2: Punish

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They were freed. And they ran hurriedly without looking back, without a care if they are being followed. All they wanted is to get far from that place as much as possible. When they finally reached the busy streets, they hid in an alley, and there, they catch their breaths. Kierran rests the side of his head on hers and their hands were clasped on one another tightly, their nails digging on each other's skins, fearful of what they have just encountered and what is to come to them. "What are we going to do?" Kierran whispered, tilting his head so they could look each other eye to eye. "I think we already know," she answered in a low voice, her heart pounding and was hurting her chest. "Can we do it?" "This is the best choice," she answered, standing up and her brother has no choice but to do the same. “We cannot live in this kind of work forever.” They are raised by the uncle to be swift and agile. He taught them all there is to know in this kind of work but he did not anticipate that they will come for him. Lord Sergio’s task for them was simple. They needed to take their Uncle’s most prized possession and lure him to where the Lord is. They are successful. And they watched their Uncle scream and curse them for their disloyalty. They stood so still, beside the Lord of Aldaine, convincing themselves that they have done the right thing as their own flesh and blood was tortured and was made to pay for his crimes. But they did not do the right thing. They freed themselves from a manipulative man, only to end up with a crueler and more scheming one than their Uncle. They should have thought about it but they were too pressured to analyze the situation and just grab on to who holds the most advantage in the matter. Sergio Aldaine is one of the most powerful men in the realm and that title is sustained by his ruthlessness and strictness of the law. He would not be feared and supported by the people if he could not instill something in them that would make him worthy to be followed. "Who is your Master?" Sierra blinked, breathing heavily as she looks at Sergio. "You,” she uttered with her voice almost gone from all the screams she let out and the anguish she has experienced because of this man. "You, my lord." She never thought they would end up this way. She was expecting to live far from the life their Uncle has forced them to be but this is worse than before. For two years, she and Kierran were pushed to be thieves, working under a man who they expected better of him since he is family. Still, he disappointed and used them for his own selfish gains. Sergio is no different. He purposely caught them since he is hitting two birds with one stone—two addition to the warriors he is raising and finally arresting their Uncle who they have had eyes on for a long time already. It was a good move and it just comes to show how the Lord of Aldaine is wise in various situations. They are kept within his territory and trained to be Children of the Night—his very own group of skilled warriors. War has started and while they are in the middle of their training, the people of Sinag are already on the battlefield, fighting for the Lord they are supporting. Another whip on her back and a jolt of pain spread from it and all throughout her body. She cannot scream anymore, mere whimpers only left her lips. No matter how loud she expresses her pain or how desperate it is, in this small room where they were taken the first time and have been interrogated by Sergio about their Uncle, there is no hope for aid at all. "Who is your Master?" Sergio repeated. She was catching her breath and because of that, she was not able to answer immediately, earning her another whip. At that point, she was already shaking and she thinks she could not survive for more. She has been suffering for so long already, she is surprised she has lasted until now. After they stole from her Uncle per Lord Sergio's mission to them and then watched what they have done to him and his men as punishment—something so inhumane, torture like no other—unexpectedly, it was actually her and Kierran who will receive the next one. They are foolish to believe in the Lord of Aldaine. They are his enemies—thieves who disrupt the peace and order of their people. Their goal is to eliminate them and they have succeeded well enough—making them suffer the consequence of their actions so horribly. The punishment was a whole lot more damaging to her mind than her body and that, mayhap, is their goal. She cares less if she receives more whiplash, more wounds to endure. What is troubling her more is her brother. She just wished they would let him go and just let her receive every blow because it was her who came up with the last decision, it was her who stole and gave the item to Kierran to hand over to the Lord. It was all her fault. "Raise her head," someone ordered. She does not know anymore who is the one speaking, too much pain has taken over her system that her mind is already going blank. A man did what was told and she met eyes with the Lord who has put them in this situation. Her sight was getting blurry and she is just thankful for that since she does not want to see his face at all. She is angry at herself for even trusting this man who holds no assurance to her yet she was driven to follow nonetheless. Now, she suffers and unfortunately, so was her brother. "This state is good," Sergio said. "Take her to her cell." She felt herself being dragged and it did not take long before she heard metals clinking and then they slammed shut. She rolled up and hugged her body tight, shaking intensely to the point of convulsion. It took her a while to slowly contain herself up and forced her eyes to open again. From the little light there is in the hall, she saw her brother in the other cell—same as her, shaking immensely. His perfect shiny dark hair was shaven until there was none and she is heartbroken just seeing it. They protected those tresses for so long, cared for them since it is the only thing left as a memory of their parents. Her mother and father loved their dark hair, the reason why they have been taking extra good care of it even when their Uncle was irritated just seeing it. Little did they know that the men serving the Lord of Aldaine would crush what they have been treasuring all their life. "K...Kierran." Her voice was so low that her brother would certainly not hear it, considering his current state and the distance between them. "I'm sorry.” Her words are of no use though since there is a small chance of ever surviving this situation. She heard the doors open again before footsteps became clear in her ears, getting closer to her. "Sierra," someone called. Her eyes went to the man and she immediately hated the very sight of him. "Do understand that what I am doing is necessary." She took a deep breath before shutting her eyes, doing herself a favor by not seeing Lord Sergio. How badly does she want to just keep him out of earshot as well, if possible. "It is better that while you are still a child, you understand what it means to be under my authority, under my protection. I am no merciful and that has to stick in your mind." She felt a hand caress her sticky hair and she wanted so badly to move away, avoid his touch but she is too weak to do so. She felt him carry her in his arms and she had to open her eyes to see what he is meaning to do with her. Is he going to kill her now? To finally end her suffering? She does not know if that is a good thing or not. She is still young and she wants to experience more of what life could offer. But then if this is really it, then who is she to decline it? The gods would surely accept her even if she is of lowly status, surely they could forgive her for what she has done. And beside them, she would wait for her brother to come as well—that would be the most beautiful gift they could ever have. "After this, you would feel no more," Sergio said before she saw him lower his head. “No more.” She was not able to react when he pressed his lips to her. It was a hasty kiss but the effects were too great to endure, too painful. After mere seconds, her body had moved on its own, violently shaking that she fell into his arms. Her mind was in a complete mess and on the floor, she thrashed and screamed, feeling something spreading from her lips to all over her body. It was more than pain, more than anguish. She thought she was going to die.
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