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Downhill. Sierra Gauthier stared at the likeness of the late Crown Prince Mirra, hanging inside the room where all the portraits of the late monarchs of Sinag are placed. She knew perfectly what had happened with the Crown Prince—the monarch who has met his end due to his poor decisions—his poor decisions that brought all the Sinag to perish and intense failure. Upon his death, the whole kingdom suffered. Famine, destruction, killings, and loss—the past war felt like it is never going to end. The Lords preyed on the throne and continued on since the King refused to name anyone in his stead after he dies. Without an heir, the throne was at risk and the war that took place after it was an event written in history and a great tragedy that will remain on the survivors’ hearts and minds forever. She does not want to blame anyone. She has lived all her life without pointing a finger at anyone for the failures she has witnessed and experienced. It is only with the Crown Prince does she forgets that no one is to be blamed. She ignored the fact that the gods may have willed this upon them—a trial for the kingdom of Sinag and that when they are able to surpass it, they would be stronger and more bonded. When things go out of hand, she cannot help but think that Crown Prince Mirra caused this all. Because of what he has done everything turned downhill, not just for his own life but for the people relying on him. If he did not endanger himself on such a complicated quest and not been driven by his obsession with finding the treasure of the Ancient Ascended’s, he could still be living now and ruling the kingdom of Sinag. It is very foolish of him to feed his curiosity and his thirst for adventure while there are many people dependent on him. If he was still alive, if he was King now, Sierra wouldn’t be in this castle—conflicted, heartbroken, and alone. She looked down at the ring on her finger and remembered the promise that was spoken when it was inserted there. She believes that man and trusts his love for her but there are certain things that needed to be done and he knows it as well. It is his duty and he could not simply set it aside. “You should be on your way now.” She breathed deeply before turning, seeing the woman who married the love of her life. It should have been her who is wearing that crown, those clothes and most importantly, addressed as the Queen of Sinag. But here she is, clad in her armor and ready for war. “The King is asking for me,” she said. “I am waiting to be called.” Minerva Zurez—the Queen of Sinag—tilted her head and regarded her with obvious disdain. “You know he would still beg for you to stay and yet you still want to see him. You are making this even harder for him.” “It is not only His Majesty who is having a difficult time, my Queen.” “Indeed.” The woman walked towards her, harshly grabbing his armored arm. “It is difficult for a marriage to work when there is another lingering.” She did not back down. She looked at the woman without giving her the satisfaction that she is defeated with even this one. She gave in when the two got married, she backed down when this woman used her power against her, and now, she is willingly going to war to save this kingdom. She would back down over and over again but not when she is face to face with this woman who has taken everything for her. “Let go of me.” “You ought to go so you could finally leave me and my husband be. You are a plague,” the woman hissed. “And I cannot wait to be rid of you once and for all.” She chuckled before taking the woman’s hand and boldly twisting it, making the Queen wail in pain. She was not shaken when the woman cried for help nor when guards came rushing to the room. One look at her and Minerva in that situation, they are clueless on what to do—protect the Queen or disobey the King’s order of not laying a single finger on Sierra. “Unhand me!” Minera yelled, her whole face turning red. Instead, she applied more pressure, finding joy in seeing the woman’s conflicted state—far from her sweet façade. “You asked for this,” she said before pushing the woman away. “I told you to let me go.” “How dare you! You are a mere soldier while I am the Queen. You will pay for this.” Then looked at the guards to signal them on taking her but nobody moved. Sierra raised her head. “I am already going to war. If I die then that would be the greatest gift I could ever give to you.” The woman was silenced, swallowing hard as she stared at her intently, mayhap thinking that what she just said is true. “Commander Gauthier, the King would see you now.” Her eyes went towards the door that leads to the throne room where Lyros Seldrom—the Hand of the King—stood. He must have been watching them for a long while and only when she has hurt the Queen did he take a step forward. He likes watching people be in a difficult position and only when it will cause conflict for him will he prevent it from worsening, especially if it concerns the Queen who is his favorite pawn. She gave him a brief nod and no longer looked back when she started walking towards where he is nor did she stop when she passed him who she saw smirking and lowly said, “Farewell.” Walking the path to the throne room, she started wearing her gloves and tried to fix her composure even when her insides are turning, getting closer to the man who causes her to act overwrought. Her footsteps were clearly heard when she got inside the great hall. The throne was right in front of her and the main door, she noticed, was closed. Where she got out was the door from the left—the usual paths soldiers take and even if she is not prepared to see him, she has to be within a short amount of distance she has to take. The King was leaning on the arm of his throne, his eyes were closed and he was massaging his temple. He knew she is close but he refuses to look since he would see her all geared up for war and with nothing to change her mind—something he does not want to accept. She stood below him, looking up and admiring. He has achieved this all and he deserves it. He loves this kingdom, his people and he will always be the rightful King. She just hopes that he knows he is appreciated for all his efforts and that he does not have to pressure himself more to prove that he is worthy of the throne. Because he is worthy and befitting. "My King," she called, holding the handle of her sword tightly for support. "Avanya is getting closer and closer by the day. I am prepared as well as thousands of soldiers to defend the kingdom. Upon your command, we shall be on our way." Ragar finally raised his head, his blue eyes immediately on her. She did not look away. She is stronger than she looks and he knows it. She could take every punch and kick, insult and discrimination and she will remain firm on her ground. She is rarely shaken, only with him and certain happenings did she show her weakness but she would not do that now. She has to be strong or Ragar would use it against her. "You disobeyed my order." "It was necessary to do so, my King." His blue eyes darkened with controlled rage. "You want to go to war than stay with me where it is safe?" "Again," she replied. "It is necessary." Ragar stood up and descended the stairs, stopping mere inches away from her. "Necessary?" "Sinag would be in much more peril if we refuse to acknowledge that Avanya is getting stronger and closer to our kingdom. We need to stop her at once before it is too late." "No one could match her, not even you, Sierra, so stop this foolishness." She is not offended. It is the truth that she is no match for the most hateful servant but her sacrifice along with strong-willed army is necessary for this situation. They have to move now before Avanya gets to destroy another kingdom on her path. "I am willing to try than stay here, Your Majesty. I am a warrior, a Commander of your great army. I could not remain to be your mistress when I have more pressing matters to attend to than warming your bed." She saw how his jaw clenched, the pain in his eyes was evident. "I didn't want you to be just like that," he said, taking her left hand and removing her glove. "I offered more," They both looked down at the jewelry on her finger. "But you turned me down." He holds her tight, not wanting to let go so she had to pull her hand away and took a step back. "I will go whether you like it or not, my King. If you give me your order, I would have the soldiers to command but if not," She gritted her teeth. "I will go alone." He stared at her unblinking, understanding that she is serious, she never jests. "I will go with you." "You are the King," she replied. "You have your duty to your people." "And to protect them is included. I will go to war with—" "Not when you still have a Commander to fight for you," she pressed. "Do not make me pose as a useless warrior. I did not engage in a fight for so long because you order me so but this is my duty and you have yours. I refuse to die without glory to my name, I refuse to die in a manner not befitting for a warrior." He reached out for her face, caressing her with deep affection. "But I don't want you to die." "I don't want to either." She holds his hand on her face. "But if the gods will it, we cannot do anything about it, can we?" He exhaled heavily. "The gods refuse to offer any help, Sierra. They have long abandoned us when the most hateful servant managed to wipe out all of Rikkah." "Then, let us decide for our own fate, Ragar," she said, addressing him without any titles, just like before when everything is not so complicated. "You have chosen yours, let me choose mine." He does not want to but he could never keep her to himself. He has freed her from a cage before and he would not be the one to be the cause of her restriction all over again. "How did we come to this?" he asked, resting his forehead on hers. She breathed deeply. "How did we?"
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