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RYECINTH DISTACIO IN THE middle of the night, as usual my mind is filled with many thoughts. Just wondering what will happen in the future if I stay like this. I keep imagining things that only make me upset and occupied. I keep on reminding myself of my self-worth and that everything happens for a reason. Today might not be a good day but I believe that it is not always every day to have a bad or good day, it is just a matter of choices. Now, I am staring at the ceiling while trying myself to sleep on my bed, enjoying the moving lights that come out through the open window from the passing vehicles outside. It happens every night. I mean, this happens every night where I find it hard to sleep well because sometimes, I just woke up from a nightmare and then I will be up the whole night. And that is the worst of all, it seems like it is played on repeat. “I just want to have a good sleep, free from those traumatic nightmares. Why is it so hard?” I murmured that on myself repeatedly while pushing a pillow against my face. Well, that is my coping mechanism when it is hard for me to sleep, putting a pillow on my face and suffocating myself, and of course, not to death. It does not really work every time but it works sometimes, and I am grateful for that rare time. Plus, I do not want to take sleeping pills, not anymore. But, tomorrow, I will be opening a new chapter of my life so I might as well sleep now. I slightly pulled myself up from the bed and reached the window curtain. The lights from the passing vehicles outside are entertaining me too much. I woke up just the same every day. It feels like I am only destined to wake up, eat, go to school, go home, and sleep. I have spent the entire day just like that, since then. I am obviously different from others, well, many have already named me freak, weird if not. “Ryecinth, get up, my dear. It's your first day in your new university, you better not be late, right?” A sweet and consoling face of a woman in her 50's shows up. She gently walked toward my bed and sat on it before she reached for my head and caressed my hair. She is my Nana. Nana is always like that, she always visits my room every morning to say 'get up' even if she knows that I woke up earlier than her. I looked at her with a slight smile before I parted my lips. “I–I'm actually nervous, Nana. There are so many things that keep rolling in my mind and I can’t help but to overthink.” She then smiled passionately. That smile is the sweetest smile of all, and I am willing to sacrifice my life just to keep it that way. “Ryecinth, sweetheart, you already know how to handle that, and you can still do it now. It's not like the first time, for I remember, hmm," she paused and counted with her fingers. "Oh, you've been to three universities already in your college so far." I just chuckled after that. There are actually four universities already. But that is not a big deal compared to how many schools I've enrolled and transferred into in my middle school. "Don’t think too much, you know this but I will still say it. Everything will be alright, okay?" She added while still in her sweet smile, trying her best to convince me. Then she removed her hand from my head and stood up. "For now, eat your breakfast and get ready for school." As what she said, I tried my best to pull my body off the bed, frowning in out of excitement. I went directly to the bathroom and took my daily medicine. If I were to decide I do not want to transfer or study anymore. But Nana insisted that I should — to have a better future. She always says that but we both know that it will not going to happen. She only works in a small shop. The same with me, she just got transferred to the nearest branch here in Missi City and that is where we got financial assistance. It might sound weird, but that is just a small job for a bit of salary, yet, she still manages to bring me to universities and can satisfy my needs. I guess that is the perk of having an only child. Am I? I and Nana found ourselves standing in front of a huge and golden gate with a logo in the middle embedded with words, Central Science University. Nana is obviously in awe as she observes every detail on the gate. Spiky top, filled with acres, delicately painted with vibrant color, and thick. But it was just like an ordinary school gate to me. I just took a glance at it before I took my step forward with Nana besides me trying to hold my hand. I don't just mind the people around, since I left my previous school, I'm done dealing with other people. We just walked to the Dean's office for an enrollment affair. This university is quite big so it took us almost 10 minutes before we got to the place. “Mrs. Distacio, as for your request we will still cater your daughter as a regular student even if she is late." a man sitting comfortably on the couch stated while reading some papers on his hands. I bet he is the Dean's assistant, Mr. Lemuel. I read on the wall. Nana is sitting on the couch opposite him while I mingled around the office looking up to the big frames and some trophies on the shelf. I did not bother to sit with them and just chose to listen afar. I am not really comfortable with formal things. I heard the assistant put all the papers after taking his time reading. "I read her credentials and your daughter is gifted. Let's just ignore her some records, that is not a big deal, for a big dealer. I know she can adapt in no time.” Mr. Lemuel stated once more before he stood up and shook hands with Nana. I thought they're done, but Nana threw some questions. In the midst of their discussion, I excused myself to go to the comfort room. As I gallivant around the university, I must say that it is indeed very huge and there are so many buildings and trees around. Luckily, I successfully reached the common comfort room. There are many students that are passing by and they just stare at me, coldly. Perhaps, they concluded that I am just new here. Not to mention my jeans and sweatshirt. I stepped inside the comfort room and as I was in the cubicle, I heard some students talking about a guy named Kai. I am not a fan of gossiping and it was just an accident that I heard their little chat. Who could ignore them if they repeatedly and loudly talk about that guy. Anyways, not my business. I went back to the Dean's office as soon as I finished using their toilet and I saw Nana sipping a cup of coffee. She immediately put the cup on as soon as she noticed me. “Sweetheart, I'll go now." She then walked closer to me and whispered, "You know what to do when things go badly, okay?” Nana used her low voice and with that, I already get what she meant. I just nodded and she walked away. It was almost 11 o'clock. Right after the business we had in the Dean's office, they told me about my classroom and handed me the schedules for my classes. “Just walk straight and after 5 doors go right and after you will be in CE Building and the 6th door to your left is your classroom, and don’t worry I will inform Mr. Loki, your professor for this afternoon, about you.” The woman in her 30's instructed me before she turned her back and left in the corridor. It's already eleven so I decided to just skip the last period and just walk around. As I was gazing around the campus, I got into the silent place and I found myself here in front of a weird statue of a big, skinny green frog. It was the first time I raised my head since the time I started roaming around. Yes, I do like the statue, I love frogs. After that, I lowered my head again, put my hands inside my pockets and spurted to turn back. But, just as I turned back, I bumped into someone's bag that caused the things to scatter around. Tss! “Oh, Geeez! My limited edition Louis Vuitton bag! The hell?! Watch your steps, lady!” a tall skinny girl rebuked in front of me when she saw her things scattered to the ground. I did not bother to look up and just lower my body to pick those things on the ground. Without saying anything, I picked the lipstick, make-ups, the ballpen, and — I suddenly stopped moving when I saw five small packs of strange bone white powder inside of a small ziplock bag. It was strange since it was specially contained inside of a ziplock. I abruptly felt strange inside of me, but I still kept myself calm and pretended I saw nothing as I grabbed all her things and put them back inside of her widely open bag. I finally raised my head. She is taller by one foot so I had to raise my head even higher. Then, I saw her brows suddenly raise. Together with her two girls who also have the same aura as hers. I know that look. She looks obviously a brat type girl and she is willing to make trouble for just slightly bumping into her. But I have to leave this quiet place for another reason. I'm through with illicit drug issues. “Sorry, my bad.” I barely uttered and banged my head low. As I was about to take my step to the side, one of her friends suddenly grabbed my hair. That girl actually not just grabbed them, but she also pulled them hard that made me pull back as well. “Ouch!" I slightly screamed as I felt pain. “No one dares to talk back like that on Trixie, she is the queen here in central science university! And do you know that her bag is limited edition that costs more than the price of your f*****g life! Biatch!” a chubby girl from the other side snapped and slapped me real hard after that. Remember she is chubby and so as her palm too. I couldn't help but to drop myself on the ground, I used my right arm to keep me from laying on the ground. I immediately touched my left cheek while giving them a sharp stare. I felt the heat that her big palm caused. This for sure will leave a mark. The girl they called Trixie was just standing there watching as her minions do the job for her. That slap was unbelievable. I did not expect them to go beyond talking. While still in my sharp eyes, I exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?!" And that just made the other minion step closer, pushed my head on the ground. The next thing she did was really unexpected. She hopped on my body and choked me! At first, I tried my best to pull her hands off my neck, but she is incredibly strong. So, I just let her do that and put my hands to the side. You're sort of dealing with the wrong person. Kill me this instance! I screamed inside of my head. It took almost 15 seconds before Trixie finally spoke, "Stop it, Danica. We should not put dirt on our hands, we still have rehearsal to do." Just like a real minion, by the time she heard Trixie, this crazy woman on my neck suddenly pulled her hands back. She tapped my forehead thrice as she said, "Next time, beware of the cats." And they spurted away like smoke in the air. I exhaled and inhaled really hard the moment she got off of me. That was crazy. She almost choked me to death. I just let myself on the ground while still catching my breaths Damn! After a minute or two, I decided to pull myself up and so no one was around. It's twelve when I glanced at my phone. Maybe they are in the cafeteria now, taking their lunch break. After that, I immediately proceeded to the back of the building, looking for an area where no people would pass by. That was why I got here where a lot of broken chairs are scattered and piled around. I hurriedly pulled something from my pocket and there is a pack of those powders I sneakily pocketed earlier. There were actually six small packs of those powders, and this was separated from the ziplock bag when they fell on the ground. And when that chubby minion slapped me, I intentionally fell on the ground and my right hand crawled to get this one. I keenly observed the pack and it seems familiar to me. If I am right, this is some sort of illegal drug. What are they doing with those? I asked in my mind. After a long walk, I finally got to the floor of my classroom. I did not bother to take lunch since I spent the whole time in that area filled with thoughts about how savage those girls were. But they have a very old method. Choking? Who the hell are they joking about? Are they really willing to kill somebody inside the campus' premises? Well of course no. Tss. Once I got to the door of the classroom which I am pretty sure, the right room, I immediately walked in slowly. Still my head on the ground. I stopped when I got in front. I just thought, am I too rude if I just take a vacant seat without asking someone for permission. On the other hand, I don't want to talk to anyone either. In the end, I decided to stand in the middle of the classroom despite how I feel uncomfortable about their stares. But almost a minute had passed, no one dared to talk to me or ask me about why I am here or atleast offer me a seat. It was a very awkward moment for me, not until someone entered the room. I just took a glance at him, and he seemed to be the instructor, whom the woman told me about. “Ah, you're already here. I was looking for you in the faculty.” he muttered and it was an ease to my shoulder. After that, he told me to introduce myself and finally offered a seat. There are two vacant seats available, one beside the woman and one at the back beside the man. But I chose to sit beside this weird looking guy. I don't know but he was staring at me earlier but he just dropped those eyes when I got closer to him. Well, it's better to sit with this guy than that woman. I've met four girls on this campus and so far three of them are savagely crazy. Once I took the vacant seat, I then dropped my head. Incessantly staring at the floor, filled with my non stop thoughts of why I got to transfer here in Missi City. The time I raised my head, that is the moment I noticed the class had ended already. I roamed around and there were only a few students left in the room. That is the moment when I felt my stomach's boiling. Ow yes, I haven't taken my lunch earlier. So I went to the cafeteria and bought some beef shawarma. As usual, I maintained my head on the ground. The stares of the other students makes me really uncomfortable. That was why I did not stay at the cafeteria and just chose to walk around while eating my shawarma. While walking, I passed by a big tarpaulin saying, 'Watch the try-out of our two cheer dance teams.' The two teams are Dancing Swans and CSU's Pyramid. There are pictures of the teams as well and three girls from CSU's Pyramid team got my attention. These are the girls back to the old frog statue. "So you're a cheer dancers... what a shame." I mumbled while staring at the poster. While at that moment, I finished my shawarma and found some ketchup and mayonnaise left on the paper cone. I smirked a bit while entertaining my thoughts. I gazed around and found no one looking. So I hurriedly used my finger to scope the remaining red liquid from the shawarma cone and put it in the face of those three girls on the poster. Now, they have red smudge on their faces. "Serve you right." I mumbled. I slightly chuckled before I turned to my back. But, not so far from where I am standing, I saw a woman and guy kissing. He is the guy beside my seat. With that, I didn't want to cause any awkwardness so I shifted my direction. But as I turned back, another surprise appeared before me. I realized, this day is one of those curse days. Damn... "Grab her!" It seemed like I have something errands to be face again. What's really wrong with them? Of all the people here inside the university, why they always choose me as their target? ×××
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