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KAI ALULA "Ughh... ughh... ughh..." HOT DROPS of sweat around my body are dripping down below as I push and pull. I could feel my abs, thighs, and biceps contract like a snake suffocating flesh. As I push, a loud thud sound can be heard from the door. "I'm coming!" I shouted as I felt I almost finish. Then I increased my speed and it was equivalent to the thud sound from the door as if I cause it by making that loud noise. "Ugh... Ugh... UHHH... Almost! I'm coming." I shouted again while savoring my every push and pull but the door did not stop from causing loud noises that somewhat annoys me. So I had no choice but to stop doing it even if I was on verge of success. "85... 86... s**t!" I immediately pushed my body up and grabbed the towel in my locker to wipe my sweat-soaked body. Then annoying thud sound from the door came again. "Alright, alright, I said I'm coming, Dlar." I yelled again making sure that annoying Dlar, who incessantly slammed the door, would hear me. This bastard, I was on it, I almost hit 100 push-ups. He just ruined it. Hays! I opened the door as soon as I dressed myself in our sports attire. Grabbed my precious bat and walked straight to Dlar, waiting for me to come out. It was a big field surrounded by benches that awaits ahead of me. And once I got hit by the sunlight as I came out, I could hear the surroundings yelling from the benches using their maximum cheers even if it would break their throat, for only, so that I could lay my eyes on them. Tsk! As if. I did not bother to look at those girls sitting on the benches who are willing to suffocate themselves by just cheering nonstop. I just roamed around and saw how ready the other team was. They have already positioned themselves around the field waiting for the player from our team who could throw a bat. So the try-out was really about to start while I was busy doing push-ups inside. I thought the game will start at 10, it is still 9:50. Never mind, that's just 10 minutes. Aside from those girls cheering from their seats, there is our cheer dance too making their best to cheer their teams up. Gigi is one of them but her group is cheering for the other team, and she is currently on the top of their pyramid formation. I just hope you'll fall. Seconds passed, I found myself here in the starting point, tightly gripping the bat as I waited for the pitcher to throw the ball. As usual, the pitcher who is making a weird face is swaying his body, preparing his stance to let go of the ball. I just prepared myself as well. Then in just, 1, 2, and 3. The pitcher suddenly let go of the ball, flying straight in my direction like a falcon at full speed. Then, I notice the pitcher immediately covered his crotch. Hmm. You might as well cover your weird-f*****g face too. I blinked once before I could sway my bat directly against the flying ball seemingly, fireball. I was in that position when suddenly, someone shouted that really distracted me. "CRICKET!" And BOOM! I could see how everything went slow motion as I felt something hard hit my forehead, causing my body to sway backward. And everything went black. Guess what, I was brought to the infirmary that time. Dlar told me that I was carried by my teammates but worst, I was carried without any carrier. So they just held my unconscious body like a holy man or something. That was kinda embarrassing for someone like me, the school's heartthrob and known to be strong. Hays. "Hey, hey, what happened to you?" Someone suddenly came while I'm applying a cold compress on my forehead in the cafeteria. And guess who, it is the one who causes this to happen. f*****g annoying! "What happened my foot! Don't talk to me, Gigi-mon! We both know what caused this." I muttered in annoyance. After hearing that, she suddenly dipped herself in the chair beside mine. "Well, technically, all I did back there was to cheer you up. And you turned out to be stunned by my voice, yieee why was that?" I slightly rolled my eyes after hearing her response. It is better than punching her annoying face. "Just leave me, okay? You spoiled everything now." "Yeah, I sort of spoiled everything... I heard your team will no longer playing for CE Interschool Sportsfest. Hehehe." Gigi said directly in front of my face, then she winked after. The cafeteria is air-conditioned and cool but I think my body reacts the opposite. I just felt my blood starts to boil. This girl is really troublesome. I knew it, she did it on purpose so that our team would lose and to let their section's team play in the upcoming sportfest. Please remind me that this girl has a skinny neck before I could twist it like an ostrich neck. Despite how burden I am inside, I tried myself to keep calm and faced her with my prettiest smile, slightly showing off my perfectly aligned teeth. "Hmm, ow. I've heard you have a try-out this afternoon as well. Am I right?" I sarcastically uttered. Then, I slowly moved my face closer to her, not minding if she would smell my breath. Well, everyone's dreaming that anyway. "Let me ask, what would happen if your team loses? Ow no, poor Gigi Laveen, her long-lost friend, Trixie will take the crown." I really made sure I said every word full of sarcasm and clear so that she can savor every word I said. And yes, I did not fail to do so. I can sense anger on her right now, right here. Her face suddenly changed from cheerful to something. Her face obviously filled with distress. I stayed at that moment waiting for her response. But Gigi did not utter any word anymore. She just chose to be silent, stared at my eyes, my nose and she got to my lips. She took time staring at my lips. Hmm, I bet you want to push your lips against mine huh? Of course, I did not say that out loud. I just let her take her time. But the next thing that happened was unacceptable. Gigi suddenly raised her eyes directly straight to mine before she parted her lips. "Your breath smells gross!" she exclaimed which left me petrified in place. I did not say anything, I just tried to absorb everything if I heard it right. Did she just say, my breath smells gross? This woman is getting into my nerves. After saying that, Gigi moved her face away and walked straight to the cafeteria exit. She not just left me dumbfounded, but with shame too when I notice some people are looking at me right now. They probably think if I really have gross breath. "No, no, no." I defended myself while they keep staring at me with their disgusted face. I suddenly breathe on my palm and even smelled it. "Ohhh, it's not gross. I took a gargle. She just smelling her own breath, hehe." I uncomfortably said to them. I don't know why did I do that. That was embarrassing. I dipped myself on my table in embarrassment and just put the ice bag back on my forehead. Just wait for me, Gigi f*****g Laveen! I thought. After lunch, those students who do not have any game entries must submit themselves in the class. I don't have any games anymore since we lost our chance in baseball. After they took me to the infirmary, the committee decided to continue the game but since my team don't have Kai Alula, the best player they could ever have, the other team won. Thanks to that Gigi-mon. So with that, here I am in the class waiting for the first instructor for 1:00-2:30. After that, I will go straight to the gymnasium for some sweet revenge. The first period in the afternoon is Differential Equation. I love this subject among of all so I can't bear skipping this. Like me, my other classmates just waited for our instructor. Some are taking advantage of the time to talk with their seatmates. But minutes had passed, someone unfamiliar arrived instead. A small girl in casual wear walked in through the doorway. I cannot really see her face since she is walking with her head down and covered by her curly long hair. But her trouser and sweatshirt tell me that she is just new here, otherwise, she would wear a school uniform by now. She must be the new transferee. My eyes just followed her walking in front. She seems to be cold and silent. But I confirmed it when she reached the center, she slowly raised her chin and her face exposed. Slim face, pale plumpy lips, nose with freckles, cold and fierce eyes that is under her untrimmed yet elegant eyebrows. That was what was painted on her face. She is pretty but her entire face brings a weird coldness and sadness aura. The thing that caught my attention the most, are the bruises on her neck and left cheek, and some portion of her hair is messy. She has seemingly has been into a fight but by just looking at her, she isn't the likes where girls like Gigi and Trixie belong. Or, she could be in the lower tier of those kinds, I mean if Gigi and Trixie are on the top tier where they are more likely to be the troublemaker, then this woman could be the victim. "Ah, you're already here. I was looking for you in the faculty." Too much for that thoughts, I immediately shifted my mind as I looked at the newly comer in the doorway, our instructor. It was the time when I notice everyone was also examining the new girl just like what I did especially those insecure-looking girls. If Trixie was here, she would surely bear the most insecure face. Not to deny, this new girl is prettier than Trixie, and Gigi f*****g Laveen. "Anyways, afternoon class, this is the last transferee of your section." Sir Loki introduced the girl before he sat down on his chair. "Introduce yourself, dear." After he said that, the room suddenly filled with silence while staring at the new girl. As if everyone is waiting for her to speak up and introduce herself. But it took a minute before she could utter her name. "Rye—Ryecinth, my name's Ryecinth Distacio." I don't know but the time she released her voice, I felt something cold crawl up my spine. It was very cold. Or it was just me overreacting with her feminine, angelic but dreadfully quiet voice yet it was audible enough. She said her name is Ryecinth Distacio. Such a pretty name for a pretty holder. Sir Loki told her where to sit, and guess what, she took the vacant seat beside me. As she walk, our eyes were still pinned on her like she actually captivated our eyes from the time she laid her feet in the doorway. However, when she was about a meter closer, I managed to shift my eyes to my desk. I just can't bear to look at her face closer, she's too intimidating to look at. Until I heard the chair slightly croaked, tells me that she had already taken her seat. "Now class, we're done with variable separable. Let's move on to the next topic which is linear differential equation..." Sir Loki started with his discussion. The entire class ended, but none of sir Loki's words got into my mind. I was out of focus knowing that there is a weird girl beside me. I spent the whole time entertaining my thoughts. Take note, she also spent the whole with her eyes on the floor and she never changed course. I wonder if she got a stiff neck. Ahh, never mind. I just can't let myself be preoccupied with these unnecessary thoughts. I still have one thing to do. The next class is Engineering Economics. Nah, I can skip that. I immediately walked out directly to the gymnasium after I got bottled water from the cafeteria. Halfway already but someone suddenly blocked my way. "Hey, Kai Alula. I have something to say." I was surprised at first but when I recognized the face behind the eyeglasses. I immediately walked past and ignored her. She is the Engineering Society's governor, and she has this proposal that I don't like. "Please, listen to me first, Kai. I'm begging." But expectedly, she won't just surrender. She hurried and after me, blocked my way again, and banged a piece of paper in front of my face. I stopped walking and just stare at the paper. But it just annoyed me more. What's the purpose of showing that paper to me when I can't even read it. It was too close. "What this?" I just asked coldly and wipe the paper out of my face. The governor took her breath first before she said, "This, this is the proposal of the Engineering Society. Since the organization has that lot of funds, we are willing to spend them all on the participants, especially winners. And guess what, we managed to collect those limited tickets in that luxurious, and once-in-a-lifetime event in Valler City, we all know how precious that 5-day vacation is and how hard to get their tickets. So, if you would join in the Mr. CE pageant, you have the chance to get the ticket... And that's if you won." From being sarcastic and rude, my eyes suddenly widened in awe. "Wait, did you mean, the Picaseo Eventio in Valler? That once in a blue moon event?" I immediately asked and she just nodded. I don't know but, the next I did was not so manly. My mouth turned O and I turned back, slightly bent my body with my palm covering my mouth. Then, I shouted. "AAHHHH! Wait, no way! Tell me you're lying Gov." I unconsciously held the governor on her shoulder while my eyes are directly straight to hers. "No I'm not, I'm definitely not." said the governor with a smirk. And that just left me laying on soft clouds. I just can't handle the excitement. Davelir Oscar, the living legend and greatest baseball player of all time from Russia will be there. My all-time idol. I'm gonna cry. "Deal Gov., I'm in... Write my name in." I demanded. The thought that I would be meeting the one and only Davelir Oscar is such heaven. You're killing me gov. Seconds left, I just realized that I am now holding the governor's cheeks and I let my lips touch hers. It was very sudden and I found myself kissing her. She would like that anyway. I immediately let go of her and saw her face as red as an apple. "It—it was unnecessary, Kai, hehe." she muttered as she fixed her hair to the back of her ears, looking on the floor as if she's avoiding my eyes. But I can say, she likes it. "But, I have to leave you, for now, I have a show to spoil." I uttered and left the governor there. It was almost 3 o'clock when I arrived at the gymnasium. And what I saw in front of me disappointed me. It is already the performance from Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering was already done performing. s**t, I must have been very late. Now, seeing Gigi walking straight towards me. The smile on her face tells me that she already got what she wanted. This Gigi-mon! Hayst! "You must have been very, very busy entertaining that Governor?" Gigi whispered in my ears as soon as she got closer to me. And it was like a bell rang inside of my head. Did she plan everything? Did she use that governor to buy me some time? I just felt my face crumpled by itself. This is too much. This is bullshit! "GIGI f*****g LAVEEN!" I shouted filled with grief and I don't care if it echos inside the gymnasium. I am very frustrated and upset by now. No one can dare to do this to me! I hurriedly walked out of the gymnasium and Gigi is nowhere to be found. She already flung into the void. I'll kill you b***h! What makes me upset is not because I failed to take revenge on her, the thought that the ticket thingy can be a false proposal makes me upset more. Hayss! I got to find this governor! Minutes of walking, the governor is nowhere to be found as well. I asked a lot of her colleagues but to no avail. She really teamed up with this Gigi f*****g Laveen. I even gave her a kiss! Without a second thought, I immediately raised my palm and wiped my lips. That governor disgusts me! Ughh! I will never get the chance to meet Davelir Oscar! Bullshit! "Do you think, you are that pretty huh? You are just a small weird p***y!" I heard a woman's voice and it was followed by a crisp slap. I sneaked at the back of the last part of the building and I reached a place filled with broken chairs, board, cabinets, and such. And there I saw a group of girls, the same program as mine since they wear these dark blue stripes pants. Four girls encircling someone I don't know. I can't really see who that was since this fat woman is covering the entire scene. So I had to switch places to find out. And I was right. It was the new girl, Ryecinth. I concluded when I transferred here behind the big tree for a better view. Poor girl. I was in that position when someone called my name. "Hey, Kai! What are you doing." Those bullies heard that so I had to hide myself before they could see me. No specific reason, I just want to hide. But this guy already mentioned my name! "Kai's here, we better leave." someone from the girls mumbled and I heard footsteps hurriedly walk away. "You're not jerking again, are you, Kai?" Theo walked closer to me. For once, I ignored that four-eyed guy and took a sneak peek at the scene. But to my surprise, there's no one left. The girls have already gone, and so as poor Ryecinth. I sighed deeply as I came out from the tree and walked out passing this Theodore. "What's your problem, Theo? Why are you here? You ruined the scene." I exclaimed. "I asked first, what are you doing there?" I heard him walk after me. "I was looking for your bestie, that girl is too much... Remind me that she is a girl before I let my baseball bat meet her f*****g face." "Okay, she's a girl, Kai." I abruptly stopped walking and faced him with my face filled with annoyance. "f**k you!" I said that in front of him. I forgot, this guy is no other than just like her, too full of themselves. He always tried to be humble about being a great deduction caster, but the truth is he is boastful. I did not bother talking to him about what Gigi did to me this time. What can I expect from him? He always picked the side of Gigi whether if I started the fight or not. Sometimes, I can't help thinking that this four-eyed guy had a crush on her. Cheap! But anyways. "Wait, what are doing there if I may ask?" That area is the last part of our department building, it is a more abandoned place that no one chose to stand by. Well, except those smokers and those who did terrible things like those bullies. "No, you may not ask." he just replied straight and walked away. This Theodore! I just heaved a long sigh again and followed right behind him. The class has ended and I did not take a second chance to look for Gigi or that cunning governor. I went straight to my condominium, I can push this stress away. And you know what I mean when I say, I can push this stress away. It is something sweaty, pleasurable, and satisfying. Six-ten in the evening. I arrived in the condominium. I took my shoes off and threw them wherever I want, but this time, I want my shoes to bang on that door before I proceed to my room. I entertained myself with push-ups. Well, that's my stress reliever. It is the time where I could spill my problems, spent time with myself, and where I can maintain my body. That is what I always do every after school. Now, days had passed. The same routine again, my plans had always been ruined by that Gigi f*****g Laveen. I totally hate her. If not my baseball bat, I always wanted my shoes to meet her face. That was why, I'm doing it again, throwing my shoes wherever I want before entering my room, imagining her face was printed on that door. "Ughh!! You Gigi f*****g Laveen! Ugh!" I exhaled as I push myself against the floor. I let those muscles be heated again. Well, my target is 100 push-ups. Minutes later... "... 84... Ughh! 85... Ughh! 86—" I did not finish counting when my door suddenly caused a really loud noise. Just like what Dlar did back to the players' room two days ago. "Hays! This again?" I mumbled when I stood up, letting those sweats fall on the ground. I really hate when someone distracts me from getting 100 push-ups. Can't they wait? Without anything, I opened my door not bothered if I am half-naked. I was expecting Dlar, but someone else came in front of my room's door. "Time to eat, cricket!" she just said. "Hays! Can you give me a day off? Do you have to bang my door that loudly?" I exclaimed. "Ow really? Let me do you one better, do you really have to throw your shoes on my door every f*****g night?" she yelled in front of me but her last three words become blurry when I slammed the door close before that. Hays, this annoying housemate! I just hurried myself, wiped off my wet body, and wore some sleeveless. I immediately came out of my room, but I did go to the kitchen but I went to the other room instead. The door is open. I took time staring at this guy, filled with his thoughts, murmuring some unrecognizable words. Is he doing some rituals? Anyways, I grabbed a book titled 'whose deduction show' and threw it directly on his head. I heard him say, 'AW' but I ignored that. "Stop daydreaming, dinner's ready." I informed him and left him immediately. I heard him follow me. He must be very hungry as well. In the kitchen, I found Gigi preparing some soup, she calls it Macaroni Soup. Well, I won't deny it, she is a great cook. She is wearing a loose t-shirt, but even if it loose shirt, her boobs still show up. But that's not the case. "Hmm, what's that smell?" Theo sniffed when he arrived in the kitchen. He then took his seat. After a minute, everything was laid on the table. There is one thing left to do. To pray. "You do the pray." I suggest to Theo. But he disagreed. "It's your time now, mine was yesterday." replied Theo. "It was me yesterday, Theo. It's yours now." Gigi inserted. Theo stopped after he heard Gigi. He seems to be offended by what she said. "So you're telling me I have short brain memory?" Theo asked sarcastically. "No, I didn't say that." "Okay, just do the pray, Gigi." I inserted again. Now, everything is getting tense. No one is willing to do the prayer. "No, I am not a fool, Gigi. You just literally said I have some memory problem, and I cannot accept that." Then Theo suddenly removed his eyeglasses. Hays! I HATE THIS UNIT. "Ah whatever, remove your eyeglasses, I'm not frightened, you are not superman!" This time, Gigi stood up causing the table to slightly turn up. And take note, the soup bowls were there. Gigi is extraordinarily strong, so it was enough to flip the bowls and pour in my direction. "AHHH s**t!" I was startled by the sudden heat covering my body. For Pete's sake, I am just wearing a thin sleeveless shirt. So the soup directly went into contact with my skin and it burns like hell. It was freshly cooked macaroni soup. The same with Gigi, I suddenly stood up, keeping myself from more spills. But that just made the other soup bowl spill around. "KAI!!" "AWWWW!" I don't care anymore if they get burnt as well. My goal is to go to the bathroom, the heat on my body isn't normal anymore! I got to the bathroom in no time and had the shower on. Then the two followed me and inserted themselves inside the bathroom. Gigi immediately opened the tap water to fill the bath tab, but Theo just dipped his thigh on the sink. I let the cold water soaked me. Gigi kept on complaining about me being the one to be blame and I kept countering her as well, and Theo just took his time with the small sink. It took us over 10 minutes, Gigi and I are still blaming each other. While Theo is trying to stop us because he cannot focus on his burnt. "If you could just do the pray, we won't be like this!" "If you could just stay calm, that soup would never be spill, you f*****g s**t! You still have the audacity to blame everything on me, where obviously it's your fault!" "There's still macaroni soup in the pot, don't make me spill the rest on both of you!!" Gigi and I were about to talk back when a doorbell came. We heard the doorbell so obviously, it on our condominium. "See? You two must have been very noisy! The landlady will kill us!" Theo uttered after hearing that doorbell. The three of us stayed quiet while the doorbell keeps going on. "You open the door, Theo." Gigi broke the silence. "You can't do that to me, you know how I hate the landlady!" "How about you, Crick---?" "f**k that Gigi! Let's do that together instead!" Since I came out with that idea. The two hesitated at first. But we managed to convince ourselves anyway. Now, we found ourselves here at the door. Waiting for someone to jerk the doorknob. I volunteered for doing so, I don't want any pushing again. I slowly opened the door that cause a very loud creak. And once I made a peephole, I dipped my head to take a peek. The two also did. To our surprise, we immediately and synchronously heaved a long sigh. Despite how informal our looks are, soaked in water and messy hair, I opened the door widely. The three of us suddenly fix our posture. Put our arms on the chest and asked. "What?" we said in chorus with our blank and cold faces. "Is—is this, unit 406?" Ryecinth asked. ×××
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