Going to the Funeral

1469 Words
I don't know how long I have been out, but I knew what was the last thing on my mind and I can't believe I thought about them when Inwas about to die, they should be the one living in agony for abusing me all those years and left me hungry for days. Enough about. "Thank God ! , I thought I was going to die at the hands of a farmer. " I thought out loud. . " Really! , are you serious right now ? " . Charlie asked me looking angry and awful. . " Yes, I would rather be killed by criss-cross over there." I said, pointing at him . . "That guy, you can't even tell where's looking at , it's whether left or right but I'm sure he doesn't see the fly on his nose " . Said Charlie looking at him . . I laughed but my stomach was hurting like I just came back from hell. . " Ouch ouch, please don't make me laugh ". I said, holding on to my stomach. . "Oh I'm sorry, I'll go and get the doctor to check on you." Said Charlie . . " You look awful by the way " . I said as he was leaving . . " f**k you it's all your fault for almost getting killed". He answered . . He left to find the doctor , I Iooked around the room there's Daniel . . " Hey, here to see me off" . I asked jiked smiling weakly at him . He also looked angry just like Charlie , why is everyone angry at me , I almost died can't they be at least happy or act like they are happy to see me alive. . "No I was on my way to the morgue , it's Sendo's funeral today " . He answered. . " Ohh, Sendo ! , I liked that guy, He was the wildest one of all the guys I've slept with ". I said, thinking out loud about Sendo. . " Well then, it seems you know him very well, if the doctor cleared you, you should come to his funeral." He answered. . " Oh yes, I'm leaving right now, I can't wait for the doctor." I said, taking off the needles off me, I don't know what they are for, there's also something like an IV to administer antibiotics, fluids, and blood transfusion. . " Shouldn't you at least wait for the doctor ? ". Daniel asked. . " No, I'm good ". I tried standing up, but I was dizzy for a few seconds, probably from one of the sedatives they gave me. . " Okay, I won't argue with that, let's go. I'll take you with me ". Daniel said . "I didn't ask , I can drive myself " . I told him. . "Don't be stubborn , I'll drive you , also Charlie took your car to your apartment." He answered. . " Ohh f**k! , I still need to go by my apartment, I can't be going to a funeral looking like I came back from the dead ". I said, and he almost laughed, but hold it. . " Let's go, we'll stop there first before going to the morgue ". He said. . " Okay, let's go ". I answered . On my way to the door, I met up with a very shocked Charlie . . " What! Where are you going ? ". He asked. . " Well, the boss is sending me to do something for him, if you have a problem with that, talk to him ". I answered pointing at a very annoyed Daniel, Charlie opened his mouth to speak to Daniel but Daniel's look was more terrifying than my health . Charlie closed his mouth again . We both left to my apartment . "You don't have to wait for me in the car , Come on , let's go inside " . I told Daniel who was chilling in his car as I got out . . "No I'm good " . He answered . . "I won't do anything you don't want , also I'm kind of injured at the moment I can't do anything much" . I told him. All I got was aa grunt in return as he got out of the car. We both went inside the apartment . . "Make yourself at home , also while you do that can you please make me something to eat , I feel like i haven't eaten in years " . I said as I enter with him following behind . . "Considering the fact that you have been asleep for 5 days , it's totally normal " . He answered. I didn't think he was going to agree in making something for me to eat. Wait he said how five days?. . " What!, I thought it was 2 days " . I told him shocked. . " I probably should eat for all those days, I can't be walking around skinny like a mosquito, is there any fat mosquito ? ". I kept talking to myself, going in the bathroom. I took a quick a shower , and got ready for the funeral and I didn't forget my Hugo Boss Cologne. Going out of the bathroom , Daniel really made me something to eat , It was sausage and sandwiches , french toast and Blueberry-Banana-Nut Smoothie . . " Mmmm thank you , thank you " . I said digging in. . I ate everything in under 10 minutes, after I was done , I could feel my wound was hurting. . "Well, that's what you get for not chewing ". Daniel said looking me as I hold my stomach . . " No I forgot about the bandage when I got in the shower now it's all wet and the wound is aching" . I answered . . "Let me take a look " . He said . . " No I'm fine". I answered pushing his hand away from me. "Come on don't be stubborn , where is your first aid kit?" . He asked looking at me. I pointed , he went to fetch it . " Lift your shirt " . He ordered . I hesitated for a few seconds but I let him clean and dressed my wound , I didn't even realize that he was done until he looked back at me , our eyes met for a just split of seconds , he had a very warm glow in his eyes , his pupils appeared like two black spots at the centre-positions of the his eyes , his size increased to almost four times . I really can't understand how he is , sometimes he cares , sometimes he would be looking like he wants kill me , I can't understand but I'm willing to wait for him , to come to me. *** DANIEL'S POV I have been convincing myself for so long that Samuel doesn't affect me, it was just for fun, but I think I'm catching feelings for the guy. But I can't be sure about him, he likes playing. I can't just be with someone like that, I don't know what I can do to forget about him or what if I hurt him. Well, he is already hurting at the moment, being shot in the abdomen is no joke but he is one lucky son of a b***h . There were no major injuries on him , Except for the hole and loss of blood in his stomach but he was pretty much weak to do heavy work nor being hurt by me. I couldn't stop myself in helping him before we went to the funeral, I don't know if I felt bad for him or if I really cared about him, but I made him something to eat while he was in the shower, I couldn't believe myself, but I was smiling while preparing the food. Ohh, God! He really was hungry, because he finished eating faster than the time the bullet hit him. After he was done eating , I noticed him clutching on his stomach . This i***t forgot to to cover his bandage while bathing now it was all wet and his would was bleeding again. Helping him with a clean bandage, I couldn't help but notice how smooth his skin was , it was so smooth like a baby's but . Those beautiful abs , I wanted to run my fingers on them , that v line it was just inviting me to look down further but I didn't, I couldn't. I was really weak!
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