Chapter-21 Fantasy

788 Words
Hiram’s POV: I end my call and throbbing pain in my leg, calls my attention. I unzip my jeans and shuffle out of it. There is a deep cut on my thigh, inches above my knee. I recall how I killed Savannah, Luna was just outside when I went inside the toilet, I thought I could send her off, but I should have foreseen that the damn b***h would have told her, I wonder how much she knows. Anyway, I need to get my job done. I walk inside one the toilet stalls and shut the door behind me, I use my Swiss knife to unscrew the panel of the duct just above me get inside, it’s so easy I don’t even have to sweat. I reach her room unscrew the panel, lower myself using a rope, s***h her neck, kiss her forehead and whisper, “I know it’s not my child, I got back the paternity test you psycho b***h” I get up to the panel again, tighten the screw, climb back and lower my body back to the toilet stall and voila, done. Two minutes thirty seconds not bad, I slip and cut my thigh, while lowering myself. Doesn’t matter, thankfully, I carry band-aid patches with me. I open my jeans and place the patch. People should thank ripped jeans, it is because of them that I don’t have a visible tear on my jeans. My flashback is interrupted with an immense jolt of pain in my thighs, which begging me to address it, I rip open the bandage, revealing the already fresh wound. When suddenly the door to my room flies open and then within seconds is closed shut and in between this short interval of time, I see Luna and then a shocked Luna and then an embarrassed Luna. I chuckle to myself; she looks so cute whenever she does these stupid things. She thinks, she is serious and scary, but she is so cute with these stupid antics of her. No No No, SHE IS NOT CUTE. I shouldn’t feel this way, nope, I should say focused on my mission, yeah. I put on my loose track pants on, it would be so much fun to tease her right now. My brain clearly choses to ignore my pep talk to myself. I smile to myself as I get up, but suddenly the door to my room flies open and I see Luna walking inside the room with her hands behind her back. She stops infront of me, the smirk on my face is long gone and I stare at her with my mouth a gape. She suddenly drops to her knees and there is only thing my brain can say that is WHOAAA. Then she grabs my loose track pants and pushes it past my knees, lightly pushes me and I sit on the bed. My brain is literally on a brain freeze, it’s not functioning. She pulls out a first-aid kit from behind her and dips a cotton in an anti-septic solution. I don’t know why but even that is sexy now, well if you are sitting in front of a woman in just your underpants, anything is sexy. My brain starts to function a little normally, when she suddenly swipes the cotton over my wound and I shudder. No, I don’t shudder because of the cotton, her elbow lightly brushes over my d**k. She keeps on lightly dabbing on my wound and her elbow keeps on touching my d**k, it won’t be long when the thoughts inside my brain will become perfectly visible through my underpants. I think she is torturing me on purpose, but there is nothing I can do. I just sit there rock hard in my pants pretending it isn’t painful and just when I decided to say something, she applies a new patch, gets up and walks out of my room. I am dumbfounded, she just turned me on and walked out on me, that is not frustrating at all. I slide my hand inside my underpants, grab myself firmly as a forbidden fantasy plays through my mind, and in this fantasy she does more than just tending my wounds, she takes care of very hard, painful and throbbing member. The next morning, I wake up, at first really happy and lightheaded thanks to a forbidden fantasy, but then my mind becomes a mess because in morning your brain reminds you what you are not supposed to do, I have to stay away from Luna. Suddenly, my phone pings and I read a message which spoils my mood that much more. The message read, “You are running out of time, finish your assignment soon.”  
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