Chapter 17

617 Words
I scoured the room, looking for a table to sit at. There were some tables that had people waving us over, while others were practically shaking their heads in an attempt for us not to go over to them. I settled for a table in the back that only had three people sitting at a table for eight. They looked at us wide-eyed as I plopped my ass on the seat. Zach silently sat down and gave me a quizzical look. He, along with the one boy and two girls at the table, wondered why I chose this table. “It’s rude to stare,” I commented as I stuffed a couple of French fries into my mouth. The boy and girls immediately shifted their gazes back to their plates, but Zach didn’t even blink. I raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s not staring, it’s gazing.” He said, planting a kiss on my cheek. “Well, then it’s a good thing that I wasn’t referring to you.” I laughed, “I was referring to them.” I twisted in my seat and sent a glare around the room for emphasis. A lot of heads turned back to their table when they saw that they were caught staring. “But anyway, Brandon, Shayla, and Kay, my name is Bree. It’s nice to finally meet you.” I smiled, turning back to my table. Their jaws dropped open, practically to the table. “Y-y-you k-know our n-names?” Shayla gasped. She was a redhead with green eyes and was on the petite side. She wasn’t more than five feet tall. Kay had black hair and brown eyes, a lean build, and was about 5’4. Brandon towered over them at 5’9 and had blonde hair. He had light brown eyes and also looked to be fit. I couldn’t really tell because of the baggy clothes that he was wearing. “You ought to close your mouths before flies fly in, Blackweb,” I smirk. They went to close their mouths but dropped them as soon as they realized what I said. “H-how, how did you…” Shayla whispered, “Let’s just say I know things.” I laughed. Wide eyes greeted me and I took the pause as the perfect time to place an extra slice of pizza on Zach’s plate. When he went to protest, I sent him a look that smothered any sign of protest. He took the pizza and took a bite. After less than fifteen seconds it was gone. I knew he was hungry. I gave him another slice which he reluctantly started eating. Again it was gone. This boy! I eventually just slid my tray over and almost instantly half the tray was gone. I chuckled. “Anyway, Blackweb, Hot Trigger, and Shadowslayer, I want to propose an alliance.” “Alliance? You’re lucky I don’t kill you where you sit!” Brandon, a.k.a. Hot Trigger seethed. I heard he had quite a temper. Zach stood up at his words and slammed his hands on the table. “How dare you!” Zach yelled. “You know what, I’ll take care of you first, pretty boy,” Brandon growled. Well, not growl, because he was human but close enough. “Alright, alright! Let’s settle down.” I demanded as I had to almost shove Zach back into his seat, while Kay and Shayla got Brandon to calm down and sit. “Now where were we?”
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