Part I: The Farmer and the Assassin - 1: Thief

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In the quiet dawn, the farmer wakes, To tend the fields and mend what breaks. With hands of toil, he sows the seeds, In the fertile earth, he meets his needs. In the shadows, a figure creeps, An assassin moves while the village sleeps. Silent steps on cobbled stone, A life in shadows, always controlled, always alone. ---------- At the age of ten, Sierra Gauthier was very much aware of what is happening in her surroundings. She and her twin have lost their parents in a terrible accident involving thieves while they are trading in another kingdom. Trading has been their family business and they manage to live a comfortable life because of it, not knowing that it would be the reason for their deaths. But the loss of their parents, eventually made them lose their home, their livelihood, and the comfortable life they once had. They were kept by their mother's brother who uses them in businesses not suitable for children to be exposed to, becoming the very same people who killed their parents. She knows her parents tried to salvage him from the work he is doing but their Uncle is beyond savable. He likes to work that does little effort but could gain him riches beyond imagination. And they don't have much of a choice but to get involved with it since they are his ward, they depended on him for the food on their stomach and a roof to shelter on. "You'll know what to do," Jorn, their uncle, said as he throws the piece of paper on the table. She slowly approached him to get it but when she got near, he grabbed her wrist tightly. She looked up and see him more serious than ever—that is something to take notice of since he is not always like that. He always takes everything as a joke and finds fun even on matters that require the opposite...not this time though. "Don't mess this up or I'll make sure you regret it." Didn't have the chance to utter a single word, she walked out of the room with her twin following her. The brothel is always his Uncle's threat to her and fearing that he would finally be true to it, she and Kierran do their best on every mission given to them. She stopped by a corner and checked if no one else would pass. Upon seeing that there is no one, she opens the piece of paper. She kept a straight face as she looks down at the portrait before showing it to Kierran. "Him?" His voice is laced with disbelief and fear. "We cannot possibly do this," Kierran spoke what was on her mind the moment she saw who it is. It is clear as day that their Uncle wants to get them in serious trouble. They have been lucky to survive until now despite all the dangers they have been through and not being caught by authorities or even by anyone. But with this task he has given them now, luck may not be on their side anymore. "We don't have a choice, Kierran." She raised the hood on her head and looked at her brother. "We need to do it whether we like it or not." Crown Prince Mirra was just buried and the whole kingdom was already in a disarray. While the King mourns for his only son, the Lords are starting to plot and find justifications as well as support to hand to the King once the topic of an heir will come into discussion. They are clearly desperate and very much driven. The streets are not lying low even at night, everyone is restless to make their living, preparing themselves for the undetermined future because they knew something is set to happen in Sinag. They can feel it in the air. Other than the grief and sorrow brought by the Crown Prince's death, there is something else lingering—Danger? Doom? One thing is for certain though...that it is not good fortune. No good fortune could feel this heavy and just downright wrong. She looked up at the smoke billowing into the dark sky and cannot help but hold her breath, seeing the pollution. This is going to be a long night, everything seemed to move so slowly, even when people are agitated. But then, mayhap she is just finding this buzz to be prolonged because she does not want to face what she and her brother ought to do. It is dangerous and the effects were uncertain, making her all the more wanting for this unhurriedness to last. Kierran has already parted ways with her so he could locate the man Jorn has tasked them to steal from. But until now his twin hasn't returned. He should have found him and has come back to her now so she could do her part on the matter but it seems that it would take long for him to do so. She breathed deep, leaning by a post as she watches everything transpiring in front of her. Her eyes followed every movement, every people on their own work—who from time to time, hopefully, glanced at the palace not far from them. She could not help but gaze as well. A great distance away from these rowdy streets stood the castle with black tapestries hanging, the windows are closed as well as the doors, and for certain, the King is still bedridden and mending his broken heart. They are still hoping that it would soon open and that the King would finally face his people and address the issue at hand. Though mayhap he already knows about the Lords conspiring for his throne but he has no interest in paying any mind to it as of the moment. She wants to understand what he is feeling. She has been on the same loss, two even. But no matter how much she wants to accept the King’s absence, she could not help but be bitter about his mourning. He holds the greatest position in the kingdom yet he is slacking far too long. It is obvious that the kingdom would soon face an ordeal yet he remains unbothered by it when there are many who depend on him. Impatient, she stood up straight and started walking with her hands in her pocket, treading where she saw Kierran headed a while ago. Her eyes were roaming around, her senses alert. She had been doing this job for more than a year, every single day that she is having such skill with her hands. By the time she reached the bridge, her pockets were already heavy from all the things she has taken from the people she passed and no one even noticed they have lost something. She leaned by the railing and looked at her reflection in the river. The moon was by her head when she looked, together with the street lamps. It was beautiful and peaceful but she doubts that this will remain as it is in the future, not when everything is in such disarray. Grabbing one of the things she has stolen, she looked at it firmly before closing her eyes and muttering, "Protect us, oh gods. Please do not abandon us." Then threw it into the river, the water splashing as it fell. She straightened up but immediately stiffened when she felt a blade close to her stomach. "Dare to move and your insides will splutter on the ground." Sierra swallowed hard and she tried to look who it is but only her eyes could do so and not her body, fearing that the man will be true to his words and actually take her guts out of her. "Your brother is in our hands and is already waiting for you," he continued. "Start walking and don't dare scream." She did what was told without hesitation. Their uncle might teach them how to steal but not to protect themselves when danger comes, therefore, it is not ideal to relent and fight back against this stranger for it will only lead to blood spilling and a body lying on the ground—who is most likely to be her. Besides, her brother might truly be with them and she would not bear to abandon Kierran alone. "Turn on that corner." She followed him and started to notice there are fewer people around since the path was darker and narrower. "Now stop." She halted on her step, feeling the blade by her stomach disappeared afterward. She did the bold thing when she turned her head and looked behind her, thinking that the man already left since the weapon is no longer aimed at her. But she was taken aback when something hit her head and her vision blackened instantly. "Sierra," someone was calling her but she cannot urge herself to open her eyes. "Sierra wake up." Kierran? Her eyelids fluttered before they opened completely, still blurry but at least she is finally conscious. Taking in what is around her, she was surprised when she saw Kierran even if it was his voice that wakened her up. He is not far from her and his hands are tied by a post behind him. While he is clearly in such an uncomfortable position, she is freed but the pounding on her head lessens her advantage of the situation. "What happened?" Her voice was hoarse and despite her twin's state, he looks more worried about her than about himself. "He knew." That was enough for her to realize who is the reason for this all. She kept her mouth shut and looked around the place, looking for a possible way out. It was a small room and dimly lit with only a single blinking light on top of them. The very floor they are sitting on is reeking with all sorts of smells she could not fathom identifying in fear that she may be right on what she assumes what this place is meant for. In one corner, there is a pile of chains and a table with knives were laid out, along with different weapons that are intended for cutting. Her eyes went back on Kierran and her brother may have seen how afraid she is that he was about to speak, to console her with words when the door flung open and came in three men in massive forms and dangerous-looking faces. She started to panic, the thought of death in this place is something that she does not approve of, not when she aspires to get out of this line of work, not when she still dreams of something more than the life she is in now. It did not take long before another came in and she immediately recognized who it is for his face is well-known by the people of Sinag, for he is always with the King and is one of the most influential and powerful men in the realm, for he is the one on the portrait that was given to them by her uncle. Sergio Aldaine. She shivered the moment their eyes met and it was at that moment, she knew they completely messed up. If they are able to survive this encounter, their uncle would certainly not let this pass. He has given them an impossible task of stealing from Lord Sergio yet he literally expects they would accomplish it. Now that they are caught and if ever they have gotten free, their uncle will not accept them anymore since he would eventually be found by the authorities and all the illegal riches he gained will be taken from him. Sergio grabbed a chair from the table and dragged it, the sound of it slowly screeching on the floor made her shut her eyes tight and grit her teeth. It eventually stopped and when she opened her eyes, the man is already seated and is in front of her. "How old are you, girl?" She swallowed hard and answered in a low voice, "Ten, milord." "Young," he stated, crossing his legs and clasping his hands by the knee. "He is your brother, isn't he?" She glanced at Kierran. "My twin, milord." Sergio nodded before signaling someone. A man came forward, holding a small bucket in which he tipped over and various sorts of things fell down on the floor. She has an inkling as to who they were from but she has to check her pockets to be certain and indeed, what she has assumed was true. The items she collected were taken from her. "You have very light hands, girl." She did not answer, not knowing what to say about that statement—compliment or not. "Your Uncle—Jorn Sari—has been on our most wanted list,” he continued. “Unfortunately, the kingdom is still recovering from the loss of our Crown Prince and everything is rather happening slow, the reason why your Uncle is still free and doing his ways. But we cannot have that, can we?" He uncrossed his legs and leaned down to her, resting his elbows by his thighs. "What do you think we shall do?" She stared at him—noting the blondeness of his hair, green eyes, and strict-looking expression on his face. He is a beautiful man, perhaps younger than their Uncle based on his looks. "I don't think I have a say on the matter, milord." Sergio has taken over as the Head of the House Aldaine at a young age when his father died from an attack by the Wentraus—a group that opposes the ruling of every kingdom and creates conflict every now and then. He grew up exposed to the court's intrigue, finding solutions to different issues of the kingdom, and other things that come along with his title. Now, he looks every bit undeterred in interviewing young thieves and for certain, punishing them in the end. "Well, I am asking for your opinion," he said. "I am sure you have something in mind." She shook her head, not wanting to oppose her Uncle when there would be no good to come of it. They will end up punished by this man whether she speaks or not. "I have had you both followed for a long time now," Sergio started again. "Your brother is very good at choosing who to steal from, knowing full well who has more money and those who do not. Meanwhile, you are the one who does the actual work—taking the possessions. Both of your skills could be useful in jobs other than stealing." She swallowed hard. She does not understand where he is meaning to go with this conversation. They are completely under his mercy and she just hopes he would be kind-hearted enough to spare them from their wrongdoings. There might be no chance for them to change since this is only the line of work they know and would be difficult for them to find a decent one at this age and time but they will make sure not to cross paths with him again. "Well?" Sergio asked, urging her to speak more. "Uncle may not be reliable on how he has brought us up but he is the only relation we know, I could never suggest something harmful for you to do to him," she said. "So, you are thinking of a punishment for him rather than actually sparing him from the law.” Her mouth parted, wanting to take back what she said but Sergio suddenly stood up and walked towards her. When he got close, he crouched to level her face, looking at her intently. "I have a job for you and your brother," he said. "If you execute it well then you will start working for me. If you don't, you will be an accessory to your Uncle's crime and you two would be punished alongside him." She glanced at Kierran who is silently watching them. She is just grateful that her brother was not harmed other than the ties he has now. She couldn't bear to see him in bruises and cuts. "The choice is for the both of you to make."
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