Chapter - 22 The Invite

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I go to my bed, happy and proud of what I did. It took my every ounce of my self-restraint to not pounce on his really hard..but anyway when did he get that cut, it looked fresh and I never noticed it. I did some digging today, and after a lot of digging, I found out that the baby in Savannah’s stomach was not Hiram’s. Maybe Hiram found out and refused to pay for the money and that’s why she was blaming her death on Hiram? But why would somebody do such a thing at their brink of death? I even searched the whole male washroom personally and I didn’t find a single way to reach Savannah’s room, kill her and come back in three minutes. Even for a trained person it will take around six to seven minutes. So, it’s obvious it was not Hiram. But then who was it? Sergeant took me off the case and assigned it to someone else, which is even more annoying. It is weird that just a few days ago, I would have done anything to blame it all on Hiram, but now I want proof and evidence to support that he is not guilty. I close my eyes and try not to think too much about Hiram, as long as he is not really guilty everything is fine. I get up in the morning and everything I did last night catches up to me and now I am embarrassed. My face feels like its on flames. I get out of my bed and give myself a little pep talk, just the thought of facing Hiram makes me want to hide inside the blanket and never come out. After mustering a lot of courage, I walk to the kitchen and my feet stops right at the door. He is just in his underpants, with an apron tied around him. I can see all his mouth-watering muscles on his back, his well-toned leg muscles and God help me his ass is so sexy. His back is turned towards me as he cooks something, I stand there frozen to my spot. He turns around and smirks, I don’t see anything that he does because my eyes are fixated on his abs. They look so perfect it’s like somebody sculpted it on a rock. He walks towards me and I walk backwards, he keeps coming closer to me like a predator and I keep moving backward like a prey. A prey who is more than willing to be devoured by its predator. My back hits the wall and he pushes one of his thigh in between my legs. I look down at the place where our bodies come it contact but he grabs my chin and gently lifts my face. I look him in the eye and he shows me a strawberry covered in whipped cream and gently touches it on my lips. I take a small bite and then he takes a small bite. He pushes the strawberry back towards my mouth and again I nibble and he takes a bite, it feels like we would keep doing this forever. When the strawberry is finally finished, my mouth is smudged with cream, he leans forward applying more pressure with his thigh, it makes me want to rub on him, but I restrain. He softly kisses my lips, slowly sucking my bottom lips and then moving on to the other one. Slowly cleaning my lips of every remains of cream. I am embarrassed to say but I am so wet that I want to just grab him and kiss him. But he suddenly backs away and whispers in my ears, “Payback, Luna” and bites my earlobe. It takes my brain a little time to process what happened and when it comes to par with the situation, he hands me an envelope, “What is this?”, I ask. “It’s an invite for a party James is hosting”, he replies, “he told me to invite you since you helped him and everything” I nod as I tear open the envelope and read the invite. Hiram comes towards me and whispers, “I will be waiting.”
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