A gift from a little friend.

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Daniel's POV Being an underboss is much better, and no one wants to see your head hanging on the pole somewhere since everyone cares about the boss, not his sidekicks, so I'm a little safer than him. Everywhere he goes, he needs to have guys with him. I would never survive that sometimes a person needs to breathe alone. It doesn't matter how much company or he is valued. Mike used to be easily angered, but right now, he has grown to be a calm gentleman, except it has to do with our work. He doesn't spare anyone who meddles in our business. He doesn't like talking about himself. I don't know when it started, but he just became like a stranger, yet we were still talking about work, and I told him about everything happening in my life, but he would change the subject when I asked him about his life. As the years passed, I ignored it and let him keep everything to himself until he was ready to discuss anything. Anyway, being an underboss is much fun. I received pretty much everything on a silver platter. For example, the guys would go and collect the money and then come with it. If someone didn't want to pay, they handled it themselves and told me or sometimes showed me the results. I would inform Mike about what happened. I send him the money, and he will be the one dealing with it, cleaning it in different places, and overseeing everything. If there's something he wants to be done, he would inform me or Trey to tell others. Sometimes, he takes matters into his own hands. I'm more like a middle guy, and I love being in the middle of everything, not the first or the last, just right in the middle. I went to our old warehouse to meet with our new buyers. So much for being the middle guy, but it is always a courtesy for a Boss or underboss to introduce himself to the buyers so that he may feel at ease knowing who they work with. A few minutes later, after we arrived at the warehouse, a few cars started pulling up. I thought it was the buyers, but the next thing happening was my guys falling like flies. Taking a cover with the ones left, I called for a backup, then returned to my guys. We started returning fire, and some started going through the back door. I met them halfway, shooting anything that came inside until I was out of bullets. I heard a few clicks on their side, and I knew they were out too. " Should we continue this man to man ? ". Some guy shouted. " If you feel like it, bring it on. " I said, pushing my gun away as he did the same. This is not what I came for, but I might as well have some fun if I don't get killed first. We all came out of our hiding. " I thought you said man to man, and you should have told Mr.. about the second one. I'm not too fond of surprises. " I said, taking out my suit and rolling my sleeves. " Don't tell me you're scared. Little Daniel? " Said the guy. "Oh, trust me, I'm a little disappointed. " I said, ducking his punch. I started returning a few punches occasionally, but I made sure they were strong enough to put them in their sleep. After 10 minutes, I heard Scott behind me. Well, his scent alone was screaming Scott! Scott!. I'm not sure if he always puts on cologne before going out, but every time, it always smells fresh. I looked at the guys; they were not dead, but after 3 or 4 minutes, they would meet up with their creator. "Where would you be without me". Samuel murmured while acting corny with me. He shot them. "It's about time you showed up." I don't know what came over me, but I found myself teasing Samuel with a smirk. "I'm sorry, Daniel. I didn't know you were so eager to see me fighting for you, but don't worry, next time, you'll be my audience". Samuel replied with amusement evident in his voice. I averted my gaze from him as I tried to devise words. My god, I'm not sure what is happening with me, but sometimes I like his goofy ass. "Are you alright?". Samuel asked, noticing I was just staring at the ground. There's just something about him; I feel happy and safe with him, but I would never admit that to anyone. He will never know. "Yes, I'm alright. I don't think I will be needing your assistance for now, so you can take the day off". I replied trying to get rid of Samuel, but it didn't work. He offered to stay with me and help me clean up. Deep down, I was dancing like a little girl. No! Daniel, get ahold of yourself. The whole time was full of him flirting every chance he could get. I was secretly enjoying every bit of it. I like how he treats me, how he looks at me, how he smiles at me. But I will never forget the day he locked me outside in a cage on a rainy day. My father ordered him, but instead of getting me the next day as my father said, he didn't come, only to be told that he hit his head that day in training and he lost his memory of that day. What about me? No one cared about me being starved for four days ! 4 f*****g days! He may or may not remember, but he should have at least apologized or shown a little concern about my well-being, but he didn't. He just acted like everything was okay. FEW DAYS LATER I was planning on giving Samuel a chance, but I have known him for years, nothing nor dress passes him by. He's like a garbage bin, or he is like garbage itself. He puts his garbage in everything that moves. So I wanted to check if he was earnest with me. Yes like my mother used to say, I have little self-esteem, or my father would say that I lack confidence and that I'm weak. I accepted that as long as I don't show it to anyone, I'm good. I met a little girl probably still in high school, but I didn't ask that. " Hey, how would you like to make $500 just for one night with someone I know? ". I asked, her eyes lit up. " I would love to, but I don't think I will be able. " He said. What the hell this b***h is sitting with a lot of prostitutes? What does she mean when she says she won't be able to sleep with someone. " What! You want me to add more ? ". I asked. " No, it's good to sound, but I'm only waiting for my mom, she is that truck ". She said, pointing to a car parked in the corner. " Ohh, but I want you ? ". I said, looking at her, and she was Samuel's type. " I'm still a virgin, and my mom said to wait for a client that will pay more. " She answered. " Ohh, great, you are good to go. I will add another $500 I said, showing it to her ". She quickly got inside. I told her on the way everything she needed to do. Samuel can be a nice guy sometimes. He pretty much likes helping little damsels. Then, just like that, Samuel took the bait, following them from far behind. They went into his place, and just like that, my hopes were crushed. I still hate him again. I want nothing to do with him except for work.
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