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THEO ALYX DAVIS I WAS JUST silently watching the students who are running across the hallway of our classroom. My other classmates started to rise from their seats and went closer to the window. Some were watching right in front of the door. It's one in the afternoon, and our professor is not yet here. I just shook my head and fixed my eyeglasses, not bothering what was the running all about. I was about to rest my head on the armrest of the chair when I heard a chuckle beside me. "Look at that 'cricket'. He must be feeling the moment." the woman on my left said. Her red lips—or I should say, lips with very red lipstick—moved as she coolly chew bubble gum inside her mouth. She is looking outside where many students are passing by. Our classmates are still on their spot, whispering incomprehensible. And by mentioning cricket, I immediately looked at where she is looking and there, I saw a man with a black suit. His opened-button suit swayed as he walks. He seemed to walk in slow motion, removing his fashioned black shades from his eyes. He even winked slightly at some students. The woman beside me, Gigi, just let out a small laugh when the students who are passing by just hit him from behind. Some of our classmates also went back to their seats, not minding the man's gesture. "Kai always thinks that he is really charming, tsk, poor cricket," Gigi said plainly, looking at her newly polished nail. She then looked at me. "Theo, please teach him how to be ashamed." she joked and looked at the man who slightly looked at us, smiling, while heading towards his classroom next to ours. I just did not mind her resort. Well, she is always like that. I mean, she and Kai are always like that. Right now, Gigi downgraded Kai. Let us wait that Kai shall take his revenge. "Faster!" My attention seemed to be caught by that panicked voice. I started to be bothered by the students who are passing through the hallway. As I have observed, their speed is not that normal. They are all seemed to be in a hurry. Plus, it's been how many minutes have passed and our professor has not come yet. It is kind of weird because that Statics professor of ours is time conscious and usually, he always comes early, either before one P.M or just on time. But now that he is not yet here makes me think that it is not normal anymore. The running... The panic shout... And yes, my suspicion is right. One man suddenly appeared in front of the door of our classroom, panting very hard. "Theo!" he called. I do not know his name but it is not surprising anymore that he knew mine. "You are needed in the cafeteria!" As everyone heard that, they all diverted their eyes at me. Their eyes did not tell that they are confused about why I am needed---but they are some sort of waiting for my response. They are already used to it. Even though the man did not tell further details, but how he uttered such words signifies something. “What about this time? Hayyy…” Gigi on my side whispered with a sigh. I looked at the man in front of the door and gave him a nod, then, he run towards the direction of the cafeteria. So, this is the reason for the little ‘commotion’ of the students earlier. Something happened in the cafeteria. And by calling me, it only means a serious case. “Seems like our detective classmate will be a hero for today… again,” said Marco, one of my classmates. I just don’t mind his words. My classmates are already used to this. Before, when they heard that ‘something’ happened, they initially went to the place where the situation occurred. But now, they acted like this is no big deal anymore. I looked at Gigi. “I shall go. Just tell me if you want me to buy something in the cafeteria.” I said to her, standing while touching the bridge of my eyeglasses. Gigi slightly punched my shoulders. “Excuse me? I am on a diet, and I am not eating-fatty-lady, just so you know. I am sexy, duh.” she protested, raising a brow. I slightly chuckled. “Besides, I will go with you.” I just shook my head and walked towards the door of our classroom, leaving my bag on my seat. Gigi is following me from behind, basing on the sound of her heels as she takes a step. Students are also passing beside us, heading towards the cafeteria as well. I wonder what is it this time. “Hey,” a man called as we passed by the blue classroom. “I heard something’s happened.” Gigi and I looked back, it’s Kai. “You are out of your classroom earlier, acting so cool and charming while passing the hallway, assuming and imagining that the reason why students are running was because of you, yet you did not tell Theo about this?” Gigi said, folding her arms toward Kai. Here we go again. “Calm down, Gigi, this is just me. Okay? And just so you know, I went to the comfort room, near the open field, far from the cafeteria. And you know, I did not mind other businesses. I mind those girls that going crazy to me as I went out from the comfort room---” “Fool yourself, cricket---” “A handsome cricket you have ever known.” Kai rebutted, smirking. “Because you are the only cricket in human form.” Before their conversation go far, I cleared my throat to get their attention. “I better go ahead to the cafeteria. Fight well.” I said to them. I immediately turn my back and continue walking, without minding their final reaction. The cafeteria is located in the east wing of the building of the college department. As I reached there, as expected, many students garnering around, outside the cafeteria. “What is really going on here?” Gigi muttered behind my back. Oh? They followed me right away. I thought they will resume their little arguments. I did not mind their presence behind me. Moments later, a man in a white uniform with black stripes, came out from the cafeteria. From the outside’s perspective, we could see what is happening inside because the walls that surround the cafeteria are transparent glass. “Students, please go back to your respective classrooms. Your professors will arrive later after this little problem. As much as possible, we should avoid crowds here. Thank you,” said the man. “Perhaps, stealing.” I plainly said. Some of the students followed what the man said. But some were just hardheaded. Including us, I suppose? “What do you mean?” Kai asked, stepping forward to level my sight. “Someone probably stole the money from the cafeteria,” I answered, scrutinizing the situation inside. Gigi stared at me. “How did you know?” “The uniforms of the personnel. The personnel here are sorted into uniforms, in accordance to what their job is. White with black stripes; they are from the finance office. Based on the expressions on their faces, they must have faced problems. And that is, money.” I said. We are still outside. I am waiting for someone to come out. Kai blinked his eyes many times. “I actually don’t know about the uniform thingy. You are unbelievable as always---” “It is part of the orientation, cricket. You surely did not pay attention.” Gigi muttered. “Whatever, Gigi-mon. At least I have an alibi that I don’t know about that uniform thing. Unlike you. You knew the scheme, but you did not still know.” I can’t help but brush my hair because of these two guys that kept on arguing small things. “Don’t---” Before Gigi could throw her words, a man in a blue uniform came out. “Theo! Thank God, you’re already here.” he relented. He is the ‘someone’ that I am pertaining to. His name is Blake Marasigan, the head of the School’s Grievance Committee. He is assigned to every problem that the school is facing. And in problems like this, he always called me. Only him and the finance team are here. “What do we have here, Mr. Marasigan?” I asked him. We three are walking towards the cafeteria door where Blake is standing. He caressed his beard under his chin. “Someone stole one of the boxes of money from the cafeteria. Inside were the suspects; the students who were there when the finance team audited the money, the cafeteria staffs, especially the cashiers.” So, this is really a serious case. But whatever serious this problem is, the school head doesn’t want to call investigators or police. Their reason? They don’t want the students to be intimidated, and also, they are protecting the dignity of the school. That is why I am here. I nodded. “How about the personnel?” I asked. Gigi and Kai are still behind my back, quietly staring at the place. Anyway, personnel could also be included in the suspects. Everyone is included, especially when dealing with money. “The personnel were at the office of the head right now. They are reviewing the CCTV of the school and discussing thoroughly. They are not included in the lists of suspects because they have their own cafeteria, and by peer-reviewing and questioning, no personnel went here this morning.” he replied that made me look at the ground, thinking. “Finance team said that they always audit the money every 12:30 in the afternoon and 6 in the evening.” After that information that he shared, he let us in. Everyone looked at us as we make our entrance. The men in white-with-black-striped uniform looked at us plainly. They are not confused to see us anymore. All of them have small bags tied on their waist, one of the indicators of their team. I started to gallivant around the cafeteria. The space is enough for the students. There were tables on each side and the center, while the cashier area was in front. Their investigation has obviously just started because they were still in the stage of looking around the area. I went towards the cashier area. Gigi and Kai just stayed at the side of the door. As I got there, the vaults were open. There were 2 small boxes that contain money; however, the lacking space is really observable. “How does this vault be opened?” I asked one of the finance team near me. “It will be opened by special magnets. Like this,” as he said that, he shows me a small object. It looks like a thin battery. “This is special. No other ways to open that vault except this.” My eyes squinted. “How many of you have a copy of that special key?” I asked. “Only the school head and our finance head,” he answered. “Our head will only give this special key to us once we do the audit.” As he said that, I nodded my head. “Thank you for that information.” “No problem,” After looking at the vault property, I go back to Blake. There are already theories in my mind and I just want to make sure that it is right. “Did you already inspect the finance team’s bag?” I asked Blake. I am sure that the money is still inside the school because the gate is always closed. It will only open every 5 in the afternoon, after class. Students and personnel are not advised to leave the school prior to that time. Blake nodded his head. “After that man announced that the third box is missing, the finance head immediately inspect their bag one by one. And everything is clear.” He said, pointing to the man who is currently zipping his pants. This is a really interesting case. I looked at Gigi and Kai. They just gave me a nod. Yeah, they are not going to help me with this. I always do it on my own while they are just watching, waiting for me to expose the culprit. “How about the staff and the students? Did you already inspect their bags?” “For the staffs, yes, and same as the team, they don’t have it. But for the students, not yet. We just let them finish their lunch first and just locked the area to ensure that no one shall escape.” Blake answered me. “And now you have mentioned it, I guess they are all done eating.” Then he looked at the men. “Start inspecting their bags. We should not take this long.” He commanded the finance team and they immediately moved. They inspect the students’ bags one by one, as keen as possible. There were over 15 inside and only 5 of the finance team are inspecting. This will surely take how many minutes. “Can we help?” Kai suddenly asked Blake. He is looking at the men who are inspecting. “Sorry, as much as possible, we don’t want students to meddle other students’ things,” Blake replied and Kai did not say a word. “Actually, if we would not find the box here, we plan to inspect all of your bags, including you.” After how many minutes, a man from a finance team suddenly shouted, “Found it!” Everyone looked at him with a gaped mouth. He raised his hand and the third box came into our view. “She was the one who stole the third box!” I looked at the woman who the one is referring to. She is wearing eyeglasses, and her bangs that almost covered her eyes are an eyecatcher. I heard Gigi and Kai gasp in disbelief. “What?!” the woman reacted. “I don’t know why that box is inside my bag. I swear---” “You are really a piece of trash, Rye! It is no longer surprising anymore that you are the one who stole the money.” said one of the students and everyone started to agree. “Hey—!” Gigi was about to say something but I looked at her. I shook my head at her and she just heaved a sigh. Her eyes tell something. “Alright, give me the box.” The man suddenly said. He is the head of the Finance team. “You, woman, let’s go to the head office.” he continued. As the man, who found the third box, was about to hand the box with money, I shouted that shocked everyone. “STOP!” They all looked at me, even Blake and the finance team. Gigi and Kai on the other hand just looked at each other, but their forehead is also creasing. “Don’t touch the box yet,” I instructed the head of the finance. “This is foul play.” “Theo, what are you saying?” Blake suddenly said, walking towards me. I looked at the woman. “The woman did not steal the box. She was just being staged by the true culprit.” I announced. Then the room filled with incomprehensible whispers. “The true culprit is you.” I directly said, pointing to the man who is holding the box. “W-What?! Are y-you out of your mind? I was the one who found out that this third box is missing! How on earth it w-would be me?!” the man said furiously. He is gripping the box tightly with his hands. “And Theo, sorry, but I already told you that they already had undergone inspection. So, it’s impossible that one of them, especially him, would be the one responsible for it.” Blake butted in. His voice went soft and slow. I did not mind his resort. I looked at everyone instead. “The man right there said that the vault will only be opened by the use of the special key that only the school head and the finance head are keeping. And it is impossible for the students or staff to open that vault and steal the box, given the fact that it is hard to open. And as I was observing every inch of the vault, there were no signs of forced opening. It has no scratches and other damages. With that, I assume that only the ones holding the key were behind it.” I started, glancing at the man who I talked to earlier. He nods at me. “How was it done? Well, simple. While the team is busy with auditing other expenses, you opened the vault and secretly put the third box inside your bag, and re-closed the vault.” I resumed, looking at the man whose fists are clenched. “Since you knew that once the head found out, he would surely inspect your bags, you went to the comfort room in this cafeteria. And there, you hid the third box. And since others couldn’t open the vault because you have the special key, they would not find out.” “Yes, I noticed that he went to the comfort room before the inspection happened. We did not know what others are doing because we are busy with our stuff, but yeah, I saw him.” Said one of the finance team, the reason that I let out a smirk. “When you arrived, you re-opened the vault, and then, you started your drama. You acted like you did not have an idea. That you are innocent. You came out clear with the inspection because you already hid the box. You gave the special key to your other team for some reason. Maybe that key will haunt your conscience, I suppose.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. Everyone is looking at me, waiting for more. “A while ago, I saw you zipping your pants. You must come from the comfort room to get the box and put it inside your bag because you know that inspection to students would take place. And then, as you inspect Rye’s bag, that’s the time you revealed the third box, making that woman, Rye, the culprit. For what reason? Well, we don’t know.” I ended. A moment of silence prevails the area, but it did not last because we suddenly heard the man’s laugh. “You are famous d-detective here, yet you are also good in making s-scenarios. You can be a writer.” he sarcastically said. I just looked at him plainly. “But I-I did not do it---” “If Rye really stole the box, her fingerprint must be there. However, if my deductions are right, only your fingerprints can be found because no one, today, has touched it but you and the culprit---or you alone.” I said, and with that, he is dumbfounded. “Mr. Marasigan, kindly conduct a fingerprint examination. I am sure, all of the things I said are true. I shall now leave.” Before I could make my exit, I heard the man speak. “M-My mother is sick.” With that, I stopped in a bit. “I really need money for her. I admit that I really wanted to steal it, but in the middle of the investigation, my conscience couldn’t handle it anymore. I want to return it but I am scared, that’s why---” I did not finish his words and just leave the place instead. “Theo, that was amazing!” Gigi said, raising her voice. “You better teach Kai about that---” “Hep, hep, hep!” Kai muttered. And their fight started again. After the classes have ended, I immediately went home to rest my mind, body, and soul. This is really a long day. While lying in my bed, I sighed. “That Gigi and Kai are really annoying. I really want a peaceful college life, yet there they are, throwing nonsense words. If I would choose people that would live with me in one house, definitely, I would not choose them---” I was not able to finish my words because something suddenly bumped my head. ×××
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