chapter six

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The Morning Paper Morning came way too fast. Maybe it was the restless night I put in. But I felt like I could sleep the day away. That smell, I know, that smell. Coffee, what a wake-up call. I made my way to the kitchen to find Jacob cooking breatfest. Eggs, bacon,toast ,and my favorite coffee. I walk up behind Jacob and place my arms around him. kissing his shoulder, I thank him for being so kind to me. "You spoil me, Jacob Gallo. What would I ever do without you." Jacob sits to the table and picks up the paper. "Candy, I can't believe it,"Jacob says in an elevated voice." Vinnie is dead. " "What, no way. " " It says here that Vinnie Santos was shot on accident by his wife, Jenny." As we read the story on the front page, neither of us could believe it. The story read that the Santos found guns in the alleyway. When handling them, the guns went off. Mrs. Santos was shot in her arm. Mr. Santos was shot in the chest, killing him.It went on to say that Mrs. Santos was not charged. Her lawyer got it dismissed. "Guess who her lawyer is ,Candy. " "Who? " "None other than Nathan . I can't believe that. He drives the ambulance and then represents her. Wow, does that seem strange." " I can't believe they found guns and was messing with them. Mr. Santos was an ex Marine . Maybe all those years of drinking messed with his mind. I guess, but no matter how much they drank, he always protected her. Guess things happen unexpectedly. " As we cleared off the table, we talked about what all we needed to get for the move. The next few hours flew by as we gathered up all the items we needed. Jacob had me in laughter at the curtain isle. "What do you think about this one, "as he holds up a curtain with multi colored circles on it. "I don't think so." I laughted. "Fine, then what about this one? " "No, no, not that. I don't think black with all those red flowers on it will match the dining room. " Jacob laughed and finally gave up. I don't think shopping for bowls was a good idea either. Jacob is walking around with a strainer on his head and bowls up to his belly , like he is pregnant. Yes, we got a lot of looks and laughs. I must say he was very entertaining. On our way home, we stopped by to see Mrs. Santos." We brought you a few things ." " If you need anything, please let us know. We were so surprised to hear of Vinnies death. " The look on her face told it all. I could see the hurt and sadness. We gave her a hug and let ourselves out. My heart felt so bad for her. I pray she will be ok. As Jacob and I walked to our apartment with all our buys for the day, We both noticed the strange car following us. Jacob turned around to approach the car. When the driver noticed Jacob coming towards him, he speeded up and turned the corner. Jacob shuffled me along a little faster. Let's just get inside. Soon we won't be in this city. "Nathan," Maddie called as she entered the kitchen. No answer. " Where is he. He stayed home, saying he was sick. Why is he not home. " Maddie started wondering why he's been so strange lately. Nathan walked in and threw his keys on the table." Maddie, what are you doing home?" " I came home to check on you, but you weren't here. Where was you, Nathan, and why are you acting so strange? " "I just went out for some air. I drove around the neighborhood and came home. I didn't mean to make you worry." We will talk later, and I have to get back to work. On my way out, I picked up his keys. Now I know he can't leave the house. I got in his car and turned on the ignition. Let's just see where u went. As I brought up the GPS, I gasped. He lied again. He was clear over on Pine St. What is so great over there. I got out of his car and left with mine. My blood was boiling. I was so mad, I think I could spit fire. Tonight, he better explain all his weird behaviors and Pine St. When I arrived at work the boss met me at my office door. "How's Nathan? "He asked. "He's resting, starting to feel better. " "Good, then I will expect him to be here tomorrow. " The next six hours went slow. I hated having to stay late, but I had a late meeting with my client. When I got home, Nathan was asleep on the couch. I put his keys back on the table. I'm hoping he never noticed them being gone." Nathan," I shook him gently. "Wake up, I am home. " "Wow, I didn't mean to sleep that long. " "The boss asked me if you would be in tomorrow. I told him yes. " After supper, we sat down to have our little chat. "Ok Nathan, time to tell me what's going on. I don't understand your behavior lately. " "I know, Maddie. I have just been under a lot of stress. Mom keeps calling me about my dad's firm. He wants me to take over. I told them I like it here. Guess I am letting it distract me too much. I am sorry." "Fine, I will accept that, but what about Pine St. I should have told you the truth. I went to check on Mrs. Santos. I'm just making sure she was doing well. " "Fine Nathan, just don't lie to me again. That's not like you, and I must say I don't like it." "I promise. I won't do it again. " "Oh, guess who I ran into at the store today. Who? The Gallos. They were buying things for their new house. " "Yes, I remember you saying something about that." "You should remember that as well. You saw them the other day. " "Yes, yes, I did. I totally forgot about that. Didn't you say it was in that little town of Kryton?. " "Is that the little town we went through on our day trip last week?. " "I think it was." " That little town that we both liked. I'm glad they are getting out of the city. Things are getting crazy here." " I will go get us some refreshments. I will be right back." Few I thought to myself. I pulled that one off. Maddie believed me. Now I have to up my plan. With them moving, I need a new game plan. " I was so caught up in my thoughts that I had never heard Maddie come back in the room. "What has you in such deep thought.?" "Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking how much I love you. I'm so glad you are here with me. " As I close my eyes, I can see Candy in my mind. I will have her as my own yet, I thought to myself. I will one way or another. Jacob and I packed all our new items and even packed a few things from the bedroom . We were waiting for Kat to call. Tomorrow, she comes home along with all the goodies Lisa bought her in France. Every time she comes home from vacation with Aunt Lisa, she brings home lots of goodies. There is always a keep sake doll from every place they visit. We always put them up on the shelf for her. Plus, for some reason, they are always accompanied by two or three other dolls. I think we are gonna need a bigger toy box for her dolls. Maybe in the new house, Jacob can build her one. Finally, Lisa called." We will be landing at 11 a.m. our time. I will take Kat to lunch and then bring her home." We take turns talking to Kat and finally say goodnight. Jacob and I head to bed. It has been a long day, and we both are tired. Tomorrow our Kat comes home. We sure do miss her. With that thought, I fell asleep.
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