Driving around

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SCOTT'S POV. Leaving the clubhouse around eight or so, I'm not sure. I had my phone and watch, but I was not planning on looking at the time. I met up with a young girl. It's probably one of the recruits, and I don't know her. " Hello, Scott. " She said, greeting me, okay, she knows me. Play it cool! " Hey. " I answered, looking her up and down, and she was a beautiful young woman. " Are you going home ? ". She asked. " Yes, do you need a ride ? ". I asked. " Yes, please. " She said. We both went to my car, and she gave me her address. It was far from my house, but I just felt like I could simply help her. " What were you doing at the clubhouse ? ". I asked her as I was driving. " I was with my boyfriend. " She answered. " Ohh, I see. " I said I was not interested in asking what happened. " I found him with another girl having s*x by the alley. " She said, tearing up. Okay, that was fast 2 minutes after we met, I already made him cry. " Woah! What! He's a fool ". I said honestly, this girl was beautiful, with a banging body. " He said he doesn't want to sleep with a virgin, and he prefers experienced women. " Said the girl. " He is a mean asshole, and It's a good thing you left him. " I said, lying through my teeth. Sleeping with a virgin sucks, yes some might think it's good because it feels tighter, and it’s mentally pleasing to know that you’re the first person bluh bluh bluh.. but they don't say anything about the whole process of 20 to 30 minutes entering her p***y. " Do you think he's an asshole ? ". She asked. Ohh please don't " Yes, he is. " I answered, giving her an assuring smile. "Someone out there might feel special knowing that you're a virgin. Virgins are pretty rare these days. " I said that to her. " Well, thank you. Do you think you might help me because he is the third guy to leave me just because I'm a virgin? ". She said. Say what now? I looked at her. She was fidgeting with her hands, and she looked nervous. Yes, she sounded like it was something she usually told guys every time she met them. Is she a hookah? No, she's a virgin, and I have met a virgin hookah. " Yes, I would be very pleased. " I answered, where the f**k is Stacy and Brandon? Because I would disagree with f*****g a virgin right now. " Okay, then, can we please go to your place ? ". She asked. " Right now ? ". I asked, a little shocked. " Yes, right now, I don't want to wait any longer ". She said, pouting her beautiful pink lips. Okay, I'm f*****g this virgin tonight. " Okay then, let's go to my place. " I told her, and she only nodded in response. I could tell she was nervous. She looked like she knew what she wanted to do tonight. I could tell from how she was dressed. She was only wearing a tank top and a mini skirt, and her body was banging. I was already erect by just looking at her. Who wouldn't want to sleep with her? Plus, she offered. The next day, I woke up alone in bed. Virgin Mary was long gone. So I got ready for work. " Hey! Where were you? You have no idea what happened to me yesterday ? ". I said to Charlie as soon as I went inside his office. "Ohh, Good morning, Daniel. How did you sleep ? ". I said, focusing on him, but he just kept quiet. Well, I returned to Charlie, who was looking at both of us with a grin. " Why didn't you come home? I missed you ? ". I asked, looking at Charles. " I tried calling you to tell you, but your number went straight to voicemail, so I sent you a text just in case," Charlie answered. " Ohh okay, I'm sorry, I think I lost my phone again. I haven't seen it since... I have no idea.". I told Charlie. " Well, just stop using cell phones. When we need it we will just write you a letter. " Charlie replied, chuckling. " Mm, that sounds bad, like I'm old, but I like it. Also please look for my phone. " I told him. " Why me? I didn't lose it. " He exclaimed. " When you're cleaning, baby, you won't be cleaning dirt that you only see yourself. You'll also be looking for my phone in the process. " I told him. He likes cleaning. I mean, sometimes I would clean, then Charlie comes and cleans again after me. I stopped cleaning a long time ago and let him do his wonders. " No! I'm not doing that ". He said. " Thank you, Charles, I love you. Also, there's something I need to tell you about it's exciting. " I said before heading out. Ohh s**t! , Daniel was still in the office. He looked like his usual self, Irritated as always. I won't bother to waste my voice with him; every time I greet him, he doesn't hear me, so I just leave. I'm kidding. I will talk to him until I lose my voice if it comes to that. "It's lovely to see you, Daniel, in your usual self. May you have a wonderful day." I said that even though talking with him was like talking with a wall still it was worth it. *** Focusing on my daily activities, well, it was not an activity. It was more like a hangout. I went to see some of my friends who live on 99th Street. Mostly, they just did and sold drugs all day. They don’t even leave the house until they have to restock. They get a lot of visitors. It's either clients or friends like me and Big J today wanting to hang out. Just smoking and selling heroin and meth all day long seems fun. They are too scared to leave the house unless they have to, like tonight, they are going to collect their stock, so we are just going to help them but the main reason we went there early is to have some fun, they are a joy to be around with. Sometimes, fights would break out over little things, like passing in front of a TV, or if we are in town, a stranger strolls in front of the car. They get out and beat the s**t out of that person, and it's fun. . I like them. They don't think. They just do, it's probably why they are still living in that shitty apartment for 10+ years now, but they don't give a damn about that. Some have wives and children, some have girlfriends, and they live in the same building, but every time they're in the same apart, those guys are tight. No one can dare mess with them, well except for cops. They are always watching their backs. " Hey Scott". Said Big J. " What's up ? ". I asked. "The guys and I were talking about you, but don't worry, and it was not bad." He says, looking at me. I chuckled because whatever they were talking about, it was probably because they didn't want me to hear it, and yet John was about to tell me. " Talking about what ? ". I asked interested. " About you and Charlie. " He said, wanting me to ask again, and I did. " What about me and Charlie ? ". I asked " What's going on between you two ? ". He asked. " Nothing is going on between him and me. We are just best friends, roommates, and soul brothers. " I told him, smiling. " Yes! That's what I told the guys. They think you two are smooshing, "—said Big J. " Ohh, No, it's not like that. We both joined the gang at the same time. Also, we were pretty close back then, just like we are now. " I answered. " Ohh, I see it now, and it makes sense. " He said. " I can't believe you guys thought I was sleeping with Charlie. " I said, laughing at the Idea. Charlie was a good-looking man, but he was too sweet for me. I wouldn't do that to him. He deserves someone capable of taking care of him and his feelings. That man has a lot of feelings, which mine died a long time ago with Daniel's soul, and he doesn't have any soul left. " Well, we were not judging you guys, but we just thought you two seemed like a great couple. " He said, chuckling. " Ohh my god ! I will ignore what you just said. Charlie and I are a no ". I answered, shaking my head. But I wouldn't mind if he could just call me one night to his room, though. Big J laughed as we pulled up in front of the building on 99th Street. " Hey guys," I greeted, and for once, they were just chilling and smoking outside, and it's understandable it's a pretty hot season.
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