Chapter 15

793 Words
“Buenos Dias, clase!” the teacher cheered. “Buenos Dias, Mrs. Decker.” the students responded in one of the most monotone voices I had ever heard.  I didn't realize how depressed these kids were. I wonder what would have caused such a lack of interest other than them hating school in general. “It seems that we have a new student! Can you come up to the front of the room and tell us a bit about yourself? In Spanish of course. This is a Spanish class, is it not?” Ok, now I understand where their lack of enthusiasm for this class came from. We're supposed to be learning Spanish, not try to come up with words that we have no idea how to say. This teacher can't teach. Good thing I'm already fluent in the language. > (Hi, my name is Brianna. I recently moved here from Washington. The state, not Washington, D.C., I have a boyfriend, for any of you who are interested in me. And one more thing, Zack is under my protection. If someone dares to hurt a hair on your head, you will pay the consequences. {Author’s Note~ I used google translate so please forgive any grammatical errors.♡} I skipped back to my seat with a smirk on my face. I looked the teacher in the eye and she only raised her eyebrow at me. A silent question of my little performance. I only smiled wider and leaned back in my seat. Zack leaned over and whispered, “I didn't know you could speak Spanish.” > (I can speak more than just Spanish) I said in German. “Did I ever tell you how hot you sound speaking a different language?” Zach asked, eyes brimming with lust.  > (Then I will speak it more) I smirked in French.  He bit his lip in an attempt to not kiss me and to not put his hands on me. *~* The next period, you guessed it, was Social Studies. As soon as I walked into the classroom, the teacher was glaring at me like I had killed her pet cat. “Ms. Savage, how wonderful of you to grace us with your presence, on time if I may add,” the teacher snarled. Had she been a werewolf, she’d be growling right about now, and had she been a witch, her glare would have me six feet under by now. For witches, a look can literally kill. Zach looked at me with a quizzical expression, wondering why a teacher would hate me so much, especially since it was only my second day of school. “Oh, did I forget to tell you? I’m now assigning seats. You can blame Ms. Savage for that.” She was almost smirking by the end. Everyone let out a groan as they got up to move to their assigned seats. By the time everyone was seated, you could tell what the purpose of the move was. I was on one side of the room while Zach was on the other. It was almost funny how h*llbent she was on getting revenge for the little stunt I had pulled yesterday. I’m telling you, this woman has anger management issues. We went through the whole class with the teacher trying to catch me off guard. She kept calling on me when my hand wasn’t raised, but it didn’t really affect me. I already knew all of this. What really got me though was when she started focusing her attention on Zach. She would ask him questions that she knew he couldn’t answer and smirk as he stuttered out the wrong answers. Only I could make him stutter and get all flustered. ‘How dare you! Let’s rip her head off! No, wait. First, we must cut every finger from her hands, then her hands, then each of her toes, then her foot, or do we cut off the toes first?’ Rosie contemplated. Let me tell. My wolf can be the most devilish little angel I know. She’s sweet until you piss her off. ‘Now, now, not yet. As much as I want to do exactly what you said and more, we can’t just kill her. Our mate is innocent and I plan on keeping him that way.” I argued. She calmed down slightly, she also didn’t want our mate losing his naivety. “Teacher!” I seethed. “Yes?” She asked, looking all innocent. “Leave him the f**k alone!” She turned on me with a glare and yelled, “Go to the principal’s office immediately!” “Fine!” I stormed out of the room, slamming the classroom door on my way out.
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