A little trouble in paradise

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Mikes POV My father taught me never to do something out of anger, and I have to take some time to see the pros and cons, plan the execution, and then take action. He said if you react to something just because you are angry, you will show weakness, and your opponent can easily overpower you. I just received information that several of our team members have been killed, and most of the gang wanted to go and kill everyone they suspect, but that is not how my father taught me. So, of course, I needed to calm the rest of the gang and show them why we needed to attack when they least expecting us. After hours of discussion, we concluded they would get revenge after a funeral. For now, we need just to let those bastards think we are scared of them. Then that's how we will catch all of them in one place when they start making themselves comfortable, and that's when we will come guns blazing. The week went by, and it was time. I don't trust others with execution more than I trust Scott and his guys. They always get the job done when asked. So, I talked with Daniel and Trey about who should handle the gang's arrival. Of course, Daniel was satisfied that I chose Scott, not in a good way. He was happy just in case Scott got killed. I don't know what happened between them, but it has been like that for as long as I can remember, which goes beyond our teenage years. Watching Scott growing up under my father's care, I can say he became a loyal soldier and a fine young man. Scott is tall with a sexy body and muscles honed to perfection, with highlighted hair that's always in a bun or messy combed to the side, a gorgeous smile, green eyes, and a gorgeous jawline. His eyes twinkle when he is happy, and he has manly, solid hands with long, lean fingers. He is physically strong and a great leader toward his soldiers. He behaves with consideration, is respectful, and is mature. He has matured at a very young age, but he never changed. Some people change when they get a little power. Even though I had mentioned that he grew up under my father's care, I have never talked to the guy. One time, I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was 16 May around 7 pm. It was a beautiful day with sunset, and everything was going well. I had mastered enough courage to talk to him, but he passed me by and focused on my brother. I don't even know what he sees in him, except for the part that we look alike, but his personality is out of this world. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but I don't particularly appreciate how he treats Scott. But when it comes to Daniel, Scott is like a wounded dog without a master. He always stares at Daniel with puppy eyes, and the guy doesn't know how to give up. I was jealous about the attention he was getting Scottscott, but it is what it is. I remember my brother telling me that one time, but he was more amazed by Scott's persistence. "Do you even like him ? ". I asked my brother Daniel after he told me Scott has been making moves on him for a long time, but he just ignores him. " What! No! I'm not guys ". He answered, but the corner of his mouth was twitching, and that's how I always know he is lying. " Then why don't you just tell him ? ". I asked, not wanting to sound jealous about the amount of attention he was getting. "And then where's the fun in that ? ". Daniel asked with a grin on his face. I swear I wanted to punch him right at that moment, but I kept my cool. "Ohh, I see. " I said, not wanting to go any further with the topic. " Also, it's not like he confessed his feelings. It's just how he acts around me." He answered with amusement evident in his voice. " Ohhh. " I replied, not being able to hide the disappointment from my voice. Daniel didn't see anything wrong with how he was treating Scott, and I knew talking to him was like talking to a wall. He does what he wants, and no one can tell him what to do, especially how to act. So I left him with his ugly face. Anyway, as my father announced that I was taking over, I thought it would finally be my time to get closer to him, but I couldn't do anything with his eyes, mind, body, and spirit always glued to Daniel. *** A few days later, after the funeral ended, a few soldiers went to take out the arrival gang, and as always, they came back with good news: they killed all the living things that were in the building. I'm pretty sure tomorrow, law enforcement will arrive at that place. Well, citizens like talking, but they won't find anything. We kill and get rid of the bodies, and the only thing they might see is bullet holes on the walls or maybe a few shells if they are left out. That's why, in the streets, they call us The gang stalkers. You will never see us coming nor see us when we invaded your house, but when you finally noticed us, your life would be already over with a big bang!
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