Chapter 16

670 Words
The lunch bell went off and Zach was gathering his stuff when he was pushed to the ground. He heard a sickening laugh before someone stepped on his head, forcing his cheek to be pressed against the cold tile floor. “What’s the matter? Can’t get up?” I watched for a couple of seconds, ignoring my wolf who was going crazy to try to help her mate. But I wanted to see if Zach would get up on his own, defend himself, but he didn’t. I let out a sigh before kicking the kid who had dared to hurt me mate. I helped Zach up and we exited the classroom because if we stayed any longer, the boy would’ve been dead. “So what happened once I left?” I questioned. “U-um.. we um, got quizzes back.” I glanced up at him (yes, he was taller than me), and smirked at his dazed expression. “What?” “N-nothing, it’s just, has anyone ever told you that you’re really, really hot?”  I threw my head back and laughed. I saw a soft smile appear across his face. “Oh, yes, plenty of times.” He dropped his hold on my hand and before my wolf could complain, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in tight. I knew that he was strong. If I had been a human, I would have had bruises. He bent his head down to my ear and whispered, “MINE.” And I swear I almost orgasmed. *~* We walked into the cafeteria to be met with silence. Like, pin-drop silence. I almost laughed. They had probably been talking about us. Zach froze like a deer in headlights, just standing there. I don’t think he even blinked. I tugged on his sleeve, which snapped him out of his daze. He blinked really quickly before focusing his eyes back onto me. I smirked as we walked over to the lunch line that was long just a minute ago. Huh. I wonder where they went? “Whatcha want, Zachyboo?” He raised his eyebrow at my endearment but went to grab food as his only response was a smirk. “You can’t be serious!” I gaped. He had only gotten fries and a small fruit cup. I mean, who willing gets fruit? But onto the more important matter at hand. What he had grabbed for his lunch was only a snack for most people! It couldn’t possibly be enough to fill him up. I knew he wouldn’t grab anything else so I just grabbed extra of stuff so that I could get him to eat more once we got to our table. When we got to the end, Zach went to grab his wallet, but I beat him to it. I handed the lunch lady my credit card, and Zach pouted because he knew that he wasn’t going to win the argument of who was paying. “Excuse me, but is this really your card?” the lunch lady asked, raising her eyebrow. “Uh, yeah, why?” I said, tilting my head. “Do you take me as stupid?” She laughed. “No, why?” “Because what kind of teenager carries around a black credit card?” “This girl.” “Can I see your ID then, Ms. Savage?” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my driver’s license. In case you were wondering, yes, I can drive. I just choose to pay someone to do it for me. She examined it, then my credit card, and let out a huff. She scanned my card and gave us our food. We turned to go and if I wasn’t a werewolf, I wouldn’t have heard her. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
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