Shaking hands with the devils.

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MIKE'S POV I was sitting in my office worrying about tonight's meeting as I could not attend. " Hey Daniel, are you busy? " said Mike, getting inside my office. " How often do I have to tell you to stop coming here without asking ? ". I asked. "I never heard you say that. I remember you telling me constantly to visit you anytime I want. " Daniel answered, grinning from ear to ear. " What do you want? ". I asked. " Nothing. Can't I just come and check on you ? ". Daniel asked. He wants something, and he doesn't usually visit for nothing, but then, knowing him, he will never get to the point. I will have to dig it out or just talk about work. We continued making small talk, and just like I said, he didn't get to the point of his visit. It's not like I'm not an easy person to talk with, and I'm a people person. Well, only a few people know that. Some think I'm always angry or upset, so they avoid me. Also, I don't understand if he doesn't say what he thinks about who would help him more than me. "Now, back to you. What are you doing here for real?" I asked "What do you think about Samuel?". Daniel asked "Scott?". I asked, surprised. "Yes, what do you think about him?". "I don't know what you want me to say. I have often told you what I thought, and you ignored it and did your own thing, so why bother asking me?". "I'm sorry, but this time around. I'm willing to listen. " Daniel replied, almost pleading. "Scott is a human being. It doesn't matter if he doesn't buy you gifts, pay your bills, or take you out. What truly matters is that he should love you genuinely, and everything else he does for you is just a bonus." I replied, but he looked at me like I had grown two heads. "That doesn't answer my question at all." Daniel huffed in annoyance. "What do you want me to tell you then?". I asked, even though I immediately groaned, regretting asking my question. " "I want to know, what kind of person is he?". "You grew up with him. Don't you have at least a tiny bit of idea what kind of a person he is?". At this point, I don't even know why I put up with him. "No, I have never bothered. What I know, though, is that he likes me". "That should be enough, what you need to know about him. You can always ask him yourself". "This is not the dumbest thing you came up with. Thank you, Mikael." Daniel clapped his hands, leaving me with clenched teeth and hope that he messed everything up. *** SCOTT'S POV I was in the car with Daniel. I liked him, but being in the exact vehicle with him was not the best idea. I'm having trouble understanding Daniel. Sometimes, he seems interested in me, but other times, he pulls back and acts cold. I'm confused because he's been asking me a lot of questions that make it seem like he's interested, but it also scares me because I don't know why he's doing it. Recently, we were about to start arguing about my boyfriend, but I don't have one. He accused me of seeing someone, and I'm unsure where he got that idea. I feel like he's trying to mess with my mind, and I don't know what to do. I've never been this confused before. " Who are you talking about, Daniel?". I asked, interested in knowing my so-called boyfriend. " Who else are you busy sharing your DNA with? ". He said, and I laughed pretty hard, only if he knew. "Are you offering?". I asked, teasing. His face became red. "For the love of God, no! Absolutely not," he exclaimed as if he was trying to ward off an evil spirit. His response hurt me deeply, and I couldn't even find the words to respond. So, I simply nodded in silence. A few minutes later, we arrived where the drop was taking place. I drove forward, turning off the engines near the docks. It was dark outside. That's the only thing people forget about dealing with outside at night. We were transporting guns and attempted to exchange them for a large sum of money. However, upon our return to the car, we heard dozens of sirens heading our way. "f**k it's a trap!". Said Daniel "I was thinking about why you decided to tag along today. Are you an undercover cop? " I asked, glaring at him. I know he's not undercover, but I was still mad at him. "What the hell is wrong with you ? " . he asked me. " Well, I was trying to make sure, who knows, what you might be up to. " I said before driving the car very fast with the lights turned off. Yes, being in the dark for a long time, my eyes already adjusted to it. I can see. The other guys we were with followed behind me. Soon after, we heard a police siren ringing after us, but from afar, we drove for about 20 minutes until we got to the main road, mixing with other cars. We ran every traffic light we saw. We didn't go to the clubhouse as that would have been a bad idea. Instead, we went to an old farm located far away from the town. Once we arrived, we parked our cars inside and turned off the lights. Despite having run away from them, we wanted to ensure they weren't following us. I dislike police officers. Can't they focus on catching the actual culprits? Oh wait, am I the culprit? But at least I didn't commit a crime today. After a few minutes, I heard some shuffling noises outside. We had explicitly chosen an abandoned house, so who or what could make that sound? Sendo also heard it and decided to go check it out. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot and the sound of a body hitting the ground. " No! Not Sendo!". I ran to him, but before I could reach him, I found myself flying backward. I fell on the ground hard. " f**k ! ". I cursed, feeling the warmth of my blood on my hand. I'm dying today, I've been getting shot recently, and this is my time. " Are you okay?". Daniel asked. "Ohh, yeah, I'm doing great!. Just a peachy feeling of being f*****g shot in the stomach! ". I answered, feeling a lot of anger boiling inside me but I was too weak to acknowledge it. How could he even ask that? Why does he care, though? Is it because I'm his employee? " Hey, Hey, don't be angry. Your adrenaline will also increase, meaning you'll lose a lot of blood, just calm down, you'll be okay". He continued whispering, but I was starting to feel dizzy just from his long speech. It's sweet that he was trying to keep me awake, but I knew my time on earth was finally over. I sat down on my knees, and I felt I was struggling to breathe, holding on to my stomach. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. It was like I had a hard-boiled egg right stuck in my throat. I could hear Daniel telling the guys to start the cars, but it was like he was very far away from me, yet I could feel him close. My ears were failing me, too. I was dying. I didn't even get to face my parents and ask them why they abandoned me?.
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