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GIGI LAVEEN I FELT LIKE everything is too noisy, too wild, and too chaotic. A sound of a rock song is bothering me at this juncture. I am good at partying but I’m not used to this since I got into college. But that loudness is too prevailing that I can’t even use the power of manipulating such things. I grunted and open my half-closed eyes. I heard my cellphone playing Here’s To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne in which startled me so I hurriedly got it beside me. My phone is always under my pillow. I don’t know, every time I wake up it’s already there. I must have been in a bad sleep, like almost every day. I really thought I’m having my nightlife, and the heck, I was badly interrupted by the music. When I slid my eyes unto the time, my eyes got wider and wider. And, it haunted me. The song was my alarm ringtone. How did I even miss that? Rude words coming up by Ms. Laveen because I am f*****g late, it’s already 7:30 in the morning and my class will start at 8. I immediately got up and run as fast as I could towards the bathroom door. And I forgot to get my plain maroon bathrobe so I decided to use whatever is available in this f*****g bathroom. I hate being late because I’m pretty sure this will become my routine for the whole semester. Well, in this case, that’s actually my belief so as much as possible, Gigi should never be late. I did my toothbrush without having to eat my breakfast. Well, cleansing my teeth is much better than getting my stomach full. For your information, I’m on a diet, and okay, a sexy b***h they might say. Fifteen minutes later, I saw myself standing in front of the mirror brushing my hair and putting some powder on my face and luckily, got the chance to grab my red nude lipstick. Make-ups are my babies but I am not that wild to put some on my face. The fact that I am a bitchy type, I always match my look with my errands. But I have no time to compliment my look, I am literally late and planning to uphold the people who didn’t wake me up in the middle of my snore. I am in the mood to punch an asshole right now. Since our university is a 5-minute walk, I still run my way out just to reach my first class schedule. As soon as I reached the gate, the school guard was about to stop me from running when he saw my cutest smile and rolled at the second when he let me in. Well, as boastful as my human cricket friend Kai, I have the prettiest smile on campus. No lie but boys are so into it. Though, hearing murmuring sounds from the hallways since other colleges aren’t in the same schedule as I do, I halted unto the commotion that’s happening in the open field in the middle of the university’s building, right straight into my eyes. Guess I have to do my job once again as I walk with my arms crossed and head tilting on the right side with a bored face. “Really? At exactly,” I check my luxurious wristwatch, “The hell? 8 in the morning? You ruined my mood even more. This is distracting.” Everyone is eyeing me behind them after hearing what I said, and make a way for me to walk closely as soon as I stepped myself in front of the commotion. Some of them are gasping, some are terrified. Except for the people who did the chaos. With one eyebrow uplifted, Trixie Rivera and her comrade, once again, bullying someone with such an innocent woman. The woman was sitting very innocently at the bench with her head down and wet hair due to some spill of the juice drink, an immature bullying idea from the known immature sassy b***h on this campus. I cannot look closely at her because her face was covered with a little portion of her hair. I rolled my eyes and saw Trixie’s eyes dart on me, from head to toe. “Is that all you can bear? Spilling some juice drink? Are you a high school student? You’re wasting my time.” I interrupted her. “Out of the way, Gigi. Too lucky, you aren’t the victim early in the morning.” Trixie smirked after it. “That’s pretty amazing, Trixie,” I sarcastically laughed. “I am literally concerned about your mental health if ever tables would have turned.” She opened her mouth shocked at my words. This is the first time I responded to her like that knowing that I’m always at my default mode of ignoring her rubbish actions. So, I grab the chance to walk closely in front of the one who gets bullied. “Stupid college student,” I uttered. And, I saw the eyes of this innocent woman slowly checking me out. “Too rude to say, but you let yourself be bullied this way? It’s way small and very...high school.” Laughing noises revolved around the commotion. I forgot the presence of these people. “What’s your name, by the way?” I asked the woman. “I-I’m Rye.” She softly answered, stuttering. I nodded. “Alright, I haven’t seen you around. Guess you’re new here?” I smiled at her. “The girl who bullied you is Trixie, a bully s***h a loser.” “You stupid b***h--” At my peripheral vision, Trixie was about to grab my hair when her company stopped her. I let out a heavy sigh and bit my lower lip. “Trixie, never messed with Gigi.” I heard some of her friends say that. “Girl, Kai will never get into you if you did something.” That words caught my attention and wished that at this very moment, I got my hearing impaired. I looked at them again, still with arms crossed and bored face. “You think Kai will ever like you? For doing such high school bullying things? That’s totally crazy.” I laughed sarcastically once again. “Trixie, I want you to know that everyone is desiring Kai Alula to be his girlfriend and unfortunately, you didn’t reach the standards.” I grab the hand of the bullied and let her stand slowly. She was shocked at first but still, reached for my hands shyly and awkwardly. I let that pass. She stood beside me as I stared at Trixie once again, I walk closer to her, never minding the people around us. “Gigi, don’t you ever dare go straight into me, I might slap you.” She pointed her finger at me. With inches away, I bring my self-esteem. “You’re always interrupting my scenes, aren’t you tired of this? I am the only b***h in this prestigious university.” I smiled. “And, the only person who can bully someone at this very limited time.” I felt Rye’s cold hands unlocking mine but I didn’t let that go. “How boastful are you for claiming my title?” Trixie uttered, so sure of herself, with gritted teeth. “You are always snatching everything from me, from being the special person in our cheerleading practice up to be the queen of this school? Got no shame at all. It’s not even your place.” “You’ve come so far, my dear.” I pouted. “Too many issues from me and bullied anyone in this school? Play fairly. If you want to let your immature things out of your comfort, then face me.” I walked out with Rye at my side still holding me when suddenly Trixie grabbed my ponytailed hair this time. I’m a sucker of destructions and I will never let everything pass, not this. So, I let her do that and turned myself as soon as I have the strength to do so, I pushed her with full force until she slides on the ground. I was fuming mad. Rye was shocked, she don’t know what to do so she helped me fix my hair in a good state. I breathe heavily and walk in front of Trixie. I saw how Trixie’s friends screwed up and immediately walk out of the chaos, didn’t stand beside her. That’s a poor thing, fake friends. I halted and level her sight while she’s sitting on the ground demurely. “Trixie, you messed up with the wrong woman but I will let you off this time. Just don’t touch my hair without my permission.” I am in full madness but I let my words be said calmly. “And that girl behind me? No one can ever bully her, except me. If you happen to touch her again, I swear to everyone, you will probably forget how to breathe. Don’t try me.” My words leave everyone hanging. Nothing new, still the same terrified people. I stood up and compose myself. My smile appears fiercely with so many emotions even though this scenario is too tiring. “One more thing,” I looked down at Trixie, smirking. “Trixie, not saying I’m special but there is literally nobody else... like me.” We walked out of the scene. I’m different, special, canonically eccentric, a weird girl, a little funny, I’m not all there, I’m beautiful minded, gifted, and talented, I’m slow on the uptake, I learn a little differently, I have my quirks, I have my struggles, I can be a bit scattered. My speech, mannerisms, and behavior marked abnormalities, haters want to see me in a padded cell. But, I am a fighter, I survived, for 20 years of existence I enjoy my journey a lot, they know me as someone so sure can brag anyone’s pride. “Gigi,” Rye’s soft voice got me halted at the moment. “Thank you---” “Stop thanking people who aren’t worthy of it. Don’t be grateful just because I saved you from bullying, it’s no use, that’s very stupid,” I stopped walking and observed that she’s listening to me intently. I faced her with arms crossing. “And another thing, what’s with the first name basis? We’re not even close for you to call me Gigi.” I checked my wristwatch. “I ended up getting late only to accept your gratefulness? We should part ways. I just hope I will not be seeing immature bullying things early in the morning again.” I left her in the hallway dumbfounded and bring my feet to the second floor to standby at my classroom. Might think of ways how to murder a friend. Or are they even my friends? “Hi, little b***h princess,” I jumped out of shock when Kai suddenly put his arms around my shoulder. “Chill, okay? You’re too shocked with my pretty face, huh?” So, he was behind me after all. I bumped my fist onto his stomach, he distanced himself with pain on his face, and curiosity was all over it. I pointed my finger to him, gritted teeth, brows creasing, and squinted eyes. “You cricket!” I shouted in front of our classroom door. “You really want to take revenge, don’t you? You could have woken me up. I tell you, Kai, you won’t get away with this!” “Calm down, okay?” He raised both hands like surrendering to a cop. “Who made you a dragon warrior early in the morning, huh? You could have just greeted me in a nice way. A good morning is enough, Gigi-mon.” I was about to make an aggressive move but Theo’s back blocked my control. Here we go again, being the referee type of friend. I don’t really know if he’s just protecting this in between to avoid some scenic war or this is just really him protecting his peace. “What’s your problem, Gigi Laveen?” Theo asked with a baritone voice, with me behind him and hands in his pocket. “Aren’t you disturbing other classes with your actions this early? Be careful, you might see yourself standing in front of the School’s Grievance Committee.” I heaved a sigh and so he faced his aura to me this time. I saw how he was so disappointed in me. Note that when Theo uplifts his eyebrow, know that it’s going to be in danger charisma. “We didn’t bother waking you up from a long sleep because we know how tired you are in academic works,” Theo uttered very calmly. “And…” he paused, scrutinizing me. “How could we wake you up? Are we in the same bedroom?” Uh, whatever. With that, I saw how Kai restrained himself from laughing so hard. So, I glared at him behind Theo. He rolled his eyes at me. Kai is a badass b***h like me. “Anyways,” Theo then again said. “Our morning instructor has not yet arrived, as usual. Still, Ms. Laveen, you are safe from writing long essays of being late.” Oh, thank, God! I let Theo get my Prada shoulder bag and put it inside the classroom. Kai, on the other hand, being too vain, waved his hands at me, passed me by, and bid goodbye. I don’t know where his feet would take him anyway, perhaps, to his classroom because luckily, we are not classmates. I chew the bubblegum coolly as soon as I sat in my chair and saw outside the window how Kai throw some winks at the other student on the campus. Feeling himself means being pretentious and very annoying, personally. I hate him to death. If it wasn’t because of Theo, we could have found him in the graveyard. After the lunch break, I was slightly curious as to why people are running. They were panicking until someone called Theo for another detective mission, surely. Kai and I quietly followed him inside the cafeteria. The place was peaceful because some students were asked to go outside for a bag inspection and others who are suspected of stealing the money were adhere to stay. I was pretty amazed at how Theo solved the case once again, he really is a smartass. And, I saw how Rye was appointed as the culprit, she is involved in the scenario. I tried to ignore her and avoid minimal reactions, but I must admit, she’s so pitiful for being a subject of bullying. But anyway, we’re not even close. “Kai Alula, you can never level my high respect to Theo. Grow up man, I swear girls would chase you even more.” I snorted out. “Don’t start the arguments, Gigi. Stay on your lane.” Theo spoke. “That’s what you call karma.” I hear Kai murmuring. I rolled my eyes. Hours had passed, classes will be dismissed early because school faculties are too busy with their meetings and other stuff. Since I am a dancer on the cheerleading team in this university, I will always get myself ready every after classes. I am now at the locker room in our gymnasium, preparing myself for the small practice today since we cannot use the gymnasium too long because the faculty said so. I was in the middle of preparation when my phone rang. Mom is calling me. “Hi, sweetheart!” I heard my mother’s excitement after picking it up. “How are you? Are you alright? Is there anything you want to share? Mama is listening.” I smiled even if she never sees it. My mom is the sweetest creature. “I’m totally fine, Ma.” I laughed and sat on the bench beside the lockers. “Happy as I will ever be but I missed you so much, ma. I am not used to being away with you.” “Well, that’s what you wanted, right? Studying in that school means being far away from us.” Mama sighed, “I don’t have a problem with that Gigi, I just want to support you with everything that you want, just don’t give us some bad news. Are we clear?” I nodded as a response. “Yes, Ma. Thanks for always being so understanding. Love you, always.” “Love you too, Gigi.” She said softly. “So, where are you today? Are you already home?” “Nope, I’ll be having my practice in cheerleading. I’m at the locker room, preparing for it.” I pick my school uniform and put it inside my bag. “Oh, really? I’ll hang up. Just call me when you need something, okay? Bye. Take care of yourself always." The call ended. I am at the bench right now, watching them doing warm-ups since I’m not really a kind of friendly with anyone at my club. I used to be alone, only Theo and Kai I considered as the ones who I trusted with so much. Issues of betrayals always haunted me every time I met several people. The reason why I’m not really easy to be with. “Okay guys, let’s start some slight practice.” Our girl coach said. I like her aura. She’s so pretty and fierce. Her attitude does not match his physical features. Though, I’m still the prettiest. I stretched a little for flexibility. I’m into dancing so I always get complimented by my coach. I saw how Trixie glared her eyes at me. This girl right here is too competitive. By the way, she’s the team’s leader, yet, she’s that very insecure. “Okay guys, I want to see an improvement with you and your partner as you do the partner stunting in action in which the girl is elevated into the airbases.” Coach announces so dearly and heaved a sigh. “I know this is quite hard but the purpose of this is for you to be able to help each other when the time comes that we have to practice group stunts.” One by one, we nodded as my team went to each other’s partner. “Hey, Gigi!” Marc approached me. “We will do the stunt of me as your base and you as my flyer, is it okay if I’ll be your partner for today?" I didn’t mind him approaching me. I just want to finish the practice so I can go home. “What are we gonna do, then?” I am tying my shoelaces while asking him. I felt him near me, probably sitting beside me. I let him. “Hey, Marc! Why are you playing someone’s attention when I am your partner, last week?” Bet it was Trixie again, owning the scene. That chins me up. I stared at her as she owned the crowd once again with her cocky confidence. With that look, I am sure she’s pertaining to be Marc’s partner. “Trixie, it is not required to be partnered with your partner last week. Try someone new. This is cheerleading, we should be friendly to anyone. We are a team.” Marc calmly smiled. We stood up together since Trixie is nearing us. She stood in front of me. I crossed my arms and poke my inner cheeks with my tongue. This girl really chases trouble to be always on her side. “Gigi Laveen? You again.” She stated with full poise. “Now, who do you think owns every scenario? Marc is my partner last week and now that you’re here, he chose you.” “What are you implying?” The members are starting to stare at us, gossiping. I grab Marc’s hands and put them on my waist. I let him lift me, try to do some stunts. When he was able to point out what I’m trying to do, he raise me using his two hands. I’m trying to impress anyone right now as I did the heel stretch stunt in where I held my heel in one arm, pulling my foot as close to my eye level as possible and my other arm did a range of motion such as V-sign. After that, he slowly drops me and catches me with his bare hands at my waist. I suddenly smiled after that as I saw everyone’s shocked faces. “I’m done here.” I said in monotone and shouted, “Coach, I’ll probably go home. I’m having my own party today at my dorm.” The real thing is I’m so pissed off. And, the cold night is embracing me outside the campus. I leave them there and walk in the middle of the night. It’s already 6 in the evening. I’m not even scared since I got used to it. And also, the dorm is just a minute walk and lights are illuminating around the place, though only dim lights are on. As I stepped inside the dorm, I immediately went to my bedroom and sat on the bed. I am totally exhausted today. For being rushed this morning, faced Trixie with her bitchy attitude. And one more thing is that cricket guy, Kai. “That cricket really has guts to piss me off. Hello? Gigi Laveen? Will just easily be reached with a human cricket? That’s a no-no. Honestly, I could just easily defeat him with my truthful words but that Theo guy, he always blocks my way. Sometimes, he is annoying. They are both now!” I said out of frustration. I was about to get my phone to do the t****k dance when I heard a noise outside of my bedroom. ×××
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