
Obsessed With My Neighbors Wife

small town
love at the first sight

Nathan is a mafia boss in hiding but still controlling his business. Taking on the identity of a collage roommate, he lives a double life. Controlling a few FBI agents and the mayor of the small town he lives in, Nathan thinks he's safe. Little does he know that the new FBI agent is hot on his tail. He never expected one more thing to take place. Falling in love with his neighbors wife. Now he must have her at all cost. Adding to all this, he finds out the roommate he has captive in his so-called soap factory is really his twin brother.


Candy never realized that her best friends husband was in love with her. Meeting him at her husband's construction party changed both of their lives. Her sweet, caring personality has everyone liking her. Little did she know that the obsession began while they were still in the city. Candy hears the noise out in the street. Going to her window and peeking out, she sees her neighbors arguing .

Suddenly, a movement caught her eye. Out of the shadow of the building across the street, a man appears.

"Wait, what?"

I shook my head. Is that Nathan?. He's looking at me. How does he know where I live?

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chapter one
The beginning. "Good morning, beautiful was all I heard as I opened my eyes." The sun was shining through the bedroom window. Where was that deep sexy voice coming from . I glanced around the room til my eyes fell upon this tall dark figure by the door. There he was. This tall muscle built, dark skin man. With that dark hair and sky blue eyes that will get your heart throbing . "Good morning, Jacob," was all I could say. oh yes , there stood my husband Jacob. After 3 years, he still gets to me with those eyes. Jacob slowly walks over to me. takes my hand and leans in for a morning kiss. His lips still taste like his morning coffee. Oh, but so sweet. I am always teasing him about having coffee with his morning sugar. He just laughs. "Well, Candy, he says softly. Maybe today we will get good news about the house. It's been three weeks. We should hear something." Jacob and I are raising his little sister after his mom's death. We live in a small apartment in this crazy city. It's not a good place to raise a 5 year old. Our dream is this beautiful farmhouse we found in a little country town about seventy-five miles away. It would actually be closer to Jacob's company. That alone would be nice. He would get to spend more time at home. Jacob puts those big strong arms around me, pulling me close. He hugs me tightly while kissing me softly. Suddenly, the door flies open. In comes bouncing this beautiful little girl. "Good morning," Kat says as she climbs in bed. Kat is Jacob's little sister, who came to live with us a year ago. She was his mom's late in life surprise. But what a joy it was. I don't ever think I will forget the day we got the call. Jacob's mom was killed in an accident. We had to go to the hospital to identify her and pick up Kat. The doctors came out to explain that Tilly had been crushed under the car, trying to get Kat out. The injuries were too bad to save her. We had so many questions. Finally, the officer explained. Tilly blew a tire that pushed her close to a drop off. While trying to get Kat out of the back seat, the car slid farther down the bank. After she got Kat out, the bank let loose, and the car fell over on her. She had pushed Kat out of the way. The next few weeks were crazy. Getting all the paperwork done for us to get custody of Kat. Getting the funeral over and following Tilly's wishes. We had to empty her house. Selling all the antiques, and finally, the house. We moved all of Kats' things to the apartment. I'm trying to adjust to there being a little one around. Jacob and I were so used to being alone. But I must say she has been a joy. Kat looks like her brother. She has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. Wow, she's full of energy at times. "Candy, what you say we get this bouncing ball of energy some breakfest." "Oh yes, "Kat says as she's hoping out the door. " Pancakes, please, " is all we can hear her singing going down the hall. "Kat, who do you want to make the pancakes? " "Jacob, please. " "ok, Jacob, it is. " "Candy, can you get the mix for me? " I will get the bowl," Kat yells. As Jacob makes the pancakes, Kat helps me get the goodies out of the fridge. Syrup, strawberries ,and whip cream. kats favorite. After breakfest, clean-up begins. "What should we do today?" I ask . "Let's take a drive to the little town and see if the sign is still up. I will get the basket for snacks. Let's put some goodies in here for today's ride." "I will get the fruit Kat yelled. " I will add some chips and drinks." "Oh, Candy, don't forget the napkins." So off on our little journey, we went. It was a beautiful drive to the town of kryton. It is a little one red-light town. Most of the store fronts looked like an old west town. This will be the perfect place to raise our little blessings. Jacob and I had been trying for years to have a baby. But that never seemed to happen. Jacob reminded me that he had to stop by the construction site to check on a few things. Some of the lawyers were there starting to fill in their offices. After all, tomorrow was the grand opening party. Walking through the building was exciting. Seeing all the opportunities this office building offered to its employees was wonderful. While walking around talking to a few people, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Maybe it was just me feeling uneasy in a new place. In the one office, you could see a man walking back and forth while on his phone. "Phillip, it's Nathan. I just found the perfect woman for my call house. I will get the information to you on when the pick up will be. She will bring in good money. " Nathan hangs up the phone, rubs his forehead, and thinks to himself. Oh yes, pretty lady, you will bring in top dollar from my paying customers. Little did we know the nightmare was about to begin and our family and friends would become his pawns. That I would become his obsession that would become a spiraling mess. The drive to kryton was always so peaceful. Winding up through the mountains created a ray of rainbow colors on the windshield. Kat gets so excited to see the different animals along the way. Finally we arrive.The town looks so peaceful. There is the flower shop and the local pharmacy. Oh, look, there is a cute little restaurant, and bakery. For a small town there are a lot of nice stores. I must say the mom and pop grocery store is my favorite. It's so inviting with the fruit stand out front and the old-fashioned scale hanging by the stands. We turn down the road marked Crazy lane. There are only four houses on this lane, and Mr. Greyson's taxidermy shop. Our house (hopefully) is the second one on the right. It's the biggest one on the lane. This farmhouse is four bedrooms, two full bathrooms , a big knotty pine kitchen. There is a den, dining room, half bath, and living room on the first floor. in the living room, there is a huge fireplace and the open stairway to the second floor. As you come up the stairs, there is a big landing that goes in a circle. To the right is the master bedroom and bathroom. The only thing i that the closet space sucks. The next bedroom is small but cozy. Across from the master room is the second big bedroom with the second full bath next to it. Then next to that is another small room. At the end of that room is a door and stairs that lead up to a full attack. Completely remodeled into a playroom. Kat would love As we approach the house, I can see the for sale sign. In big letter it says Pending. My heart races cause that means we are still in the race. I keep praying we get it. That would be a dream come true. As we head back out of town, we can't help but stop at the mom and pop store. The owners are a lovely older couple. "Hello, " they greet us as we walk in. " New in town." Jacob stakes his hand and says yes. The older lady says, "Welcome to Minnie's Place. I am Minnie, and this is my husband, Sam." We pick out some fruit and homemade pies to take back with us. Suddenly, I hear Kat, "Candy, come here, Candy come here please. " . I make my way back to where she was. "Look, Candy, look at this beautiful doll." " Oh wow, Kat, that is beautiful." Minnie comes back and explains that all those dolls are made by her. She loves making them, and it helps keep her busy. I couldn't make Kat put it back. She was hugging it so tight. So the doll became part of our trip home. Kat was so excited. She was jumping up and down. We spent the next few minutes talking to Minnie and Sam. They have been there 50 years. Before that, the store belonged to Sam's family. We said goodbye and headed home. Kat fell asleep with her new doll on the way home. It was a quiet ride. Jacob and I talked about the house and how we would decorate it. We totally forgot about the five acres that came with it and the garage. Time flew by, and before we knew it, we were home. Back in the noisey city and small apartment. After supper we all watched some TV. soon it was bedtime. Kat was so tired but didn't want to give in. So I tucked her and her new doll in tightly and read them a story. Soon, she was fast asleep. Jacob and I sat on the couch, drinking a glass of wine and unwinding. His big arms holding me made me feel so safe. He gently kissed me and carried me to the bedroom. As he layed me on the bed, he whispered. 'Maybe tomorrow we will hear something." Then he turned off the lights and pulled me close.

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