Chapter - 23 The Party

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I take the invite and keep it in my room, god, it has been so long since I have been to a party. I walk out of my room to go the police department. I may not have been assigned Savannah’s murder case, but I am definitely going to investigate it unofficially. I rev my bike engine and zoom past buildings, despite everything, I can’t get the image of Savannah dying right before my eyes. The fact that she took Hiram’s name, which I feel is not possible, bugs me the most. I know that I have investigated it thoroughly but still, just the thought that my mind is ruling him out as a suspect makes me feel bad and biased. As if I am letting my mixed emotions get in way of my work, which was something I specifically didn’t want to happen. I get inside the department, greet everyone. I start to file my paper works and at the same time, do some research on Savannah’s background. I scroll through my computer and find out that she worked as a drug supply agent, and there are rumors that she funded the terrorist organization which is leaded by the most popular terrorist H.H.H. Which means she was involved with the terrorist definitely. “Luna seargeant is calling you in his office” I swiftly turn my neck when I hear the voice and close the tab. “Yeah okay”, I reply. I walk up to the seargeant’s office and knock, “Yes Luna common in” I walk inside and close the door behind me. “Luna, I will be clear with you, okay, as I have mentioned before, I had doubts regarding your father’s death and now it has been confirmed, okay, your dad was trying to stop the drug dealing going on in his area and H.H.H the terrorist who runs his organization didn’t like it so he got your father killed.” I gasp, “What it was H.H.H?” “Well, yeah, it was not clear at the very first that why would he kill Issac over something like drugs but, H.H.H was planning a huge attack and he needed funding, but your father seized his biggest shipment, so he…”, he stops talking and I continue, “so he killed him” Seargent nods. “Okay Sarge what do I have to do” “Well, we got an intel that he is somehow dealing drugs some other way, so we want you go in on his team as undercover, find out all about it and help us stop it” I hesitate my mom is not well so going undercover probably won’t be a good decision. But before I can say anything Seargeant stops me, “Listen Luna, I know your family is going through a tough time and if you say no today it’s fine, I will assign this case to someone else, okay? I thought you would wanna avenge your father that’s why I asked you. But you are free to say no” How can I say no. I loved my father, respected him, looked upto him and somebody took his life to do some petty low life drug dealing to probably bomb a city or a country. I am not gonna let that happen, that bastard thought that if he would kill my dad he would have no problem, well he has another thing coming for him. “I am going to do it Sarge” He smiles at me, “Okay, so at the beginning you will need to go at night only, so you can stay at home during the morning. Don’t tell your mom, say that you have night shift” “Okay Sarge” “If you feel that they have started to suspect you then, we can arrange for a safe house for you” “Okay”, I say and get up. “Okay, then Luna you can start your job from tomorrow night, Robert will brief you about what you have to do and also hook you up with the person inside the organization” “yes sir”, I say loudly. “Okay you may leave now”, sergeant says and I walk out of the room. Robert is waiting for me outside and he takes me to a corner and tells me the details, the codes and everything. The worse part of it all is that I will have to dress a little in a gothic way, like drug dealers do, which is totally not my style, but well it comes with the job so. If I am able to get to the bottom of this maybe I will able to find out who Savannah’s killer is and help give justice to Savannah and peace to Hiram. All the day passes by in paper works and details. I finally reach home, stretching my body, ready to just plop down on my bed. I open the door and see Hiram in a tux, looking gorgeous. His hair is styled to perfection, the suit hugging is body perfectly and he has a crooked smile on his face that adds to his charm. I am so mesmerized by his look, that it is after a minute that I realise, Ugghhh, I can’t rest. I have to go to the party. I am tempted to cancel, but after seeing Hiram in a tux, I also really wanna go. Hiram snaps his finger infront of my eyes, “Earth to Luna”. I shake my head and say, “You look good” He smiles and says, “You look sexy but you can look better if you just change your dress” I roll my eyes and he smiles, “I am leaving early because James needs me to do some arrangements. I have already made dinner for your mom, so please give it to her before to come to the party.” I nod and he leaves. I go and plop down on the sofa and think about what Hiram said. He has been here for a very short time but somehow, he has managed to become a part of this house. The way we talked today felt so domestic, like he has living here for ages and like we have been living together for ages. It felt nice. I turn my head and groan when I see the invitation on the coffee table. I have an hour only I need to start getting ready, for the party.
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