francines father was at the head, with Francines mother, Luna Ophelia to his left. They were holding hands. To Alpha Angelo's left was former Alpha Stanford, Francines grandfather and her grandmother, former Luna LeeAnn. There was a small child's plate, knife and fork set up next to Luna Ophelia. So he made his way to the chair. He climbed up and sat next to Franxines mother. She turned to Samuel with a smile. "What would you like to eat dear?" She gestured towards various dishes on the table. Some Samuel had never seen before. He pointed to the bowl of creamy mashed potato and Francines mother put two spoonfuls onto the plate. Samuel looked around again and saw some carved meat and pointed to it too and to top it off, Francines.mother plopped a corn cob on his plate. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took his first bite. It was so yummy. He gladly ate all that that was offered to him. Omegas from the kitchen came and took the dishes away and a bowl of apple pie and custard was placed in front of him. He picked up his spoon and his taste buds were dancing as the first bite rolled around his mouth. Again it was so yummy. Once dinner was finished, Samuel didn't know weather it was out of habit, but Francines mother, Luna Ophelia loudly said in front of the pack that it was "bath time for the princess." Samuel went red up to the tips of his ears in embarrassement. The pack paid no mind to them but Francines grandmother quietly gasped and Luna Ophelia realised what she had said and whispered to Samuel. "I'm sorry, I'm just so used to giving Francine her bath." Samuel seen the sad look on her face and gave her a hug before he whispered back. "It's ok. Umm...I can bath myself, you can brush and dry Francines hair after if you like." Samuel seen her smile in appreciation and was glad his mate was so well loved.
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