No party!

920 Words
Every after a funeral, we always go back to the clubhouse for an after-party. And no one can say no to free drugs and free alcohol, as well as free s*x. Smoking weed outside, Xavier came and sat next to me, and he was a little tipsy. " Ahoy ". He greeted. " Hola X, we do have the best stuff when it comes to weed, here have some." I said, handing him. " You know I'm bummed about what happened to Sendo." He said after taking the weed from me. " Yeah, it's terrible, no one saw it coming." I answered. " I want to kill that bastard again, who killed him." He said. " If only it were possible for someone to wake up from the dead, then he would have died again the moment he opened his eyes. " I answered. " Yoh say that again, he would be like where am I, then I would answer " Back to hell asshole." Said Xavier laughing and I laughed with him , well I was more laughing at him, he was a little high just from 2 puffs . " You know Scott, Don't ever think about dying before me ". He said. " What !, that's not up to me ". I answered. " Please promise me that you will not die before me." He said looking at me with a serious face . "I can't really promise you something like that " . I answered "Well then just promise me you will try " . He said . "I promise you Xavier that I will try not to die before you " . I said chuckling at him . " Thank you , I love you Scott , i don't know what I would do without you " . He said crying on my shoulders . How many drinks did he have , but yet it was still early for someone to be already drunk , or Sendo's death really opened a hole in his heart . " I love you too buddy , now please stop crying" . I said rubbing his shoulder . "I also loved Sendo , he didn't derseve to die like that " . He said crying again . " Shh , we all loved him but we just need to be strong , it's the life we chose , sooner or later it's going to happen to any of us , we just have to enjoy the times we still have together". I told him , he seemed to calm down a little . " Let's go inside , I really need to get drunk " . He said trying to get up , but the weed mixed with the alcohol in his system was really not helping him at alll . " No , you're already drunk , you just need to sleep it off now " . I said helping him up . " No I don't want to sleep , I'm not drunk yet " . He said slurring . Just great ! " Okay then , let's just take a few minutes chatting just only us together " . I told him , he agreed. We got inside one of the rooms in the clubhouse, and a few minutes after we got there, he fell asleep, well those rooms are usually filled with girls, if he woke up with someone jerking him off, it would be a bonus. I went back to the party, great it seems like today I'm not getting drunk . " Hey you Scott " . Said Charles , also drunk . " Hello " . I answered looking around , well I was really looking for Daniel , I he was sitting in a corner with his friends , I found him looking back at me , technically looking at both Charles and I . I smiled at him which I got in return was him turning away . This man really knows how to play hard to get , well I've never tried to do anything to him yet , he's already playing with me . " I've been looking for you , I want to go home." Said Charlie, looking at me and he was also drunk, what's with people getting drunk today. " What! Right now " . I asked " Yes , I want to go , let's go " . He answered . " Can you wait a little I also want to hangout with the guys " . I told him . " No , I can't wait " . He answered hitting me lightly on the chest several times . " Okay ! Okay stop we will go " . I said holding him by his shoulders also stopping him from using me as his puching bag , he was a little shorter than me shorter than me , he's 5 feet 2 inches and I'm 5 feet 8 inches. " Let's go ". said leaving and I followed him . " Next time Daniel " . I thought to myself leaving . I'm going to take the next step, I will make him scream my name in one of the days, I swear. It's been years since I crushed on him pretty hard, I thought it was going to fade, but no, It doesn't, I think I'm obsessed with him or maybe the idea of having him waking next to me every day.
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